词条 | 记忆传承与重构:论汤亭亭小说中族裔身份构建 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社; 第1版 (2009年1月1日) 丛书名: 现代外语教学研究著作丛书 平装: 206页 正文语种: 简体中文 开本: 32 ISBN: 9787560325002, 7560325009 条形码: 9787560325002 尺寸: 20 x 13.8 x 1.4 cm 重量: 222 g 内容简介《记忆传承与重构:论汤亭亭小说中族裔身份构建》分析汤亭亭的作品中华裔美国人的身份认证问题。探讨她的小说是如何通过人物关系、情节发展、写作手法等揭示文化系统对人物身份构建的意义和作用方式,进而推及美国社会中华裔族群的身份构建问题。 《记忆传承与重构:论汤亭亭小说中族裔身份构建》将文化理论与媒介、历史、意识形态结合,分析汤亭亭的文本中华裔男性身份构建问题。个体的身份构建取决于多种因素。从社会历史背景、个人文化背景、种族特征以及个体与社团的关系几个方面入手,分析汤亭亭文本中这些线索是如何决定其小说人物的身份构建的,推而广之,了解少数族裔男性身份构建中的种种关键因素。 《记忆传承与重构:论汤亭亭小说中族裔身份构建》在吸收和借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,为汤亭亭的作品及华裔文学研究提出了较新观点,为今后此方面的深入研究奠定了一定的基础。 目录Chapter 1 An Overview of Chinese American Literature 1.1 General Overview of Chinese Americans in the U.S 1.2 The Emergency and Exuberance of Chinese American Literature 1.3 Maxine Hong Kingston as the Leading Figure of Chinese Americal Literature 1.4 Studies on Maxine Hong Kingston's Works 1.5 The Identity Politics in Kingston's Works Chapter 2 Fictionlized History:Historical Writing as Counter-discourse 2.1 Ethmic History and Individual Identity 2.2 Photography and Minority Historical Documentation 2.3 Kingston's Fictionalized Accoubt of Herf Ethnic History 2.4 Manipulation of the Whites and the Absence of the Chinese Americans 2.5 The History of Chinese Americans and the Personal Photos-A Past Deliberately Forgotten 2.6 Photos as a Means of Propaganda-The Demonized Cihinese American Chapter 3 The Pressure of Assimilatio-Movie as the Message 3.1 The Magnified Physical Features-The Interaction between Ethnical Identity and Screen Image 3.2 The Cinematic Depictions of Chinese Americans and the Effects 3.3 The Impulse of Imitation and the Pressure of Assimilation-The Semiotic Persuasion 3.4 The Interplay of Ethmicity and Gender and Its Effect on the Identity Formation Chapter 4 Breaking the Silence-Oral Narrative in Kingston's Text 4.1 The Significance of Story-telling 4.2 The Inheritance adn Reinvention of Chinese Traditional Oral Culture 4.3 The Features of Oral Narrative-interactiveness and Participativeness 4.4 The Imetation of Oral Narrative Structure in China Men 4.5 The Omniscient Motherly Narrator-Guanyin 4.6 The Texts Full of Sounds and Fury Chapter 5 Pear Garden in the West 5.1 Theater as The Convergence of Heterogeneous Discourses 5.2 Theater as Identity-shaping Force 5.3 Chinese Stofry-telling Tradition as the Journey 5.4 Theater as a Sign of Cultural Regeneration 5.5 Theater as the Chmmunal Effort Chapter 6 Conclusions Notes Appendices References |
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