

词条 pink martini

一个来自美国 oregon 奥瑞冈州 Portland 波特兰市,



并且入围法国乐坛大奖『Les Victoires de la Musique』『音乐之光音乐奖』的『年度最佳歌曲』以及『最佳新人奖』,

并且夺得白金唱片,他们是 Pink Martini 红粉马汀尼!

红粉马丁尼Pink Martini于1994年成立于美国波特兰,是钢琴手Thomas M. Lauderdale组建了它。






Pink Martini这支多元的、富有天赋的、非常有趣的——被纽约客称作“美丽的”“成熟的”“令人兴奋异常的”乐队

带着《Hey Eugene!》这张充满了娴熟的创作技巧和不停歇的华丽宣泄的专辑回来了。


乐队的领导者、艺术指导和创建者Thomas Lauderdale解释道。

China Forbes性感幽雅的声音将Hey Eugene!娓娓道来——从像极黄金时代的好莱坞金曲Everywhere到法国式激情的Oja

专辑中文名称:Hey Eugene!



专辑歌手:[font color=#6b5a24]Pink Martini[/font]




01. Everywhere

02. Tempo Perdido

03. Mar Desconocido

04. Taya Tan

05. City of Night

06. Ojala

07. Bukra Wba'do

08. Cante e Dance

09. Hey Eugene!

10. Syracuse

11. Dosvedanya Mio Bombino

12. Tea For Two (featuring Jimmy Scott)



专辑歌手:Pink Martini



专辑类型:爵士 / 香颂 / 拉丁



这次要介绍的艺人比较特别,一来因为虽然他们因为法文歌曲而一举成名,在法国也有相当的知名度,并且也持续的在演唱法文歌曲,但深受法国人喜爱的他们却不是法国团体。第二,他们也是 巴黎 在介绍这么多艺人当中,有贴身采访并且聊天过的艺人!!他们就是 Pink Martini 红粉马汀尼!

这张《Sympathique》《轻松欢愉》翻唱各种曲风的老歌,从香颂、拉丁、爵士、轻古典、波丽露、老电影主题曲、到日本民谣都有,全都在他们巧手打造下,保留原本风味,却展现出既优雅且华丽但又清新的质感。其中由团长兼钢琴手 Thomas M.Lauderdale 与女主唱 China Forbes 共同谱写的〈Je Ne Veux Pas Travailler〉〈我不想工作〉,不但被选为雪铁龙汽车毕加索车系广告主题曲,这专辑中唯一的法文歌曲也打动了法国人的心,征服了他们的耳朵,除了攻占排行榜第十七名,也在二○○二年被众多法国巨星翻唱!!

『我不想要工作,我不要吃中饭,我只想要遗忘,所以我要抽烟。很久以前我就知道爱情的味道,像是百万朵玫瑰,闻起来却不是那么甜美。现在只要有朵花在我身边,我就感觉不对劲!』China 恍似回到一九五○年代的磁性歌声,与轻巧的钢琴揭开序幕,小编制的沙龙乐团,温馨但清脆回响的空心吉他,淡淡的 Cha Cha 风情,这里是巴黎这古城、这花都,某个慵懒的暖洋洋清晨,你有那么点低迷,因为捉摸不定的爱情,所以耍任性耍忧郁的靠在窗台,无意识的以目光扫射街头来往行人;坐在 Café de Flore 花神咖啡馆 或 Les Deux Magots 双叟咖馆 露天咖啡座上,点了根烟,但袅袅的烟雾却如心头烦闷萦绕不去。幸好这歌声,幸好这乐音,像 Café au Lait 上的柔润奶沫,香甜的解了一丝蓝色情绪。

Pink Martini这张Sympathique专辑的封面以法国艾菲尔铁塔为背景,加上前景中几个怎么看都像欧洲小鬼的溜冰者,使得整张专辑外观洋溢着浓厚的欧洲风味,然而,这个1994年成立于波特兰的音乐团体,却是道地道地的美国乐团。旁的不说,光团名就足已令人产生无限遐想,更何况整个乐团所呈现出的多元与国际化,不仅揉合了爵士、拉丁及古典乐曲的精神,更以一种奇幻的诠释方式来告诉乐迷,原来我们平日熟悉的乐曲,其实也可以具有许多不同的丰富面貌。

例如专辑中第九首改编自希腊民歌的【Never on Sunday】,低频的鼓音震波加上如怨如慕,如泣如诉的女声口白,请特别注意曲中两分十五秒时,那极富戏剧效果的叹息声;至于专辑中的【Sympathique】,则被法国雪铁龙车厂拿去做Picasso车型的广告配乐。【Que Sera Sera】是大伙儿耳熟能详的曲子,Pink Martini则将这首曲子表现得有些奇特。对我个人来说,那有点像是儿时旋转木马的变奏曲,而突兀的和弦采用,也许会让一些受过基本音乐训练的聆听者有些不惯,而使整首曲子带有些微迷离的幻觉。【La Soledad】在曲子开始的前一分多钟具有肖邦风格的浓厚古典气息,随后曲风一转,气宇轩昂的男声,立刻代入高贵的拉丁气质。之后,则化为拉丁与古典的深度对谈。倘使你对拉丁乐曲情有独锺,那么第六首与第七首曲子,无疑就是典型的代表。



01. Amado Mio [0:04:48.68]

02. No Hay Problema [0:06:12.09]

03. Sympathique [0:02:50.71]

04. Que Sera Sera [0:04:09.15]

05. La Soledad [0:05:40.08]

06. Donde Estas, Yolanda? [0:03:25.42]

07. Andalucia [0:03:39.32]

08. Song Of The Black Lizard [0:04:11.12]

09. Never On Sunday [0:04:57.54]

10. Brazil [0:05:20.38]

11. Lullaby [0:02:12.72]


专辑名称:Hang on Little Tomato

专辑歌手:Pink Martini




唱片公司:Naive Auvidis


《期待美梦成真》是红粉马丁尼阔别乐坛5年后的第二张生涯大碟。 在上一张《往日情怀》专辑大卖之后。在红粉马丁尼灵魂女主唱吉娜.福毕丝与钢琴手汤玛斯.劳德戴利的号召之下,重新加入了更多的国际乐手以及音乐家,因此,在新旧成员们的集思广益下,新型态的红粉马丁尼作品便诞生了。

专辑《期待美梦成真》除了保有《往日情怀》专辑中大家最爱的浪漫巴黎情怀外,以往出现的古巴骚沙和巴西的婆娑娜瓦节奏仍旧少不了,并保持着轻快、热情却不吵杂的舞曲型态。 此外令人感观为之一振的是专辑中所尝试的音乐新元素,例如专辑中的第一张国际单曲 《拿坡里之夜》(UNA NOTTE A NAPOLI)便结合了意大利民谣及骚沙节奏,成为了一首活力四射的嘉年华舞曲,而首曲《永不停止坠入爱河》(LET’S NEVER STOP FALLING IN LOVE)则是首令人瞬间摒息的古巴爵士以及专辑中的同名曲《期待美梦成真》(HANG ON LITTLE TOMATO)则是改编自意大利70年代的一首励志诗歌,由主唱吉娜.福毕丝以香颂般的温情口吻,悄悄道出:「继续坚持,总有一天美梦成真…」的道理。 专辑中众多的新风格也包含了首次尝试的日本演歌《Kikuchiyo to mohshimasu》以及融合了西班牙佛朗明哥的《U plavu zoru》内容十分的丰富。 对于曾经听过第一张专辑的人,这像是一次风格与视野的延伸。


1. Let's Never Stop Falling In Love

2. Anna (El Negro Zumbon)

3. Hang On Little Tomato

4. The Gardens Of Sampson & Beasley

5. Veronique

6. Dansez-vous

7. Lilly

8. Autrefois

9. U Plavu Zoru

10. Clementine

11. Una Notte A Napoli

12. Kikuchiyo To Mohshimasu

13. Aspettami

14. Song Of The Black Swan


专辑英文名: Splendor In The Grass

歌手: Pink Martini

音乐风格: 爵士

资源格式: FLAC

发行时间: 2009年10月27日

地区: 美国

语言: 英语


Pink Martini这支多元的、富有天赋的、非常有趣的——被纽约客称作“美丽的”“成熟的”“令人兴奋异常的”乐队带着这张充满了娴熟的创作技巧和不停歇的华丽宣泄的专辑回来了。“我们就像音乐建筑师一样,把世界各地的旋律结合以后产出现代感的音乐。”乐队的领导者、艺术指导和创建者Thomas Lauderdale解释道。 China Forbes性感幽雅的声音将娓娓道来——从像极黄金时代的好莱坞金曲Everywhere到法国式激情的Oja 。

一个来自美国 oregon 奥瑞冈州 Portland 波特兰市,拥有十四名团员的沙龙音乐团,没有国际唱片公司的庞大预算撑腰,却在竞争激烈的法国单曲排行榜上夺下第十七名的佳绩,并且入围法国乐坛大奖『Les Victoires de la Musique』『音乐之光音乐奖』的『年度最佳歌曲』以及『最佳新人奖』,并且夺得白金唱片,他们是 Pink Martini 红粉马汀尼!红粉马丁尼Pink Martini于1994年成立于美国波特兰,是钢琴手Thomas M. Lauderdale组建了它。由14位顶尖音乐好手所组成,包括人声、弦乐、管乐与打击乐器群;他们展现出的乐风是多元且国际化的!其音乐风格揉合爵士乐、古典乐及古巴音乐,让乐迷在聆赏的同时,仿佛置身于欧洲音乐厅、美国电影院与南美酒吧的微醺中!对红粉马丁尼乐团而言,他们以严肃的态度来制作音乐;然而音乐的表演方式却是可以不拘形式且令听众在充满惊奇的气氛中放松、享受!

The eclectic, acoustic-oriented sounds of Pink Martini have never been easy to categorize, but that hasn't prevented the Portland, OR-based band from acquiring a loyal, enthusiastic cult following. Some reviewers have considered Pink Martini to be a product of the neo-swing trend of the 1990s and have compared them to bands like the Squirrel Nut Zippers, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, and the Cherry Poppin' Daddies; however, Pink Martini have a much broader range of influences. And while most of the neo-swing acts that emerged in the 1990s favored a combination of jump blues and early rock & roll — sort of Louis Jordan and Big Joe Turner by way of Little Richard, Buddy Holly, and Chuck Berry — the diverse Pink Martini have offered a risk-taking blend of jazz (mainly swing), world music, cabaret, lounge, and 1940s-1950s film music. Pink Martini's influences are far-reaching, ranging from Cole Porter and Duke Ellington to French icon Edith Piaf to Latin greats such as Xavier Cugat, Beny Moré, and Tito Puente — and a variety of world music has affected them, including French chanson, Afro-Cuban salsa, Argentinean tango, Brazilian samba and bossa nova, Italian folk, Greek rembetiko, Middle Eastern music, and Asian music. Impressively, Pink Martini's lead singer, China Forbes (b. April 29, 1970, Cambridge, MA), has performed in at least ten different languages, including English, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, Greek, Arabic, and Japanese. In 2004, Pink Martini founder/pianist Thomas M. Lauderdale (b. July 14, 1970, Oakland, CA) articulated the band's global outlook perfectly when he said: "I think it's important to be a citizen of the world as opposed to being a citizen of this particular country. Part of that means studying other people's languages."

Lauderdale formed Pink Martini in 1994, hiring Forbes as the band's lead singer the following year. Neither Lauderdale nor Forbes is a native of Portland; Forbes, who grew up in Cambridge, met Lauderdale when both of them were attending Harvard University in the late '80s (she graduated in 1992). And Lauderdale lived in California and Indiana as a kid, although he spent his teens in Portland and moved back to Portland not long after graduating from Harvard. Forbes recorded a solo album, Love Handle, in 1995, but Pink Martini quickly became her main focus. Other members of Pink Martini have included Gavin Bondy on trumpet, Robert Taylor on trombone, Phil Baker on acoustic bass, Nicholas Crosa on violin, Brian Lavern Davis on drums and percussion, Timothy Nishimoto on percussion and vocals, and Derek Rieth and Martín Zarzar on percussion. Pink Martini's debut album, Sympathique, was released on their own independent label, Heinz Records, in 1997; they went on to release their second album, Hang on Little Tomato, on Heinz in 2004 and their third album, Hey Eugene!, on Heinz in 2007. The following year, Heinz released Forbes' second solo album, '78, which was a major departure from her work with Pink Martini and favored an introspective adult alternative approach along the lines of Natalie Merchant and Sarah McLachlan. 2009 was a busy year for the band, with the concert DVD Discover the World: Live in Concert, which showed how Pink Martini spent most of their 2008, arriving that summer; the album Splendor in the Grass, which featured collaborations with Chavela Vargas and the Dandy Warhols' Courtney Taylor-Taylor, appeared that fall.


01. Ninna Nanna

02. Ohayoo Ohio

03. Splendor in the Grass

04. Ou est ma tete?

05. And Then You're Gone

06. But Now I'm Back

07. Sunday Table

08. Over the Valley

09. Tuca Tuca

10. Bitty Boppy Betty

11. Sing

12. Piensa en mi

13. New Amsterdam

14. Ninna Nanna (Reprise)





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