

词条 齐忠权

齐忠权 教授、博士生导师瑞典隆德大学博士毕业。现任厦门大学器官移植研究所所长、厦门大学医学院副院长、厦门大学医院执行院长,同时兼任哈尔滨医科大学教授、博士生导师、国际器官移植协会会员、国务院侨办第二届海外咨询委员会委员、福建省器官移植协会副主任委员、厦门市医学会常务理事。



教 育 情况

1979-1984 哈尔滨医科大学医疗系读大学

1994-1999 瑞典隆德大学医学院读博士

1999-2001 瑞典隆德大学马尔默医院博士后

工 作 经历

1984-1991 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院外科:住院医师和助教

1991-1993 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院外科:主治医师和讲师

1993-1999 瑞典隆德大学马尔默医院外科:外科博士,客座医生

1999-现在 瑞典隆德大学马尔默医院移植外科:研究员,移植专家

2000-现在 哈尔滨医科大学,教授。

2003-现在 哈尔滨医科大学博士生导师

2005-现在 广西医科大学名誉教授

2006-现在 厦门大学医学院教授,厦门大学医学院副院长,厦门大学器官移植研究所所长

2008-现在 厦门大学医院院长。

获 奖 情况

1991 黑龙江省科技进步一等奖:“部分脾脏切除术”

1993 黑龙江省科技进步一等奖:“世界首例父子间异体劈裂脾移植”

1995 瑞典科技年会奖:“抗CD4单克隆抗体对大鼠心脏移植的抗排研究”

2006 2006年入典美国医学卫生保健世界名人传记《Who’s Who In Medicine And Healthcare》第7版年鉴。

2008 福建省高校优秀共产党员












(1) The development of new compounds which inhibit the acute rejection using rat heart transplant model. (Active Biotech AB, Lund, Sweden 2001-2004) 经费150, 000美元

(2) Tutor for the international course of microsurgery, and scientific adviser (DiLab, Lund, Sweden 2003-2006) 经费30, 000美元

(3) Initial inhibition of tissue factor signalling reduces chronic vascular changes in isogenic rat aortic transplants. (Novo Nordisk, Denmark 2003-2006) 经费60, 000美元


(1) 活体肾脏移植的系列研究

(厦门大学科研启动经费 2007-2011)经费300万人名币

(2) 胰岛细胞和肾脏移植治疗糖尿病肾病的研究

(福建省卫生科技联合攻关项目 2008-2011)经费30万人民币

(3) 抗CD40-L和抗LFA-1单抗在预防异种胰岛移植排斥中的作用

(厦门市科技项目 2009-2011)经费10万人民币

(4) 板蓝根组酸单体抗肿瘤及抗器官移植排斥双重作用的研究







作者:齐忠权 Henrik Ekberg(瑞典)

Wolters Kluwer Health Co.Ltd 于2009年12月出版


Junjie Xia,1 Jibing Chen,2 Wei Shao,1 Tianshu Lan,1 Yongzhi Wang,1 Baiyi Xie, 1 Henrik Thorlacius,3 Feng Tian,2 Ruxin Huang,4 Zhongquan Qi, Suppressing memory T cell activation induces islet allograft tolerance in alloantigen-primed mice. Transplant International. (*通讯作者)(accepted 2010)Feng Wang, Jibing Chen, Wei Shao, Baiyi Xie, Yongzhi Wang, Tianshu Lan, Henrik Thorlacius, Zhongquan Qi. Anti-CD44 Monoclonal Antibody Inhibits Heart Transplant Rejection Mediated by Alloantigen-primed CD4+Tm in Nude Mice. Transplant Immunology. (*通讯作者)(accepted 2010)Lan Tianshu, Chen Jibing, Kang Xiangpeng, Wang Feng, Wang Yongzhi, Xia Junjie, Qi Zhongquan. Pre-contact of tolerance circumstance protect the allograft from attacking by memory T cells. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology (*通讯作者)(accepted 2010)Xiangpeng Kang, Jibing Chen, Qing Qin, Feng Wang, Yongzhi Wang,Tianshu Lan, Shuo Xu, Feiyu Wang, Junjie Xia, Henrik Ekberg, Zhongquan Qi, Zhongchen Liu. Isatis tinctoria L. combined with co-stimulatory molecules blockade prolongs survival of cardiac allografts in alloantigen-primed mice. Transpl Immunol. (*通讯作者)(accepted 2010)Baiyi Xie, Jibing Chen, Feng Wang, Tianshu Lan, Yongzhi Wang, Junjie Xia, Zhi Li, Qingxiang Xie, Ruxin Huang, Zhongquan Qi. Monoclonal Antibody Treatment to Prolong the Secondary Cardiac Allograft Survival in Alloantigen-primed Mice. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. (*通讯作者)(accepted 2010)Liang H, Liao C, Qi Z, Sha C, Xie B, Chen J, Xia J, Wang Y, Yao Q, Zhao Y. Rapamycin or tacrolimus alone fails to resist cardiac allograft accelerated rejection mediated by alloreactive CD4(+) memory T cells in mice. Transpl Immunol. 2009; [Epub ahead of print]Hua Liang, Yongxiang Zhao, Zhonggui San, Chongxian Liao, Chuang Sha, Baiyi Xie, Jibing Chen, Junjie Xia, Yongzhi Wang, Zhongquan Qi(通讯作者). The recall alloresponse following retransplantation is more intense compared with the T cell memory-transfer model.Immunol Invest, 2010 (accepted, manuscript ID: LIMM-2009-0045)Zhao Y, Zhang S ,Zhou J, Wang J, Zhen M, Liu Y, Chen J, Qi Z*. The Development of a Tissue-Engineered Artery Using Decellularized Scaffold and Autologous Ovine Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Biomaterials 2009 Oct ; 31:296–307.(IF=6.6) (*通讯作者)Chen X, Shao W, Chen J, Zhang L, Corbascio M, Shi-Guang S and Qi Z*. Allotransplantation of Sulphate Glucomannan-Alginate Barium (SGA) –Microencapsulated Rat Islets for the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. Immunological investigation 2009 July; 38:1-11. (*通讯作者)Xie B, Chen J, Xia J, Wang Y, Liang H, Henrik E, Matthias C and Qi Z*. Combined Costimulation Blockade Inhibits Accelerated Rejection Mediated by Alloantigen-Primed Memory T cells in Mice. Immunological investigation 2009 Oct;38:1-13. (*通讯作者)Wang Y, Chen J, Qin Q, Kuang X, Xia J, Xie B, Wang F and Qi Z*. Synergistic Effects of Isatidis and Tacrolimus in the Prevention of Acute Heart Rejection in Mice. Transplantation immunology 2009 Sep;22:5-11. (*通讯作者)Eriksson T, Wallin R, Hoglund P, Roth B, Qi Z, Ostraat O, Bjorkman S. Low bioavailability of rectally administered thalidomide. Am J Health Syst Pharm.2000 ; 57(17): 1607-10.Oderup C, Malm H, Ekberg H, Qi Z, Veress B, Ivars F, Corbascio M. Costimulation blockade-induced cardiac allograft tolerance: inhibition of T cell expansion and accumulation of intragraft cD4(+)Foxp3(+) T cells. Transplantation. 2006 15; 82(11): 1493-500.Zhang L, Qi Z, Shan S, Wu D, Sun Y, Ekberg H. The effects of leflunomide and FK 506 on rejection of xenografts in rat-to-mouse. Scand J Immunol. 2004; 59(3): 255-60.Zaina S, Pettersson L, Thomsen AB, Chai CM, Qi Z, Thyberg J, Nilsson J. Shortened life span, bradycardia, and hypotension in mice with targeted expression of an Igf2 transgene in smooth muscle cells. Endocrinology 2003 ; 144(6): 2695-703. Corbascio M, Mahanty H, Osterholm C, Qi Z, Pearson TC, Larsen CP, Freise CE, Ekberg H. Anti-lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 monoclonal antibody inhibits CD40 ligand-independent immune responses and prevents chronic vasculopathy in CD40 ligand-deficient mice. Transplantation 2002 ;74(1):35-41.Corbascio M, Ekstrand H, Osterholm C, Qi Z, Simanaitis M, Larsen CP, Pearson TC, Riesbeck K, Ekberg H. CTLA4Ig combined with anti-LFA-1 prolongs cardiac allograft survival indefinitely. Transpl Immunol. 2002 ; 10(1): 55-61.Österholm C, Qi Z, Ekberg J, Veress B, Pyke C, Hedner U, Ekberg H. Initial inhibition of tissue factor signalling reduces chronic vascular changes in isogenic rat aortic transplants. Am J Transplantation 2001 ; 1(1): 29-37.Eriksson T, Wallin R, Hoglund P, Roth B, Qi Z, Ostraat O, Bjorkman S. Low bioavailability of rectally administered thalidomide. Am J Health Syst Pharm.2000 ; 57(17): 1607-10.M Olausson, D Lukes, J Norrby, Qi Z, Ekberg H, Gannedahl G, Tufvesson G, Mjörnstedt L. Antithymocyte Globulin and Cyclosporine A are Synergistic in an Experimental Transplantation Tolerance Model in the Rat. Scand J Immunol .1999; 49(1): 38-44.Qi Z, Tufveson G, Ekberg H. Tolerance or rejection : A delicate balance as judged by exposure of heart-transplanted rats to the immunomodulator Linomide. Scand J Immunol. 1999; 50(4): 394-8.Qi Z, Simanaitis M, Ekberg H. Malononitrilamides and tacrolimus additively prevent acute rejection in rat cardiac allografts.Transpl Immunol. 1999; 7(3): 169-75.Östraat Ö, Qi Z, Tufveson G, Hedlund G, Ekberg H. The effects of leflunomide and cyclosporin A on rejection of cardiac allograft in rat. Scand.J.Immuno. 1998; 48(4): 379-88.Petersson E, Qi Z, Hedlund G, Ekberg H. Activation of donor-specific CTL in a tolerant recipient of cardiac allograft. Cell Immunol. 1998; 189(1):19-24.Qi Z, Ekberg H. Malononitrilamides prevent and suppress allospecific antibody production. Transplant Proc. 1998 ; 30(8): 3980. Qi Z, Ekberg H. Malononitrilamides 715 and 279 prolong rat cardiac allograft survival, reverse ongoing rejection, inhibit allospecific antibody production and interact positively with cyclosporin. Scand J Immunol. 1998; 48(4): 379-88.Qi Z, Simanaitis M, Ekberg H. Malononitrilamides 715 and 279 prevent accelerated cardiac allograft rejection synergistically with cyclosporin A in presensitized rats. Transpl Immunol. 1998; 6(2): 94-100.Östraat Ö, Qi Z, Olausson M, Tufveson G, Ekberg H. Mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine and cyclophosphamide enhanced efficacy combined with cyclosporine in rat cardiac transplantation. Scand J Immunol. 1997; 45(4): 343-8.Petersson E, Qi Z, Ekberg H, Ostraat O, Dohlsten M, Hedlund G. Activation of alloreactive natural killer cells is resistant to cyclosporine. Transplantation 1997 27; 63(8): 1138-44.Qi Z, Riesbeck K, Östraat Ö, Tufvesson G, Ekberg H. Single dose anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody therapy for induction of tolerance to cardiac allografts in high- and low-responder rat strains. Transpl Immunol. 1997; 5(3): 204-11.. Bjorkman S, Fyge A, Qi Z. Determination of the steady state tissue distribution of midazolam in the rat. J Pharm Sci. 1996; 85(8): 887-9.Östraat Ö, Riesbeck K, Qi Z, Eriksson T, Schatz H, Ekberg H. Thalidomide prolonged graft survival in a rat cardiac transplant model but had no inhibitory effect on lymphocyte function in vitro. Transpl Immunol. 1996 ; 4(2): 117-25.33. Bojrup M, Qi Z, Bjorkman S, et al. Bioavailability of cyclosporine in rats after intragastric administration: a comparative study of the L2-phase and two other lipid-based vehicles. Transpl Immunol. 1996; 4(4): 313-7

Östraat Ö, Qi Z, Olausson M, Gannedahl G, Tufveson G, Ekberg H. Additive immunosuppressive effect of combined mycophenolate mofetil and cyclosporin A in experimental rat cardiac transplantation. Transplant Proc.1995; 27(6): 3540.Östraat Ö, Qi Z, Gannedahl G, Tufveson G, Ekberg H. Moderate additive immunosuppressive effect of thalidomide combined with cyclosporin A in rat cardiac transplantation. Transpl Immunol. 1996; 4(3): 241-6.姜洪池; 李广华; 吴业权; 曲英贵; 单世光; 齐忠权; 刘杰; 武林枫; 王阿丽; 夏穗生。脾被膜移植的规则性部分脾切除术(附18例报告)。中华实验外科杂志,1991,(03).张树才,单世光,宋东,齐忠权,洪大卫,薛兴文,侯全吉,魏林玉。对脾手术若干问题的探讨。哈尔滨医科大学学报,1992,(03).齐忠权,单世光,王国卿,姜洪池,李智勋,吴业权,李广华。部分脾切除术脾断面处理的实验研究。中华实验外科杂志 ,1992,9(1)乔海泉,单世光,姜洪池,齐忠权,吴业权,张树才,侯利民。非门脉相续性部分脾脏移植的研究。 中华实验外科,1994,11(1)





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