

词条 杜金元





在解析函数边值问题方面作出了两个比较有份量的工作,一是提出一种边值定理,一是带平移的边值问题的研究。前者改善、简化和推广了解析函数边值理论中最为著名的三个基础定理(Plemelj公式,Privato定理,Muskhelishvitl定理),同时兼容李国平定理和A. Zygmund不等式为特例。杜金元创造了一种技巧从而得到简洁证明,并且把前面诸定理统一在一个不等式之下,是目前该方向上容量最大的一种边值定理。这直接表明了经典边值理论和奇异积分方程理论转移到更广泛函数空间的可能性。关于带平移的边值问题,他利用奇异积分算子和边值正交投影算子,成功将平移进行分离,并引进上、下拟解等概念和技巧,使问题获得阶段性解决,这工作已引起同行兴趣,称为“开发了一个新研究方向,极具应用潜能。”

近年,他与他的同事和学生们正致力于Clifford分析中边界行为的研究,初步获得一些结果。其中,取值在泛Clifford代数上的正则函数的Cauchy积分定理和Cauchy-Pumpeiu公式,引起国际同行关注,ISAAC主席H. Begehr为此多次(包括在2002年世界数学家大会上海复分析卫星会议)加以评介。

在奇异积分方程的研究方面,他用近代算子理论代替传统的积分方程方法,重新分析了奇异积分方程中的指标、结点、自由度等概念,提出了归一化算子、约束算子、示类数、转换与同一性概念,并且发展了D. Elliott的相伴正交系统理论。这个理论原为澳大利亚学者Elliott提出了一个雏形,大部分工作为杜金元发展和提出,它既改善了经典理论又为数值方法的逼近分析提供了有力工具。在这个基础上,又建立了一系列奇异积分算子的求积法则。对其精度、模、收敛过程研究十分完整,解决了国际同类研究中关心的一些问题。方法也是统一的,结束了以往一个个寻求各别公式的局面。继此,又提出了奇异积分方程的几种数值方法,发展了loakimidis的同一性技术,借此给出了方法的逼近分析。工作具系列性和先进性,在国内外具有一定影响。在石油、地质探矿等部门有极大应用前景。




1987年 被评为《武汉科技新秀》

1988年 获国家教委科技进步二等奖(第二作者)

1989年 入选国家教委《中国高校优秀青年学者录》(第一辑)

1991年 被国家教委,国务院学位委授予“有突出贡献的中国博士学位获得者”,并入选国务院学位委编《华夏沃土育英才》。

2000年 获湖北省自然科学三等奖(第一作者)

2003年 武汉大学教学名师

Ø 教学经历



Ø 学术任职






Ø 国外学习和工作经历

1993.7 — 1994.1 加拿大大学高级访问学者

1997.12 — 1998.1 美国Texas A&M大学合作研究

2001.7 — 2001.10 德国柏林Free大学访问


Du Jinyuan, Quasi-Gaussian quadrature formulas, Journal of Ningxia University (Natural Science Edition), 19(1998), 1, 22-24.

Du Jinyuan, Singular integral operators and singular quadrature operators associated with singular integral equations, Acta. Math. Sci., 18(1998), 2, 227-240.

Du Jinyuan, Quadrature formulas of quasi-interpolation type for singular integrals with Hilbert kernel, Journal of Approximation Theory, 93(1998), 2, 231-257.

Du Jinyuan, Singular integral operators and singular quadratyre operators for singular integral equations with Hilbert kernel, H. G. Begehr et al.(eds.), Partial Differential and Integral Equations, 255-266, 1999 Kluwer Acadcmic Publishers.

Du Jinyuan & Hu Jicheng, Singular integral equations with complex translations, Acta Math. Sci., 19(1999), 4, 469--480.

Zhang Zhongxiang & Du Jinyuan, On a class of two dimensional singular integral equations, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Science, 4(1999), 2, 123--128.

Gong Yafang & Du Jinyuan, Some special properties of singular integral operators, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Science, 4(1999), 3, 269--274.

Liu Hua & Du Jinyuan, On convergence for trigonometric interpolation of analytic function, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Science, 4(1999), 3, 275--277.

Gong Yafang & Du Jinyuan, Singular integral operators in L2 space with Chebyshev weights, Acta Math. Sci., 20(2000), 1, 63--67.

Ya Fang Gong & Jin Yuan Du, Galerkin solution to a singular integro--differential equation, in “Boundary Value Problems, Integral Equations and Related Problems” (ed. by Jian Ke Lu and Gua Chun Wen), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Lte, 2000, 62--69.

Hua Liu & Jin Yuan Du, On trigonometric interpolation of analytic functions in uniformly distributed nodes, in “Boundary Value Problems, Integral Equations and Related Problems” (ed. by Jian Ke Lu and Gua Chun Wen), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Lte, 2000, 117--121.

Zhong Xiang Zhang & Jin Yuan Du, On a class of singular integral equations with Hilbert kernel, in “Boundary Value Problems, Integral Equations and Related Problems” (ed. by Jian Ke Lu and Gua Chun Wen), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Lte, 2000, 274--280.

Du Jinyuan & Liu Hua, On convergence of trigonometric interpolation for periodic analytic functions, in “Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis” (ed. by Joji Kajiwara, Zhong Li and Kwang Ho Shon), Marcel Dekker, INC., New York· Basel, 2000, 69--76.

Du Jinyuan, The collocation methods for singular integral equations with Cauchy kernels Acta Math. Sci., 2000, 20B(3), 289--302.

Jin Yuan Du & Ji Cheng Hu, On quadrature formulae of hypersingular integrals, Proceedings of the Second ISAAC Congress, Vol.1, 119--127, H. G. W. Begehr et al. (eds), 2000, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Wang Jinping & Du Jinyuan, The numererical method of inversion for the interior Radon transform, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences , Vol.5, No.2, 2000, 143--146.

王金平, 杜金元, Radon变换反演问题的数值方法, 数学物理学报, 2000, 20(增刊), 695-698.

张忠祥,杜金元,关于Clifford分析中某些Riemann边值问题与奇异积分方程,数学年刊,2001, 22A, 4, 421--426.

Cai Haotao & Du Jinyuan, Non--normal Hasemann boundary value problem, Wuhan University Journal Natural Sciences, Vol.6 (2001), No.3, 649--651.

Zhang Zhongxiang & Du Jinyuan, On certain Riemann boundary value problems and singular integral equations in Clifford analysis, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Maths, Vol. 22 (2001), No. 3, 237--244.

S. Abbasbandy & Du Jinyuan, Numerical implementations of Cauchy-type integral equations, Korean J. Comput. & Appl. Math. Vol. 9(2002), No. 1, 253--260.

Du Jinyuan & Liu Hua, On convergence of interpolation to analytic functions, Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 114 (2002), No. 1, 48--56.

Wang Jinping & Du Jinyuan, The harmonic decomposition reconstruction for the exponential Radon transform, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2002, 1-5.

Wang Jinping & Du Jinyuan, Some estimate results of the Radon transform, J. of Math. (PRC), Vol. 22, No. 1, 2002, 1-5.

Wang Jinping & Du Jinyuan, A note on singular value decomposition for Radon transform in Rn, Acta Math. Sci, 2002, 22B(3), 311-318.

Du Jinyuan & Zhang Meng, Quadrature formula of singular integral based on rational interpolation, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2002, 253-260.

Du Jinyuan & Zhang Zhongxiang, A Cauchy’s integral formula for functions with values is a universal Clifford algebra and its applications, Complex Variables, Vol. 47, No. 10(2002), 915-928.

Wang Jinping & Du Jinyuan, The analytic study on the Radon transform and the attenuated Radon transform, J. of Math. (PRC), Vol. 22(2002), No. 4, 369-373.

Gong Yafang & Du Jinyuan, Singular integral operators in L2 spaces associated with the generalized Jacobi weights, Acta Math. Sci., 2002, 22B(4), 484-488.

Heinrich Begehr, Zhang Zhongxiang, Du jinyuan, On Cauchy-Pompeiu formula for functions with values in a universal Clifford algebra, Acta Math. Sci., 2003, 23B(1): 95-103.

Jinyuan Du & Yufeng Wang, On boundary value problems of polyanalytic functions on the real axis, Complex Variables, Vol. 48, No. 6, 527-542.





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