

词条 宁国贵




1.瑞典国际科学基金:Shorting juvenility of Platanus acerifolia and Prunus mumevia transformation

usingFT orthologs(D/4349-1,项目负责人)









1.Guogui Ning*, Xiao Xiao, Haiyan Lv, Xin Li,Yang Zuo, Manzhu Bao*.Shortening tobacco life-cycle accelerates functional gene identification in genomic research. Plant biology 2012, In press (SCI)

2.Liao Liao, Cai-Xian Liu,·Guo-Gui Ning,· Man-Zhu Bao. A pFBP6::BARNASE construct resulted in stigma and style ablation and floral abscission in transgenic tobacco. Plant molecular biology reporter 2012, In press (SCI)

3.Zhen Wang, Shafei Ye, Jingjing Li, Bo Zheng, Manzhu Bao, Guogui Ning*.Fusion primer and nested integrated PCR (FPNI-PCR): a new high-efficiency strategy for rapid chromosome walking or flanking sequence cloning. BMC Biotechnology 2011, 11:109 doi: 10.1186/1472-6750-11-109(SCI)

4.Ying Bao Guofeng Liu Xueping Shi Wen Xing Guogui Ning Juan Liu Manzhu Bao Primary and repetitive secondary somatic embryogenesis in Rosa hybrida ‘Samantha’Plant cell, tissue &organ culture. 2011, In press(SCI)

5.Shijia Luo, Yanhong He, Guogui Ning, Jiaqi Zhang, Guangying Ma and Manzhu Bao. Genetic diversity and genetic structure of different populations of the endangered species Davidia involucrata in China detected by inter-simple sequence repeat analysis. Trees,2011,DOI: 10.1007/s00468-011-0581-7(SCI)

6.J. Zhang, G. Liu, C. Guo, Y. He, Z. Li, G. Ning, X. Shi & M. Bao. The FLOWERING LOCUS T orthologous gene of Platanus acerifolia is expressed as alternatively spliced forms with distinct spatial and temporal patterns. 2010, doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2010.00432.x(SCI)

7.Yanhong He,Guogui Ning*,Yalin Sun, Yanhu, Xingyu Zhao, Manzhu Bao. Cytological and mapping analysis of a novel male sterile type resulting from spontaneous floral organ homeoticconversion in marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). Mol Breeding,2010,DOI 10.1007/s11032-009-9372-x(SCI)

8.Wen Xing, Manzhu Bao, Hongdao Qin,Guogui Ning*.Micropropagation of Rosa Rugosa through axillary shoot proliferation.ACTA BIOLOGICA CRACOVIENSIA Series Botanica 2010,52/2: 75–56(SCI)

9.Shi XP, Dai XG, Liu GF, Zhang JW, Ning GG, Bao MZ. Cyclic secondary somatic embryogenesis and efficient plant regeneration in camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora L.). In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant, 2010, DOI 10.1007/s11627-009-9272-0(SCI)

10.Guangying Ma, Guogui Ning, RuihuaPang, JingZhan, XinLi,WeiZhang, Manzhu Bao. Analysis ofthe Petunia hybrida double flowertranscriptomeusingsuppression subtractive hybridization. Scientia Horticulturae,doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2010.10.003(SCI)

11.Guangying Ma, Guogui Ning, Wei Zhang, Jing Zhan, Haiyan Lv, Manzhu Bao.Overexpression of Petunia SOC1-like Gene FBP21 in Tobacco Promotes Flowering Without Decreasing Flower or Fruit Quantity. Plant Mol Biol Rep,2010,DOI 10.1007/s11105-010-0263-4(SCI)

12.Wei Zhang, Guogui Ning, Haiyan Lv, Liao Liao, Manzhu Bao. Single MYB-type transcription factor AtCAPRICE: A new efficient tool to engineer the production of anthocyanin in tobacco. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2009,388(4):742-747(SCI)

13.Y.H. He, G.G. Ning, Y.L. Sun, Y.C. Qi and M.Z. Bao.Identification of a SCAR marker linked to a recessive male sterile gene(Tems) and its application in breeding of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). plant breeding,2009, 128: 92—96 (SCI)

14.G.G.Ning, X.P. Shi, H.R Hu, Y.Yan, M.Z. Bao. .Development of a range of polyploid lines in Petunia hibrida and the relationship of ploidy with the single-/ double-flower trait.Hortscience,2009,44(2):250-255(SCI)

15.W.J. Huang, G.G. Ning, G.F. Liu, M.Z. Bao. Determination of genetic stability of long-term micro-propagated plantlets of Platanus acerifolia using ISSR markers. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM ,2009,(1): 159-163 (SCI)

16.XiaoPeng Fu, GuoGui Ning, LiPing Gao, ManZhu Bao .Genetic diversity of Dianthus accessions based on molecular marker systems (SRAPs and ISSRs) and morphological traits. Scientia Horticulturae, 2008,113:263-270 (SCI)

17.Y. M. Ye J. W. Zhang G. G. Ning & M. Z. Bao. A comparative analysis of the genetic diversity between inbred lines of Zinnia elegans using morphological traits and RAPD and ISSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae, 2008,118:1–7 (SCI)

18.G. G Ning,S. P Bai, M. Z Bao, L. Liu. Factors affecting plantlet regeneration from in vitro cultured immature embryos and cotyledons of Prunus mume ‘Xue Mei'. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Plant. . 2007, 43: 95-100(SCI)

19.G.G Ning,M.Z Bao.Plant regeneration from callus derived from immature embryo cotyledons ofPrunus mume. HortScience, 2007, 42(3): 744-747(SCI)

20.G.G NING, X.L FAN, W.J HUANG, M.Z BAO, J.B. Micropropagation of sixPrunus mumecultivars through highfrequency axillary shoots proliferation and ISSR analysis of cloned plants. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia, 2007,49(1):25-31(SCI)



23.宁国贵,吕海燕,张俊卫,包满珠.梅花不同外植体离体培养及体细胞胚诱导植株再生.园 艺学 报 2010, 1:114 – 120


25.吕海燕,宁国贵,胡惠蓉,包满珠.矮牵牛突变自交系离体培养及变异植株稳定性观察.华中农业大学学报,2009 ,28(6):746~749

26.宁国贵,白三平,包满珠,黄文俊.矮牵牛细胞的长期离体培养及再生植株的 ISSR分析.中国农业科学.2007,40(7):1479-1485

27.齐迎春,宁国贵,包满珠.应用 ISSR分子标记和表型性状评价孔雀草自交系的遗传关系.中国农业科学.2007,40(6): 1236-1241


29.宁国贵,代色平,包满珠,沈宝仙.矮牵牛S4代13个自交系主要性状分析中南林学院学报,2003, 23(5):76-79











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