

词条 杨永峰




1998年,当同龄人还不知互联网为何物时,杨永峰已经通过56k猫在中国第一家互联网公司--“瀛海威”建立了自己的个人主页,那时在瀛海威做个人主页的还有后来网易的创始人丁磊。 次年,有关部门评选“中国10大网民”,杨永峰遗憾的获得第11名,前10名有大名鼎鼎的张朝阳,丁磊,和闪客帝国创始人高大勇。 从此,杨永峰开始了站长生涯,早期的站长论坛k666,站长聊天室经常会看到网名为“天下农”的身影,同“拒绝游泳的鱼”交流免费空间申请攻略,同“庞升东”交流赚美金,当然,那会没有QQ。





In 1998, the same age when people do not know what the Internet, Yang Yongfeng 56k cats have been adopted in China's first Internet companies - "Ying Haiwei" set up their own personal home page, then do Ying Haiwei in personal home page and later Ding Lei, founder of Netease. The following year, authorities named the "Top 10 Chinese Internet users," Yang Yongfeng was regrettable that the first 11, the top 10 are the famous Charles Zhang, Ding Lei, founder of the Empire and High Dayong Flash. Since then, Yang Yongfeng began his head, the head of the Forum on Early k666, head of the chat room often see network called "farming the world," a smash hit with "refusing to swim fish," Raiders exchange for free space applications, " Pang East or "to make the exchange of U.S. dollars, of course, it will not QQ. By the end of 2001, the Internet bubble, sina, sohu, and other portals have been laid off, an industry slump, Yang Yongfeng found at this time SMS value-added opportunities in the station master of this forum to share the good news, since then, the major gateway to carry out one after another sp business, sp help Numerous Internet companies through the winter and usher in the dawn. ? In 2004, Yang Yongfeng from the United States was concerned that the Web site Craigslist.com, a very bright future, in early 2005 to create China's first classified information, one site iyangling.com, due to irresistible reasons for the transfer of the site.

Now, Yang Yongfeng in a well-known Chinese portal service, the Internet focused on the life of the product research, to build the next generation of Chinese portal.







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