

词条 Coldharbour Sessions 05

DJ:Markus Schulz

专辑:Coldharbour Sessions 05




继2004年发表叫好又叫座的Prog.Trance混音专辑Coldharbour Sessions后,来自北美的强劲势力DJ Markus Schulz再接再厉,今年再次推出第二版Coldharbour Sessions (Miami 05),继续捍卫Prog.Trance的大旗。今年舞曲风向标指往电气化的Electro House及Prog.Breaks,以Sasha和John Digweed为首的许多大牌DJ发新片都走这条路线,听久了难免觉得冰冷而机械,但Markus带给我们的却是一股清新的暖流,绝妙的音色及踏实的鼓击让人沉醉其中,倍感舒适,实在是一张令人击节的超强混音辑!

Disc: 1

1. Blue Tubes (Intro Mix) - Hydroid

2. I Found You (Harry Lemon Remix) - Interstate

3. ''3579 KM'' - Kalafut & Fygle

4. Baltic Sea - Hammer & Bennett

5. Soul Dimension - Fluid In Motion

6. Close Enough (Noel Sanger Mix) - Keo

7. Heaven Drops - Jose Amnesia presents Tiffany

8. Let The Light In - Lens

9. Free Yourself - Aronek

10. In The End - Ave Mea

11. Quarter Century - Jagermaestro

12. I Know You''re Gone - Max Graham featuring Jessica Jacobs

Disc: 2

1. Fanatic - Bakke & Ljungqvist

2. Sublimate - Steve May

3. Sorrow - Sundawner

4. Eighties (Original Remix) - Yilmaz Altanhan

5. A Dream Came Through - Nikola Gala

6. What - Attention Deficit

7. Electro Hairspray - Markus Schulz

8. Yael - Jellisimo

9. Connected (Santiago Nino Remix) - Ozgur Can

10. Space Guitar - Mike Foyle presents Statica

11. A Little Hazy Morning - Progresia presents Sokaya

12. Language - Hammer & Bennett





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