词条 | Kung Fu Fighting |
释义 | 简介70年代初期,中国功夫和Disco舞曲是二种波及欧美主流国家的新热潮。 中国功夫作为亚洲元素的代表,在西方人眼中具有奇异但让他们热血沸腾的特质。当然,这全应归功于大神李小龙。1971年,李小龙回港拍摄了第一部新派功夫电影《唐山大兄》。这部电影,成了香港电影的救市之作,更开创了一门世界电影史都必须承认的类别,中国(香港)功夫电影。到了李小龙的第三、四部电影《猛龙过江》(1972)和《龙争虎斗》(1973)时,因拍摄的外景场地和班底趋于国际化,让好莱坞等欧美电影发行商注意到李小龙功夫电影的独特魅力。至此,西方人狂热的爱上了李小龙这种硬桥硬马的真功夫电影及片中所体现出惩恶扬善的个人英雄主义,“中国功夫”这一独特的文化元素也开始被西方人熟识并学习。而李小龙强调的“用中国人的方法做外国人做不到的事”,或许也是其在西方独占一席,现今更仍是中国影人进入国际影业捷径的基点。 70—80年代,也是Disco舞曲的鼎盛时期。这种带有自我解放及反抗意识的新节奏(当时)舞曲,是生活不可或缺的一部分。那时的john travolta还是舞会王子,他着小喇叭裤的标志性舞步,带动整个Disco风潮的热力四射。由他主演的电影《Saturday Night Fever》可以看到70年代的各式代表性符号和全民皆舞的Disco疯狂。 正是在这种双重背景下,《Kung Fu Fighting》诞生了。 歌词版本一:最原始的Kung Fu Fighting 功夫高手歌词歌手:Carl Douglas 翻译by:九世莲华 Oh-oh-oh-oh... Everybody was kung-fu fighting 每个人都是功夫高手 Those kicks were fast as lightning 飞蹴疾如闪电 In fact it was a little bit frightning 尽管这有些惊险 But they fought with expert timing 搏斗中他们都熟练掌握着最佳时机 They were funky China men 这是一群好玩的中国人 from funky Chinatown 来自奇异的的唐人街 They were chopping them up and 他们手刀砍来 they were chopping them down 他们手刀砍去 It's an ancient Chineese art 这是古老的中国艺术 and everybody knew their part 地球人都知道 From a feint into a slip 正当你以为他们就要滑倒 and kicking from the hip 没想到转身就踹向你的屁股 Everybody was kung-fu fighting 每个人都是功夫高手 Those kicks were fast as lightning 飞蹴疾如闪电 In fact it was a little bit frightning 尽管这有些惊险 But they fought with expert timing 搏斗中他们都熟练掌握着最佳时机 There was funky Billy Chin 有一天怪怪的比利·陈 and little Sammy Chung 和小萨米·张 He said here comes the big boss 他叫道,大师驾到 lets get it on 来吧,让我们开始 We took a bow and made a stand 我们鞠躬答礼,摆好架势做好防御 started swinging with the hand 正当手腕开始甩动 The sudden motion made me skip 突如其来的动作让我轻松跳过 now we're into a brand knew trip就这样我们又进入了一个全新的境界 Everybody was kung-fu fighting 每个人都是功夫高手 Those kicks were fast as lightning 飞蹴疾如闪电 In fact it was a little bit frightning 尽管这有些惊险 But they fought with expert timing 搏斗中他们都熟练掌握着最佳时机 Oh-oh-oh-oh...Oh-oh-oh-oh...Oh-oh-oh-oh...Oh-oh-oh-oh... Keep on, keep on, Keep on, keep on Everybody was kung-fu fighting 每个人都是功夫高手 Those kicks were fast as lightning 飞蹴疾如闪电 In fact it was a little bit frightning 尽管这有些惊险 make sure you have expert timing 因你要确保完美掌握时机 Oh-oh-oh-oh... Kung-fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning 功夫高手,身手必须疾如闪电 Oh-oh-oh-oh... Keep on, keep on, Keep on, keep on Everybody was kung-fu fighting 每个人都是功夫高手 Kung-fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning 功夫高手,身手必须疾如闪电 版本二(《功夫熊猫》主题曲)Kung Fu Fighting (Feat. Cee-Lo Greenand Jack Black) everybody is kung fu fighting your mind becomes fast as lighting althrough the future is a little bit fright'ning it's the book of your life that you're writing you're a diamond in the rough a brilliant ball of clay you could be a work of art if you just go all the way now what would it take to break i believe that you can bend now only do you have to fight but you have got to win everybody is kung fu fighting your mind becomes fast as lighting althrough the future is a little bit fright'ning it's the book of your life that you're writing you are a natural why is it so hard to see maybe it's just because you keep on looking at me the journey's a lonely one so much more than we know but sometimes you've got to go go on and be your own hero everybody is kung fu fighting your mind becomes fast as lighting althrough the future is a little bit fright'ning it's the book of your life that you're writing you're a diamond in the rough a brilliant ball of clay you could be a work of art if you just go all the way now what would it take to break i believe that you can bend now only do you have to fight but you have got to win everybody is kung fu fighting your mind becomes fast as lighting 版本三:Rain版本Kung Fu Fighting - Rain everybody is kung fu fighting your mind becomes fast as lighting althrough the future is a little bit fright'ning it's the book of your life that you're writing you're a diamond in the rough a brilliant ball of clay you could be a work of art if you just go all the way now what would it take to break i believe that you can bend now only do you have to fight but you have got to win everybody is kung fu fighting your mind becomes fast as lighting althrough the future is a little bit fright'ning it's the book of your life that you're writing you are a natural why is it so hard to see maybe it's just because you keep on looking at me the journey's a lonely one so much more than we know but sometimes you've got to go go on and be your own hero everybody is kung fu fighting your mind becomes fast as lighting althrough the future is a little bit fright'ning it's the book of your life that you're writing (rap部分) everybody is kung fu fighting your mind becomes fast as lighting althrough the future is a little bit fright'ning it's the book of your life that you're writing Oh-oh-oh-oh... Keep on, keep on Keep on, keep on everybody is kung fu fighting your mind becomes fast as lighting althrough the future is a little bit fright'ning it's the book of your life that you're writing 版本四 张善为功夫fighting之电玩传奇everybody was kung fu fighting 大家都是天下无敌 得要练就一身武艺 才能迎战 kung fu fighting 电玩主机在冒烟电视萤幕在发光 整个世界在旋转整个世界变了样 来龙去脉还未了脸上已被挨一脚 大家都在打电动为何我被电动打 everybody was kung fu fighting 打倒敌人生存下去 其实我是和平主义 习武我有难言之隐 我的造型很tekken 我有朋友宫之介 有个女孩叫萝拉她说带我闯一闯 左鬼武者右洛克人决斗一场又一场 回家只有一条路 ko魔王和老大 everybody was kung fu fighting 弱肉强食就是真理 即使我有一身正气 心里只想回家休息 kung fu fighting fight now 传说电动连打七七四十九天 就会被抓到一个神奇的世界 想要活命的人一刻都不能放松 不然不到两天你肯定就会失踪 所有被你欺负消灭糟蹋的角色 都会一一出现找你讨公道 这里的坏蛋一个比一个凶 这里的女人比男人还会武功 从小时候阿嬷就不喜欢让我打电动 因为我不关机不睡觉不作邉?br>现在我一身武艺经验值2兆 可是我却再也不敢打电动 版本五 杜德伟——功夫歌名:功夫 歌手:杜德伟 专辑:独领风骚 新歌精选集 大家都来学功夫来齐 给挫折一点教训 ~都是世界fighting 要将功夫到顶神秘 中国功夫真是棒 中国功夫真是好 那就只有你的牢 能够金枪不倒 普通功夫猜不了 不就是老板太难搞 如果你已受不了 给他闷一点~~ 大家都来学功夫 来齐 给神话一点憧憬 ~功夫心情fighting 给自己一点自信 中国功夫真是棒 中国功夫真是好 能够让你比真金 不再给邻居瞧不起 多么可惜 永远都上 就彻底~supper man 每天让自己快乐 维护世界的和平 大家都来学功夫来齐 让车座变更坚硬 练就功夫心情fighting 要将功夫到顶神秘 中国功夫真是棒 中国功夫真是好 能够让你比真金 不再给邻居瞧不起 多么可惜 永远都上 就彻底~supper man 每天让自己快乐 维护世界的和平 大家都来学功夫来齐 让车座变更坚硬 练就功夫心情fighting 要将功夫到顶神秘 给神话一点憧憬 给自己一点自信 歌词中文翻译Everybody was kung-fu fighting 每个人都有功夫 Those cats were fast as lightning 他们灵动如猫,快如闪电 In fact it was a little bit frightning 事实上他们只用了一点点力气 But they fought with expert timing 但是战斗却起到强大的效用 They were funky China men from funky Chinatown 这是一群惊恐的中国人来自惊恐的中国城 They were chopping them up and they were chopping them down 他们气势汹汹的砍上砍下 It’s an ancient Chineese art and everybody knew their part 这是古老的中国艺术,他们都知道自己的角色 From a feint into a slip, and kicking from the hip 他们会突然用假动作闪开,踢到你的屁股 Everybody was kung-fu fighting Those cats were fast as lightning In fact it was a little bit frightning (重复) But they fought with expert timing There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy Chung 这里有一个胆战心惊的 Billy 陈 和一个小 Sammy 张 He said here comes the big boss, lets get it on 他说来这里见一个大老板,让我们兴奋 We took a bow and made a stand, started swinging with the hand 我们给他鞠躬、起立,高兴的握手 The sudden motion made me skip now we’re into a brand knew trip 但是突然的变故使我改变,开始了一段刻骨铭心的新旅行 Everybody was kung-fu fighting Those cats were fast as lightning In fact it was a little bit frightning But they did it with expert timing (repeat)..make sure you have expert timing Kung-fu fighting, had to be fast as lightning 当然也还有舞曲版本的,但基本旋律基本上是一致的,还是以上面的为主。 否则就不是Carl Douglas(卡尔-道格拉斯)那《Kung Fu Fighting》了。 |
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