

词条 言语动词的隐喻性评价研究


出版社: 中山大学出版社; 第1版 (2009年7月1日)

平装: 270页

正文语种: 简体中文, 英语

开本: 32

ISBN: 9787306033437

条形码: 9787306033437

尺寸: 20.8 x 14.2 x 1.6 cm

重量: 299 g


金娜娜(1977- ),贵州贵阳人。1999年毕业于贵州大学外语系,获学士学位;2002年于江西师范大学外国语学院毕业,获英语语言文学硕士学位:2005年从厦门大学英语语言文学专业毕业,获博士学位。现为深圳大学外国语学院硕士生导师。研究方向为系统功能语言学、认知语言学和话语分析。曾先后在《外语教学与研究》、《外语教学》等国家级核心刊物上发表论文多篇,主编教材两部,参与翻译《麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典》,并多次参加国内外相关学术会议并宣读论文,为中国功能语言学学会理事。已经主持完成深圳大学社科课题一项、教研课题一项,现主要负责深圳大学精品课程建设项目。












List of Figures and Tables


1 The background of the research

2 The research purposes and significance

3 The research methodology and data collection

4 The organization of this book

Chapter 1 Previous Studies of Speech Verbs and Evaluation

1.1 Introduction

1.2 The definition of speech verbs

1.3 Four major approaches to speech verbs

1.3.1 The first major approach: the traditional approach

1.3.2 The second major approach: Speech Act Theory

1.3.3 The third major approach: statistics

1.3.4 The fourth major approach: Systemic Functional Grammar

1.4 Two major approaches to evaluation

1.4.1 The philosophical approach

1.4.2 The linguistic approach

1.4.3 Two major linguistic frameworks of evaluation

1.5 The shortcomings of previous studies

1.6 Summary

Chapter 2 Speech Verbs and the Reporting Nature

2.1 Introduction

2.2 A new classification of speech verbs

2.3 The syntactic properties of speech verbs

2.3.1 The addresser: Sayer

2.3.2 The addressee: Receiver

2.3.3 Sentence frames

2.3.4 "Wh-" words

2.4 The reporting nature of speech verbs

2.4.1 Speech verbs and reporting

2.4.2 Direct speech and indirect speech

2.4.3 The performative function of reporting.

2.5 The performances of speech verbs

2.5.1 Speech verbs and a speaker/writer's responsibility

2.5.2 Speech verbs as hearsay markers

2.6 Summary

Chapter 3 Metaphoric Evaluation

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Grammatical metaphor: the basis of metaphoric evaluation

3.2.1 Ideational metaphor

3.2.2 Interpersonal metaphor

3.3 Two motivations of metaphoric evaluation

3.3.1 Speech verbs' features of expressing evaluative meanings

3.3.2 Realizing interpersonal metaphor through speech verbs

3.4 The topological interpretation of interpersonal metaphor

3.5 Summary

Chapter 4 A Study of Speech Verbs Below the Clause

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Speech experience and speech verbs

4.2.1 From a sequence to a figure

4.2.2 From a figure/sequence to an element

4.2.3 From a figure to another kind of figure

4.3 Two relations of speech verbs' meanings and the software WordNet

4.3.1 Entailment

4.3.2 Troponymy

4.3.3 WordNet: setting up a topological structure of speech verbs

4.4 The method of identifying speech verbs' evaluative meanings

4.5 Summary

Chapter 5 A Study of Speech Verbs Above the Clause and Beyond the Clause

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Features of speech verbs cross-process and cross-function

5.2.1 Verbal and behavioral processes

5.2.2 Verbal and mental processes

5.2.3 Verbal and relational processes

5.3 The evaluative analysis of speech verbs in news reporting: above the clause

5.3.1 Words Location: a software designed for this research

5.3.2 The cognitive analysis of news reporting's foundation

5.3.3 The similarities of news reporting and conversation reporting

5.3.4 The analysis of speech verbs in news reporting: above the clause

5.4 The evaluative analysis of speech verbs in courtroom discourse: above the clause

5.4.1 The evaluative analysis of speech verbs in opening statements

5.4.2 The evaluative analysis of speech verbs in direct examinations

5. 5 The studies of speech verbs beyond the dause

5.5.1 The tense of speech verbs and evaluation

5.5.2 A case study of say beyond the clause

5. 6 Summary


Appendix 1 The Classification of 236 Speech Act Verbs by Wierzbicka

Appendix 2 The Senses of Apply Given by WordNet 2. 0

Appendix 3 The Application of Words Location

Appendix 4 Sample Concordance Lines for Say

Appendix 5 Data Samples






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