词条 | 春的森林 |
释义 | 《春的森林》是少产的意大利情色片传奇女导演穆尔吉亚的第一部也是唯一一部电影作品,极为罕见。影片也是世界影史上最受争议的情色影片之一(注意:可不是"色情"哦).原因就是因为本片涉及了最为严禁的青少年情爱话题,事实上穆尔吉亚也是影史上唯一一个敢于把少年两性关系问题放到电影中的导演,影片当年一经推出就在意大利国内引起轩然大波, 基本资料◎片名:Maladolescenza(意) ◎又名:Spielen wir Liebe(德) ◎译名:春的森林 ◎首映:1977年5月6日 ◎片长:93min ◎对白: 意大利语/德语/俄语 ◎色彩:彩色 ◎幅面: 35毫米遮幅宽银幕系统 ◎摄制格式:Spherical ◎胶片长度: 2560 m ◎级别: Germany:18 (DVD rating)/ Germany: (Banned) (2006) ◎类 型: 剧情/情色/ ◎国 家: 意大利/澳大利亚/西德 ◎IMDB评分: 5.9/10 (446 votes) 音乐剪辑 Grandi Firme della Canzone 演员表角色 演员 备注 Laura 娜拉·温德尔/Lara Wendel Silvia 伊娃·爱洛尼斯科/Eva Ionesco Fabrizio 马丁·劳博/Martin Loeb 职员表▪ 制作人:Franco Cancellieri ▪ 监制:Anita Rakosi ▪ 导演:皮埃尔·吉雷斯·穆尔吉亚/Pier Giuseppe Murgia ▪ 副导演(助理):Anita Rakosi ▪ 编剧:Peter Berling;Dieter Geissler;皮埃尔·吉雷斯·穆尔吉亚/Pier Giuseppe Murgia ▪ 摄影:Lothar E. Stickelbrucks;Wolf Bachmann& Horst Zagolla ▪ 配乐:Giuseppe Caruso;Jürgen Drews ▪ 剪辑:Inga Seyric ▪ 美术设计:Elias Lother Stickelbrucks ▪ 服装设计:Isolde Jovine ▪ 布景师:Helga WandlAssistant 关于命名各个国家对这部影片的译名都有所不同。中文译名“春的森林”应该翻译自该片的日文译名“思春の森”。 意大利文原名"Maladolescenza",意为“青春期的怨恨”; 德文译名"Spielen wir Liebe",意为“我们演奏爱”; 日文译名为"思春の森",意为“思春的森林”; 俄文译名为"Распутное детство",意为“放荡的童年”。 英文译名为"Playing with Love",意为"演绎爱情"(也有译作"Puppy Love"的,意为"稚爱")。 剧情简介西德的一个与世隔绝的美丽山林里。Laura(12岁, Lara Wendel 饰)和Fabrizio(17岁,Eva Ionesco 饰)是一对隐居山林的情人,后来山林间的古堡的主人的小女儿Silvia(11岁,Martin Loeb 饰)放假回来,偶然认识了Fabrizio,于是三个人便在陷入在情爱的复杂旋涡当中了。最后是伤感的结局,Silvia假期结束必须回去了,而Fabrizio却深爱上她不让她走,于是Fabrizio用匕首杀死了Silvia,也永远失去了Laura。 英文剧情简介Laura (Lara Wendel) and Fabrizio (Martin Loeb) have been meeting summers in the forest by her parents summer home. Fabrizio's favourite game is "King of the Forest" with Laura as his queen. This summer new aspects enter into the plot as the kids are growing up. The film represents them as part child, part adult. Part naive, part knowing. Laura is falling in love with Fabrizio and vice-versa. Fabrizio has also been developing a cruel streak to his personality. He accelerates his torment of Laura in many ways, including tying her up and putting a snake on her and killing a pet bird. One day they climb the "Blue Mountain" and discover ancient building ruins. Exploring these they find a cave. Inside, Fabrizio seduces Laura. Fabrizio's cruel streak is boosted by his new sexual confidence. At one point he turns their second love-making with her into a rape scene. He does relent when she makes it clear she is not interested. She stays with him, asking, "Why can't you be gentle?" Things go from bad to worse when they meet Sylvia (Eva Ionesco). Unlike the previously virginal Laura, Sylvia is well versed sexually and truly sadistic. Using both of these qualities, Sylvia draws Fabrizio into her 'world'. Sylvia quickly replaces Laura as Fabrizio's queen, demoting Laura to servant and victim, though there is also friendship. Laura, reluctant to leave her old friend and new lover, sticks around and becomes the target of the duo's ever progressing cruelty. At one point, the duo 'hunt' Laura with bows and arrows and at another, pretend to throw her off a high ledge. At the end of summer, with the girls talking about going back to school, Fabrizio takes Sylvia to the ruins for the first time. All three of them go into the cave to escape a thunderstorm and Fabrizio pulls the same stunt on Sylvia that he pulled on Laura, pretending to be lost, to get the girls to stay the night with him. Sylvia breaks down revealing what a little girl she really is. Fabrizio repeatedly begs Sylvia to stay with him forever. In the morning, Sylvia is still lost in the cave and rejecting Fabrizio's pleas to stay with him. She becomes hysterical and he stabs her. It is the only way he won't lose her. He stays with the dead body and gives Laura the flashlight so she can find her way out. 影片赏析版本一遭到意大利和西德国内禁止发行和放映长达20年之久。导演穆尔吉亚也被禁止再拍摄电影,只能沦落在意大利一个小电视台做电视导演,从此再无电影作品问世。 全片情节简单,画面清新优美,只有三位小演员出演。结局有点象西班牙经典影片的结局——男主角最后也是用匕首刺死了女主角。 当然我们不知道导演为何要让三个当时如此年轻(可以说是儿童)的孩子来演这部连成人演都会觉得大胆的情色片,也许是真的为了要体现影片的纯洁和一尘不染吧,事实上也的确达到了效果。影片绝不等同于你所看过的任何俗套普通的情色片,比如tinto brass等。全片拍摄唯美雅致,音乐动人心弦,画面清新脱俗,如果不当作情色片看的话,也绝对是一部极为出色优美的儿童艺术片。 本片两位小女主角也是很有来头。娜拉.温德尔后来成为80年代意大利首席女星,在安东尼奥尼的和费里尼的中担任主角,有着出色的表演,而这是她的首部影片;伊娃·爱洛尼斯科是法国著名情色女摄影师艾莲娜·爱洛尼斯科的独女,被各国影迷公认为世界上最美丽的女人。而两人在这部清纯情色片中的表演极为出色到位。 但本片成为多年被禁影片的最大原因就是过多的裸露镜头尤其用在几个才十几岁的孩子上,这也是本片成为传奇影片的原因。 版本二故事其实发生在夏天,从[01:10:50]的对白可以看出来(“有一天我们注意到秋天开始了。”)。至于为什么翻译成“春的森林”,我想这里的“春”应该不是狭指春天了,应该是指“生命的春天”,也就是青春期。(日文翻译为“思春の森”,或许就是这个意思) 在[00:34:24]的时候影片的色彩突然发生了变化(偏黄),还有一帧是变形的。说明可能这段影片是分多次转磁的,也有可能是中间删减了什么内容。 全片摄影优美,不过剧组似乎没有配备摇臂,所以多半的纵深运动都靠变焦来实现,造成了空间感的匮乏,也是一个令人遗憾的地方。 影片中的镜头以中长镜头为主,但丝毫不让人感到枯燥。 音乐很清新自然,与故事背景相互照应(恰好也是在森林里)。片中时不时地重复着片头的主旋律,整体给人以一种欢快活泼的感觉。不过那只牧羊犬Iro出现时总会伴随着诡异的旋律,似乎是某种暗示。 片中性爱镜头并不算多。 个人感觉日本的VHS版本也是有过删减的,因为片中有很多不连贯的地方。(影片自称有96min,而我们能找到的版本最多也只有90min,某个外国网站更是标称此片有127min。) 版本三该片讲述了一个男孩和两个女孩在一个硕大的森林里度过了一个漫长假期的故事,它用接近于真实的游戏来展现现实的点滴。演员都是未成年的孩子,却将嫉妒、野心、畸恋、占有欲、傲慢和困惑演绎得真实透彻,让人无以为继。这明明是一个成年人的世界,孩子们却义无返顾地冲进去。那只德国牧羊犬的屡次出现,总伴着一种诡异的声乐,恐惧刹那便侵袭全身。 穿帮镜头根据对白,在最后在三位主角一起在山洞里的时候,天已经黑了,但是山洞里还能看见大面积的黄色光。 影片结尾的小诗Dimmi, vuoi essere la mia compagna di gioco? Vuoi sempre, sempre giocare? andare insieme nel buio, con cuore infantile sembrare importante, prendere posto con serietà a capotavola, versare vino e acqua con sapienza, lanciare perle, gioire per niente, e con nostalgia indossare vecchi vestiti? Dimmi, vuoi giocare a tutto quel che è vita, all'inverno nevoso e al lunghissimo autunno, si puo bere il thè, muti, il thè di rubino e il vapore giallo? Vuoi vivere davvero con cuore puro, stare in silenzio a lungo, a volte aver paura, perchè sulla piazza si aggira il novembre, perchè lo spazzino è un uomo povero e malato; chi fischia sotto la nostra finestra? Vuoi giocare al serpente, all'aquila ai lunghi viaggi, al treno, alla nave, al natale, al sogno, a tutte le cose belle? Vuoi giocare all'amanote felice? fingere il pianto, il funerale colorato? Vuoi vivere, vivere per sempre, vivere nel gioco che è diventato vero? stare distesi per terra tra i fiori e vuoi, vuoi giocare alla morte? 影片发行1980年美国的Capitol独立公司曾偷偷拷贝母带私自限量发行过一次录影带,但却把原片删减的非常严重,剪去了20多分钟最美的画面,而且质量很差。而唯一96分钟无任何删节版本的只有后来日本限量发行过的一次精装VHSboxlet。至今为止,该片依旧是各国影迷在互联网上争相找寻的罕见电影。 影片原声该影片的原声以立体声的形式在位于罗马的 Dirmaphon Studios 录下,为音乐家Pippo Caruso作曲。最初发行的原声带包含以下的前18个音轨,其余的9个音轨于2004年发行。 1."Maladolescenza" (02:23) 2."L'incubo E Il Serpente" (02:12) 3."Citta Segreta" (01:59) 4."Il Labirinto" (02:40) 5."Re E Buffone" (00:50) 6."La Villa Misteriosa" (01:06) 7."Silvia" (01:25) 8."Caccia A Laura" (01:40) 9."Il Sopravvento" (01:07) 10."Cara Adolescenza" (02:01) 11."Scambio Di Consegne" (02:29) 12."Ninna Nanna A Nascondino" (02:07) 13."Silvia E Fabrizio" (01:59) 14."Identificazione" (03:26) 15."La Villa Di Notte" (01:13) 16."E Gia Autunno" (01:19) 17."Adagio Per Oboe" (01:06) 18."La Notte Dell'attesa" (02:13) 19."Maladolescenza" (02:44) Alternate Take #1 20."Silvia" (01:10) Alternate Take #1 Harpiscord & Orchestra 21."Maladolescenza" (02:55) Il Recinto Dei Giochi 22."Silvia" (02:28) Alternate Take #2 - Music Box 23."Il Labirinto" (Part 2) (01:10) 24."Silvia" (01:29) Alternate Take #3 - Solo Flute 25."Maladolescenza" (01:54) Kamasutra 26."Scambio Di Consegne" (02:28) Alternate Take 27."Silvia" (02:02) Alternate Take #4 - Harp & Orchestra |
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