词条 | 新世纪英语介词用法词典 |
释义 | 收集、解释了英语中的所有常用介词和介词词组,分析、讲解了介词在句子中的位置和句法功能。 提供了介词与常用名词、动词、形容词等的搭配用法,并辅以丰富的典型用法例句。理解、掌握介词,查考介词短语,通晓介词用法,丰富语法知识的实用介词小百科。适合于大、中学生及英语爱好者使用;也可供英语教师和其他英语工作者参考。 书名:新世纪英语介词用法词典 作者:童之侠 ISBN:7801032462 类别:外语 > 英语 > 语法 出版社:商务印书馆国际有限公司 出版时间:2002年1月 开本:32开 基本信息作者:童之侠 出版社:商务印书馆国际有限公司 出版日期:2002年1月 ISBN:7-80103-246-2/H.61 页数:582 定价:¥28.0 简介介词( preposition )是英语中用得最多的词类之一。介词是一种起媒介作用的虚词,表示句子中词与词之间的关系,介词的数量虽然不多,但是用法灵活多样,可以表达多种不同的意思,搭配能力非常强。实践证明,对介词掌握的程度明显地影响听、说、读、写、译的速度与质量。掌握英语介词的用法是学习英语的基本功,同时也是学习英语的重点和难点之一。在各级各类的英语考试中,对介词的测试也占有相当大的比例。因此,熟悉英语介词的用法可以说是学好英语的一个关键。 本书收集、解释了英语中的所有常用介词和介词词组,分析、讲解了介词在句子中的位置和句法功能。 提供了介词与常用名词、动词、形容词等的搭配用法,并辅以丰富的典型用法例句。本书的读者对象为高等院校各专业的学生、中学生以及广大英语爱好者,也可供英语教师和其他英语工作者参考。 特色对于介词的掌握主要包括两个方面。首先是要熟练掌握常用介词的各种不同的基本意思和用法。其次是要熟悉介词与常用词的搭配和所构成的词组的含义。针对这两个方面,《新世纪英语介词用法词典》分上篇和下篇两部分。上篇是常用介词用法例解,包括所有常用介词的基本用法。词条的每个词义之后都附有典型例句作为示范。对于一些重点和难点,书中作了特别的说明。许多介词之后附有以这个介词开头的成语,有的还附有常放在这个介词前的一些动词、名词或形容词,以便读者了解这个介词常与哪些词搭配。下篇为常用动词、名词、形容词与介词的搭配。为了节省篇幅,下篇以词组作为范例。本书的附录还介绍了介词的位置、介词短语的构成、介词短语的句法功能等有关介词的语法知识。 本书选用具有权威性和新颖性的材料,反映了语言学研究的新成果和新观点,在内容和形式上都有所创新,具有较高的理论价值和实用价值。 目录前言 体例说明 上篇 常用介词用法例解 abaft aboard about above according to across across from afore after against ahead of a la along along with alongside alongside of amid/amidst among/amongst apart from apropos of around as as against as for as from as of as opposed to as per as regards as to aside from aslant astraddle astride at at home in at intervals of at the back/rear of at the beginning of at the bottom of at the end of at the time of at the top of at variance with athwart atop away from back of bar barring because of before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond but but for by by dint of by means of by virtue of by way of circa close to con concerning considering contrary to cum depending on despite down due to during ere except except for excepting excluding exclusive of failing following for for fear of for the sake of fore from given in in accordance with in addition to in between in case of in comparison with in connection with in consequence of in contrast to/with in disregard of in favour of in for in front of in keeping with in league with in lieu of in light of in line with in place of in point of in regard to in relation to in respect to in spite of in terms of in the front of in the middle/midst of in the wake of in view of in with including inside instead of into irrespective of less like minus near near to next next to nigh notwithstanding of off on on account of on behalf of on board on the eve of on the ground of on the point of on the strength of on top of onto opposed to opposite other than out out of outside outside of over over against owing to past pending per plus preparatory to previous to prior to pro pursuant to qua rather than re regarding regardless of respecting round save save for since subsequent to than thanks to through throughout till times to together with touching toward/towards under underneath unless unlike until unto up up against up for up to up until upon versus via vice vis-a-vis wanting what with with with regard to with respect to with the aid of with the exception of within without without regard to worth 下篇 常用词与介词搭配 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 附录 一.介词的位置 二.介词短语的构成 三.介词短语的句法功能 |
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