

词条 MOScone Center

Nearly 17 million visitors arrive in San Francisco each year, and a large number of them come to town for business at the Moscone Center, one of the premier convention facilities in the United States. With more then two million square feet of buildings and 700,000 square feet of meeting area, housed on some 20 acres, the Moscone Center is a magnet for every kind of conference, convention and other meeting activity for groups, organizations, industries and companies from around the globe. In any given year Moscone Center plays host to the likes of Linnux World, CTIA, Oracle, and MacWorld, and like the city of San Francisco itself, Moscone is always on the cutting edge, whether in facilities, services or the clientèle it attracts.

几乎每年有1.7亿个访客旧金山,并且他们大多数走向Moscone中心,在美国首要的大会设施其中之一。 当然后二百万平方英尺大厦和700,000平方英尺会议区域,大约有20英亩, Moscone中心世界各地是每一块磁铁会议、大小会议、组织、产业和公司的其他会议活动地方。 在所有特定年Moscone中心主场迎战Linnux世界、CTIA、Oracle和MacWorld,就像旧金山市本身一样, Moscone总是在最尖端,在设施、服务或者它方面吸引客户的。

2006年的JavaOne 大会于5月16日在美国旧金山的MOScone Center 举行






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