词条 | Worm.Beagle.c病毒 |
释义 | Worm.Beagle.c,又称恶鹰变种C,是一种蠕虫或后门的病毒,3A级别威胁。 病毒信息【病毒名称】:Worm.Beagle.c 【中文名称】: 恶鹰变种C 【威胁级别】: 3A 【病毒别名】: 贝革热,雏鹰 [江民] 【病毒类型】: 蠕虫、后门 【受影响系统】: Win9x/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003 技术特点1、传染条件 利用邮件高速传播。 2、发作条件 检查计算机日期,如果当前日期是在2004年3月25日之后,病毒将卸载自己并退出。 3、系统修改 A、拷贝病毒自身到%System%下为i1ru54n4.exe B、创建如下文件: %System%\\\\go54o.exe %System%\\\\ii5nj4.exe %System%\\\\i1ru54n4.exeopen C、将go54o.exe当做dll插入到explorer.exe的地址空间中,完成邮件发送功能。 D、添加如下注册表项: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Run "rate.exe"="%System%\\\\i1ru54n4.exe" HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\winword "frun"="1" 4、技术特征 A、搜索本地磁盘的如下后缀文件中的email地址,发送带毒邮件: .adb ;.asp ;.cfg ;.dbx ;.eml ;.htm ;.mdx ;.mmf ;.nch ;.ods ;.php ;.pl ; .sht ;.tbb ;.txt ;.wab ;.xml B、病毒使用自己的邮件发送引擎发送邮件,发送邮件的格式如下: 可能为如下主题: ^_^ meay-meay! ; ^_^ mew-mew (-: ; Aline ;Anna ;Audra ;Bad girl ; Barbi ;beautiful ;Caitie ;caroline ;ello! =)) ;Fotograf ;Gallery photos ; groom ;Hey, ;ude, it\\'s me ^_^ :P ;Hey, ya! =)) ;Hi! :-) ;Hokki =) ;Jammie ; Juli ;Julie ;kate ;Katrina ; Kelley ; kleopatra ;Lisa ;Mandy ;Mary ; Mary-Anne ;My beautiful person ;My Name is Frenk ;My photoalbum ; My photos ;Myphotos ;Photoalbum ;rebecca ;Rena ;Sara ;stacy ;ammy ; Wau... beautiful (-: ; Weah, hello! :-) ; Weeeeee! ;))); 正文为如下随机一条: Body: (Chosen randomly from:) Argh, i don\\'t like the plaintext :) Fell free to chat with me I accept all ages. Don\\'\\'\\'\\'t worry I don\\'\\'\\'\\'t bite........hope to hear from you soon! Hey people whats goin on? If there is anything you want to know about me ask me... I am pretty easygoing I won\\'t bite....not at first anywayz hahaa.....one thing I will say on here tho I am not into the Cyber thing so don\\'t even ask.....Ciao... Hey, guys! by the way, I have no problems with my sexual life, so it\\'s absolutly useless try to have icq sex or things like that. Thanks Hi! My name is Shreya and I am a goof off!!! So, If you love the outdoors, travelling, books, music, movies, laffing, teasing and/or can poke fun at yourself... please come a hollerin\\'!! I am from Taiwan but I study in Camden, New Jersey now. I like to know people from different places . I enjoy clean conversations but am open to conversing with women and men with little ones as well. I am very open-minded. All authorization requests will be denied if I don\\'t receive messages and get to know you first. I like to be in a company of smart, delicate, and with a good sense of humor people. I am Bulgarian, currently getting my Master\\'s in International Business in USA. Favorite actor: Michael Dudikoff I love camping, dirt track racing, going for walks, and I have 2 cats - HotRod and Deebo (named from the movie \\'Friday\\' and he lives up to it!). Life is ever changing, never always easy... I love meeting new people and making new friends. I am a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. I am married to a wonderful man. We have no children, exept for a minature schnauzer that thinks he is a child. Looking forward to meeting you. i love to chat to just about anyone!! I love to dance, read poetry, make people laugh, and hug as many people a day as i can. I sit with elders of a gentle race, whose world is seldom seen.Who sit and talk of days for which they wait, when all will be revealed. These are song lyrics. If I\\'m online, it problably means I\\'m pretty bored....so feel free to message me and say hi or whatever else comes to mind at the moment. If you are going to make me cry, at least be there to wipe away the tears *Right now the worst thing for you to tell me that I can find someone better than you, especially when you are all I want I\\'m a social butterfly and a natural flirt. Very hard to get my complete attention. Very open and will answer almost anything. But please don\\'t piss me off. I can be sweet and cuddly or a whatever mood I am in that day so everyday I\\'m an open minded person and enjoy chatting w/ other people. I\\'m free and willing to chat about anything. So feel free to Imed me if you wanna chat. I\\'m married and I stay at home. And I don\\'t do cyber sex so leave me the fuck alone i\\'m tall and skiny I\\'m studying in Pharm. D program in FL. i like music, movie, dancing, sports, SCUBA diving, traveling and make a lot friends. Looking forward for a response :P Love the outdoors, literature, writing, and athletics My hobbies include crochet, sewing, painting lead figures and playing AD&D. Favorite activities include fishing and camping. I love cats, unicorns(go figure), and fantasy in general. Nice friends, nice men, nice sex and feeling great. I don\\'t mind the odd bout of cybersex as I love to use my imagination when I masterbate. Single Mom of 3, Full time college student, Graduate in December with an Associates of Applied Science in Computer Information Systems Love the internet. When The Trust is Gone So Is The Love That Fades Like the Rain Washing Away All The Sorrows Of Yesterday Why I Ask Myself Must It End Like This Tomorrow, I Tell Myself, I\\'ll Be Okay For Now, I\\'ll Just Live In The Memories Of Our Life Together You don\\'t know what you\\'ve got till it\\'s gone *You hurt me more than I deserve, how can you be so cruel? I love you more than you deserve, how can I be such a fool? 如果病毒选择了加密的ZIP压缩包做附件,正文中会包含如下字符串之一: archive password: %s password: %s pass: %s password for archive: %s 可能的附件名称为: Aline ;Anna ;Audra ;Bad girl ;Barbi ;Caitie ;caroline ;Gallery ;It_I ; Jammie ;Juli ;Julie ;kate ;Katrina ;Kelley ;kleopatra ;Lisa ;Mandy ;Mary ; Mary-Anne ;myfotos ;Photoalbum ;hotomontage ;Picture ;rebecca ;Rena ;Sara ; stacy ;Tammy 病毒不发送任何邮件到包含有如下字符串的邮件地址中去: @avp. @microsoft local noreply postmaster@ root@ C、病毒会通过网络文件共享传播,病毒会复制自己到名字包含有"shar"的文件夹中去, 文件名为如下名称: ACDSee 9.exe Adobe Photoshop 9 full.exe Ahead Nero 7.exe Matrix 3 Revolution English Subtitles.exe Microsoft Office 2003 Crack, Working!.exe Microsoft Office XP working Crack, Keygen.exe Microsoft Windows XP, WinXP Crack, working Keygen.exe Opera 8 New!.exe Porno pics arhive, xxx.exe Porno Screensaver.scr Porno, sex, oral, anal cool, awesome!!.exe Serials.txt.exe WinAmp 5 Pro Keygen Crack Update.exe WinAmp 6 New!.exe Windown Longhorn Beta Leak.exe Windows Sourcecode update.doc.exe XXX hardcore images.exe 5、发作现象: 病毒主程序使用“文件夹”文件的图标,如《附图》: 解决方案: A、金山毒霸已经于3月1日对该病毒进行了应急处理,请升级最新版可完全查该病毒; B、请一定留意收到的邮件,如果有附件,请不要打开附件,更不要执行附件中的可执行程序,注意病毒程序伪装的图标,不要轻信图标为“电子表格、文本文件、文件夹”的附件。 概念生物病毒是一类个体微小,结构简单,只含单一核酸(DNA/RNA),必须在活细胞内寄生并以复制方式增殖的非细胞型微生物。 基本信息概述是颗粒很小、以纳米为测量单位、结构简单、寄生性严格,以复制进行繁殖的一类非细胞型微生物。 病毒是比细菌还小、没有细胞结构、只能在细胞中增殖的微生物。由蛋白质和核酸组成。多数要用电子显微镜才能观察到。 原指一种动物来源的毒素。“virus”一词源于拉丁文。病毒能增殖、遗传和演化,因而具有生命最基本的特征。其主要特点是: ①形体极其微小,一般都能通过细菌滤器,因此病毒原叫“过滤性病毒”,必须在电子显微镜下才能观察; ②没有细胞构造,其主要成分仅为核酸和蛋白质两种,故又称“分子生物”;③每一种病毒只含一种核酸,不是DNA就是RNA; ④既无产能酶系,也无蛋白质和核酸合成酶系,只能利用宿主活细胞内现成代谢系统合成自身的核酸和蛋白质成分; ⑤以核酸和蛋白质等“元件”的装配实现其大量繁殖; ⑥在离体条件下,能以无生命的生物大分子状态存在,并长期保持其侵染活力; ⑦对一般抗生素不敏感,但对干扰素敏感; ⑧有些病毒的核酸还能整合到宿主的基因组中,并诱发潜伏性感染。 简单理解 病毒,是一类不具细胞结构,具有遗传、复制等生命特征的微生物。 病毒同所有生物一样,具有遗传、变异、进化的能力,是一种体积非常微小,结构极其简单的生命形式,病毒有高度的寄生性,完全依赖宿主细胞的能量和代谢系统,获取生命活动所需的物质和能量,离开宿主细胞,它只是一个大化学分子,停止活动,可制成蛋白质结晶,为一个非生命体,遇到宿主细胞它会通过吸附、进入、复制、装配、释放子代病毒而显示典型的生命体特征,所以病毒是介于生物与非生物的一种原始的生命体。 病毒的分类从遗传物质分类:DNA病毒、RNA病毒、蛋白质病毒(如:朊病毒) 从病毒结构分类:真病毒(Euvirus,简称病毒)和亚病毒(Subvirus,包括类病毒、拟病毒、朊病毒) 从寄主类型分类:噬菌体(细菌病毒)、植物病毒(如烟草花叶病毒)、动物病毒(如禽流感病毒、天花病毒、HIV等) 从性质来分:温和病毒(HIV)、烈性病毒(狂犬病毒)。 病毒的形态(6)有包膜的球状病毒;(7)具有球状头部的病毒;(8)封于包含体内的昆虫病毒。 病毒粒的对称体制: 病毒粒的对称体制只有两种,即螺旋对称(代表烟草花叶病毒)和二十 面体对称(等轴对称,代表腺病毒)。一些结构较复杂的病毒,实质上是上述两种对称相结合的结果,故称作复合对称(代表T偶数噬菌体) 病毒的大小多数病毒直径在100nm(20~200nm),较大的病毒直径为300-450纳米(nm),较小的病毒直径仅为18-22纳米 病毒的组成病毒主要由核酸和蛋白质外壳组成。由于病毒是一类非细胞生物体,故单个病毒个体不能称作"单细胞",这样就产生了病毒粒或病毒体(virion).病毒粒有时也称病毒颗粒或病毒粒子(virus particle),专指成熟的结构完整的和有感染性的单个病毒.核酸位于它的中心,称为核心(core)或基因组(genome),蛋白质包围在核心周围,形成了衣壳(capsid).衣壳是病毒粒的主要支架结构和抗原成分,有保护核酸等作用.衣壳是由许多在电镜下可辨别的形态学亚单位(subunit)——衣壳粒(capsomere)所构成。核心和衣壳合称核心壳 (nucleocapsid)。有些较复杂的病毒,(一般为动物病毒,如流感病毒),其核心壳外还被一层含蛋白质或糖蛋白(glycoprotein)的类脂双层膜覆盖着,这层膜称为包膜(envelope)。包膜中的类脂来自宿主细胞膜。有的包膜上还长有刺突(spike)等附属物。包膜的有无及其性质与该病毒的宿主专一性和侵入等功能有关。昆虫病毒中有1类多角体病毒,其核壳被蛋白晶体所包被,形成多角形包涵体。 病毒的复制过程叫做复制周期。其大致可分为连续的五个阶段:吸附、侵入、增殖、成熟(装配)、裂解(释放)。 |
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