

词条 新东方·手把手教你GRE作文


出版社: 西安交通大学出版社; 第1版 (2008年5月1日)

丛书名: 新东方大愚英语系列丛书

平装: 193页

正文语种: 简体中文, 英语

开本: 16

ISBN: 9787560527055, 7560527051

条形码: 9787560527055

尺寸: 25.8 x 18.2 x 1.4 cm

重量: 422 g


作者:包凡一 (美国)白若德(David Barrutia)


David Barrutia(白若德):曾任新东方前途出国咨询有限公司高级咨询顾问,新东方图书事业部美籍专家兼高级编辑,GRE写作讲师,美国大学入学申请文书写作英语讲师。现作CCTV-5体育英语节目主持人,“David侃英语”节目特约撰稿人。




第一部分 GRE写作总论

I. GRE作文考试概述

II. GRE作文评分标准

III. GRE作文考试复习策略

IV. 中国考生Issue写作存在的问题

VI. Issue写作备策略

VI. Argument写作建议和备考策略

第二部分 Issue写作和语言修改

Issue1: Nonmainstream Areas and Human Needs

Issue2: Attitudes Towards Two Types Of Laws

Issue3: Should Teachers Be Equally paid?

Issue4: Greater Emphasis on the Intellect?

Issue5: Rely on Themselves or People They Serve?

Issue6: Should All Faculty Work Outsides the Academic World?

Issue7: Necessary to Withhold Information from the public?-No

Issue8: Education Does Little to Promote Social Harmony?

Issue9: Different Regions,Different Academic Courses?

Issue10: Are Luxuries and Conveniences Harmful?

Issue11: Society and Indicidual Citixens

Issue12: Way to Understand Contemporary Culture

第三部分 Argument写作和语言修改

Argument1: A Sales Study on the Consumption of the Seafood

Argument2: A Letter to the Editor on the Establishment of Lottery

Argument3: A Letter to the Editor on Switch of Trash Collector

Argument4: A Letter on the Ticket Sales of a Rock Band

Argument5: A Memo from A Food-distribution Company

Argument6: A Memorandum from Srategic Development of Mesa

Argument7: A Memo form a Vice President of Alta Manufacturing

Argument8: An Article on the Effectiveness of Luxess

Argument9: An Article on Choices of Law Firm Sizes

第四部分 GRE写作语汇





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