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1998年获硕士学位,同年留学美国纽约城市大学,师从美国著名的密度泛函理论以及电子结构研究先驱Viraht Sahni教授,2004年获博士。





Pan, X-.Y. and V. Sahni. "Quantal Density Functional Theory in the Presence of a Magnetic Field." Physical Review A. Accepted for publication. (Books and Publications: Forthcoming Publications) 2011

Pan, X.-Y., V. Sahni, L. Massa and K.D. Sen. "New Expression for the Expectation Value Integral for a Confined Helium Atom." Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 965: 202. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2011

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Density and Physical Current Density Functional Theory." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 110: 2833. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2010

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Particle Number and Probability Density Functional Theory and A-Representability." Journal of Chemical Physics 132: 16 4116. (Books and Publications: Forthcoming Publications) 2010

Pan, X.-Y., M. Slamet and V. Sahni. "Wave Function Functionals." Physical Review A 81: 042524. (Books and Publications: Forthcoming Publications) 2010

Sahni, V. and X.-Y. Pan. "Particle Number and Probability Density Functional Theory and A-Representability." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 55: 450. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2010

"Quantal Density Functional Theory: Beyond Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham Theory." Proceedings of the 26th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics. Eds. by J.L. Birman, S. Catto and B. Nicolescu. Canopus Publishers. 452-64. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2009

Quantal Density Functional Theory II: Approximation Methods and Applications. Springer-Verlag. The volume details applications to atoms, molecules and metal surfaces, as well as describes various approximation methods within quantal density functional theory. (Books and Publications: Book) 2009

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Correlation-Kinetic Contributions in the Mapping to Model Noninteracting Fermion and Boson Systems." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 54: 313. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2009

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Quantal Density Functional Theory of the Density Amplitude: Application to Atoms." Physical Review A 80: 022506. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2009

Sahni, V. and X.-Y. Pan. "Basic Variables in Density Functional Theory in the Presence of a Magnetic Field." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 54: 529. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2009

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "New Perspectives on the Fundamental Theorem of Density Functional Theory." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 108: 2756. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2008

Sahni, V. and X.-Y. Pan. "New Perspectives on the Fundamental Theorem of Density Functional Theory." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 53: 308. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2008

Slamet, M., X.-Y. Pan and V. Sahni. "Construction of Wave Function Functionals." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 53: 276. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2008

Pan, X.-Y., V. Sahni and L. Masa. "Normalization and Fermi-Coulomb and Coulomb Hole Sum Rules for Approximate Wave Functions." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 107: 816. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2007

Pan, X.-Y., V. Sahni and L. Massa. "Wave Function Functional via the Normalization Constraint." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 52: H21.00003. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2007

Qian, Z. and V. Sahni. "Asymptotic Near-Nucleus Structure of the Electron-Interaction Potential in Local Effective Potential Theories." Physical Review A 75: 032517. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2007

Sahni, V. and Z. Qian. "Asymptotic Near Nucleus Structure of the Electron-Interaction Potential in Local Effective Potential Theories." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 52: H21.00007. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2007

Sahni, V., M. Slamet and X.-Y. Pan. "Local Effective Potential Theory: Non-uniqueness of Potential and Wave Function." Journal of Chemical Physics 126: 204106. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2007

Slamet, M., X.-Y. Pan and V. Sahni. "Wave Function Functionals via the Constraint of the Expectations of Hermitian Single-Particle Operators." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 52: H21.00002. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2007

Pan, X.-Y., V. Sahni and L. Massa. "Determination of a Wave Function Functional: The Constrained-Search―Variational Method." Philosophical Magazine 86: 2673. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2006

Pan, X.-Y., V. Sahni and L. Massa. "Fundamental Importance of the Coulomb Hole Sum Rule to Understanding of the Colle-Salvetti Wave Function Functional." Journal of Chemical Physics 125: 034103. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2006

Sahni, V. and M. Slamet. "Quantal Density Functional Theory: Wave Function Arbitrariness of the Noninteractng Fermion Model." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 106: 3087. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2006

Sahni, V., X.-Y. Pan and L. Massa. "One-to One Correspondence of the Normalization and Coulomb Hole Sum Rules for Approximate Wave Functions." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 51: 661. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2006

Sahni, V., X.-Y. Pan and M. Slamet. "Non-Uniqueness of Local Effective Potential Energy in Density Functional Theory." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 51: 660. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2006

Slamet, M. and V. Sahni. "Wave Function Arbitrariness of Noninteracting Fermion Model in Quantal Density Functional Theory (QDFT)." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 51: 661. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2006

Pan, X.-Y., V. Sahni and L. Massa. "Determination of Wave Function Functionals: The Constrained Search -- Variational Method." Physical Review A 72: 032505. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2005

Pan, X.-Y., V. Sahni and L. Massa. "Integration Domain of Hylleraas Coordinates." E-print: physics/0310128. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2005

Qian, Z. and V. Sahni. "Exact Electronic Properties in the Classically Forbidden Region of a Metal Surface." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 104: 929. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2005

"On Ehrenfest's Theorem." Internation Journal of Quantum Chemistry 97: 953. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2004

Quantal Density Functional Theory. Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag. The book, aimed at advanced undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers in the field, encompasses the critical ideas developed in my research over the past two decades. The book describes a new theory of electronic structure incorporating both time-dependent and time-independent phenomenon. It further provides an entirely new perspective on both time-dependent and time-independent Schrödinger and Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theories. (Books and Publications: Book) 2004

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Coalescence Constraints of Many-Body Systems in One Dimension." E-print: cond-mat/0309231. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2004

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Quantal Density Functional Theory of the Hydrogen Molecule." Journal of Chemical Physics 120: 5642. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2004

Pan, X.-Y., V. Sahni and L. Massa. "Determination of a Wave Function Functional." Physical Review Letters 93: 130401. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2004

Pan, X.-Y., V. Sahni and L. Massa. "The Constrained-Search -- Variational Method: Application to the Ground State of the Helium Atom." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 49: 433. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2004

Sahni, V. and M. Slamet. "State Arbitrariness of the Noninteracting Fermion Model in Quantal Density Functional Theory." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 100: 858. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2004

Sahni, V., X.-Y. Pan and L. Massa. "Determination of a Wave Function Functional: The Constrained Search Variational Method." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 49: 432. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2004

Slamet, M. and V. Sahni. "The State Arbitrariness of the Model Noninteracting Fermion System in Quantal Density Functional Theory (QDFT)." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 49: 433. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2004

"Quantal Density Functional Theory." Electron Correlations and Materials Properties 2. Eds. A. Gonis, N. Kioussis and M. Cifton. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. (Books and Publications: Chapter) 2003

"Quantal Density Functional Theory." Electron Correlations and Materials Properties 2 Eds. Gonis et al. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2003

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Corollary to the Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 95: 387. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2003

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Criticality of the Electron-Nucleus Cusp Condition to Local Effective Potential-Energy Theories." Physical Review A 67: 012501. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2003

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Integral Coalescence Conditions in D2, Dimension Space." Journal of Chemical Physics 119: 7083. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2003

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Quantal Density Functional Theory (Q-DFT) of the Density Amplitude." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 48: 1024. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2003

Sahni, V. and X.-Y. Pan. "Corollary to the Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 48: 1025. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2003

Sahni, V. and X.-Y. Pan. "Quantal Density Functional Theory of Degenerate States." Physical Review Letters 90: 123001. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2003

Slamet, M., R. Singh and V. Sahni. "Quantal Density Functional Theory (Q-DFT) of Excited States: The State Arbitrariness of the Model Noninteracting System." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 48: 1024. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2003

Slamet, M., R. Singh, L. Massa and V. Sahni. "Quantal Density-Functional Theory of Excited States: The State Arbitrariness of the Model Noninteracting System." Physical Review A 68: 042504. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2003

Pan, X.-Y. and V. Sahni. "Quantal Density Functional Theory (Q-DFT) Applied to the Hydrogen Molecule." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47: 1215. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2002

Qian, Z. and V. Sahni. "Analytical Asymptotic Structure of the Kohn-Sham Exchange-Correlation Potential at a Metal Surface." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47: 1214. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2002

Qian, Z. and V. Sahni. "Quantum Mechanical Image Potential Theory." Physical Review B 66: 205103. (Books and Publications: Peer Reviewed Article) 2002

Sahni, V. and X.-Y. Pan. "Quantal Density Functional Theory (Q-DFT) of Degenerate Ground and Excited States." Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47: 1214. (Books and Publications: Other Article) 2002





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