

词条 洪俊杰


研究兴趣之一为国际贸易与跨国公司,相关成果发表在World Economy, International Business Review, China Economic Review等国际知名学术期刊。研究兴趣之二为企业选址与产业集聚,主要成果发表在Journal of Regional Science, Regional Studies, Urban Studies等国际著名学术期刊和《经济研究》等国内权威学术期刊。研究兴趣之三为运输与物流,主要成果发表在Transportation Research Part A, Transportation等该领域国际一流学术期刊。

研究成果被广泛引用,在美国运输与物流协会主办期刊Transportation Journal上发表的Logistics outsourcing by manufactures in China: A survey of the industry一文, SSCI引用率达22次(数据截止2010年12月),是中国物流和物流外包领域SSCI引用率最高的论文之一。



2001-2005 新加坡国立大学经济学系 博士

1998-2001 南开大学交通经济研究所 硕士

1994-1998 南开大学经济学系 本科


2011- 对外经贸大学国际经贸学院,副院长(主持工作)

2010-2011 对外经贸大学国际经贸学院,副院长

2009-2010, 对外经贸大学国际经贸学院,院长助理

2009- 对外经贸大学国际经贸学院,教授、博导

2007-2009, 对外经贸大学国际商学院, 双聘教授

2007-2008, 对外经贸大学国际经贸学院,副教授

2005-2006, 对外经贸大学国际经贸学院,讲师


Urban Economics, Business Economics, Chinese Economy

Supply Chain Management, Topics on Chinese Logistics








入选who is who in the world, who is who in Asia


China Economic Review, 2011 (forthcoming), 客座主编

Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 2008-2010,执行主编

Journal of International Business Studies, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Regional Studies, Urban Studies, Transportation Research Part E, Service Industries Journal, International Review of Economics and Finance, International Journal of Organizational Analysis等国际期刊匿名审稿人



接受《人民日报》海外版(2008年10月25日第 05 版,并被人民网等网站转载)、《神州学人》(2006年第12期)、《中国社会科学报》、中国教育电视台等媒体专访。作为优秀博士毕业生,在2007年新加坡国立大学向新加坡教育部的报告中被特别提及。



27. Wang C., Hong J.J., Kafouros, M., and Wright M. (2011), “Antecedents of outward FDI in emerging economies: direct and moderating effects of government involvement”, Journal of International Business Studies, (SSCI, Second-round Revision).

26. Wang C., Hong J.J. and Kafouros, M. (2011) “What Drives the Internationalization of Chinese Firms? Testing the Explanatory Power of Three Theoretical Frameworks”, forthcoming, International Business Review ( SSCI).

25. Sun X. and Hong J.J. (2011), “Exports, ownership and firm productivity: Evidence from China”, World Economy, 34, 1199-1215 (SSCI).

24. Yan D., Hong J.J. and Ren B. (2010), “Determinants of outward foreign direct investment by Chinese enterprises: An empirical study from institutional perspective”, Nankai Business Review International, 1(3), 237 - 253. (Lead article)

23. Hong J.J. (2008), WTO accession and foreign direct investment in China, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 1(2): 136-147.

22. Hong J.J. & Chin A. (2007), Modeling the location choices of foreign investments in Chinese logistics industry, China Economic Review, 18: 425-437. (SSCI)

21. Hong J.J. (2007), Location determents and patterns of foreign logistics services in Shanghai, China, Service Industries Journal, 27(4): 339-354. (Lead article) (SSCI)


20. Hong J.J. and Fu S. (2011), “Information and Communication Technologies and Geographic Concentration of Manufacturing Industries”, Urban Studies, 48(11), 2339-2354 (SSCI)

19. Fu S. and Hong J.J. (2011), “Testing urbanization economies in manufacturing industries: Urban diversity or urban size?” Journal of Regional Science, 51(3), 585-603 (SSCI)

18. Hong J.J. (2011), “Testing Geographic and Economic Distance of Agglomeration Economies”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 4(1), 55-59.

17. Hong J.J. (2009), Firm heterogeneity and location choices: evidence from foreign manufacturing investment in China, Urban Studies, 46(10): 2143-2157. (SSCI)

16. Chin A. and Hong J.J. (2009), “The location decisions of foreign logistics firms in China: Does transport network capacity matter?” in Peter Wilson (Eds.), Economic Policies and Social Welfare in the 21st Century, Singapore: Cengage Learning.

15. Hong J.J. (2007), Firm-specific effects on location decisions of FDI in China’s logistics industry, Regional Studies, 41(5): 673-683. (SSCI)


14. Hong J.J. Chu Z.and Wang Q. (2011), “Transport Infrastructure and Regional Economic Growth: Evidence from China”, Transportation, 38(5), 737-752. (SSCI)

13. Hong J.J. & Liu B.L. (2007), Logistics Development in China: A provider perspective, Transportation Journal, 46(2): 55-65. (SSCI)

12. Hong J.J., Chin A. & Liu B.L. (2007), Logistics service providers in China: Current status and future prospects, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing& Logistics. 19(2): 168-181.

11. Hong J.J. (2007), Transport and the location of foreign logistics firms: the Chinese experience, Transportation Research Part A, 41: 597-609. (SSCI)

10. Hong J.J., Chin A. & Liu B.L. (2004), Logistics outsourcing by manufactures in China: A survey of the industry, Transportation Journal, 43(1): 17-25. (SSCI)

9. Hong J.J., Chin A. & Liu B.L. (2004), Firms-specific characteristics and logistics outsourcing by Chinese manufacturers, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics, 16 (3): 23-36.


8. 2011年,博鳌亚洲论坛亚洲经济一体化进程2010年度报告,(中英文版,亚洲开发银行资助项目),总报告执笔人。

7. 2010年, 博鳌亚洲论坛亚洲经济一体化进程2009年度报告,(中英文版,亚洲开发银行资助项目),总报告执笔人。

6. 洪俊杰,“中国企业对外直接投资的决定因素:基于制度视角的经验分析” (与阎大颖、任兵合作),《南开管理评论》,2009年第6期

5. 洪俊杰,“企业规模、城市规模与集聚经济”(与傅十和合作),《经济研究》,2008年第11期

4. 洪俊杰,“服务业外商直接投资的选址问题”,《国际贸易问题》,2007年第1期

3. 洪俊杰,“关于服务业外商直接投资选址问题的个人见解”,《国际贸易问题》,2007年第5期

2. 洪俊杰,“中国现代物流市场发展调查”(与支燕合作),马力强、刘秉镰等主编《中国现代物流发展报告2006》,机械工业出版社2006年。

1. 洪俊杰,“经济全球化对城市的影响”,王海平、刘秉镰主编《港口与城市经济发展》,中国经济出版社2002年。



10. 2011-2013, 制度因素对我国利用外资和对外投资的影响,教育部“新世纪优秀人才”计划。

9. 2011-2013, 我国企业对外直接投资动因研究—母国制度的视角, 教育部人文社科项目,主持人(项目号:10YJA630058)。

8. 2011-2013,北京市企业国际化动因及影响研究,北京市社科项目,主持人(项目号:10BfjG346)。

7. 2011-2013, 国际运输与物流管理研究,对外经贸大学学术创新团队,带头人。

6、2008-2011, 中国企业对外直接投资战略与影响研究,教育部211工程课题,主持人(项目号:73200003)。










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