词条 | 欧美文学名篇选读 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社; 第1版 (2006年11月1日) 丛书名: 高等学校英语拓展系列教程 平装: 345页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787560059891 条形码: 9787560059891 尺寸: 24.1 x 18.5 x 0.8 cm 重量: 939 g 内容简介《欧美文学名篇选读》内容丰富,兼具浓度与广度:选篇涵盖从古希腊至二十世纪末期欧美著名作家的代表作品;文本体裁包括戏剧、诗歌、小说、散文等。《欧美文学名篇选读》编排合理,脉络清楚:全书按年代顺序编排,清晰呈现欧美文学发展历程。每章先介绍某一时期的文学概貌,之后通过“作家介绍”、“选文提要”、“难点注释”、“作品赏析”、“思考问题”等形式引导读者理解和欣赏这一时期主要作家的代表作品。 目录Chapter1 Ancient European Literature Homer(flourished 9th or 8th century BC?) Iliad Sophocles(496?-406BC) Oedipus the King Chapter2 European Literature of the Middle Ages Dante Alighieri(1265-1321) The Divine Comedy Giovanni Boccaccio(1313-1375) The Decameron Geoffrey Chaucer(1340?-1400) The Canterbury Tales English Ballads Get Up and Bar the Door Chapter3 European Literature of the Renaissance Francesco Petrarch(1304-1374) The Eyes That Drew from Me Miguel de Cervantes(1547-1616) Don Quixote William Shakespeare(1564-1616) Hamlet Sonnet18 Sonnet29 Francis Bacon(1561-1626) Of Studies Chapter4 Seventeenth-Century European Literature John Donne(1572-1631) The Flea John MILTON(1608-1674) Paradise Lost Moliere(1622-1673) Tartuffe,or,The Imposter Chapter5 Eighteenth-Century European Literature Daniel Defoe(1660?-1731) Robinson Crusoe Jonathan Swift(1667-1745) A Modest Proposal Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749-1832) The Sorrows of Young Werther Chapter6 Euro-American Poetry of the Romantic Period William Blake(1757-1827) The Chimney Sweeper(II) Robert Burns(1759-1796) A Red,Red Rose My Heart‘s in the Highlands William Wordsworth(1770-1850) She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways The Solitary Reaper I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud George Gordon Byron(1788-1824) She Walks in Beauty Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822) Ode to the West Wind John Keats(1795-1821) Ode to a Nightingale Ealt Allan Poe(1809-1849) To Helen Walt Wllan Poe(1819-1892) O Captain!My Captain! Emily Dickinson(1830-1886) Success I Died fof Beauty I’m Nobody Chapter7 Euro-American Fiction and Drama of the Nineteenth Century Chapter8 Euro-American literature of the Twentieth Century Bibliography. |
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