

词条 祸乱之源

§ 英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):


Atropos is an elemental force personifying the nightmares and fear of this world. He manifests where there is promise of inflicting horror and feeding off dread. Sapping his foes' psyche heals him. Manifesting his enemies' fears, he greatly enfeebles their ability to fight. He revels in disabling foes by sending them into dread slumber. When need be he can rip his soul and force it into his foes, effectively immobilizing them with despair and pain. Atropos is, in one word, Fear.

初始射程 (Base Range): 400   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time): 1.7

初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed): 305   |   初始防御 (Base Armor): 4.0

基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage): 51 - 57

初始力量值 (Base Strength): 18   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 18   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 18

力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.10   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.10   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.10


§ 虚弱 (Enfeeble) 【E】



Greatly reduces an enemy unit's ability to participate in combat. Reduces its damage and life regeneration.

Lasts 20 seconds.

一级 - 大幅削弱1个目标的参战能力,减少他20%的攻击力,降低他1点/秒的生命回复速度。

二级 - 大幅削弱1个目标的参战能力,减少他40%的攻击力,降低他2点/秒的生命回复速度。

三级 - 大幅削弱1个目标的参战能力,减少他60%的攻击力,降低他3点/秒的生命回复速度。

四级 - 大幅削弱1个目标的参战能力,减少他80%的攻击力,降低他4点/秒的生命回复速度。

Level 1 - Greatly decreases an enemy unit's ability to attack by reducing its damage by 20% and life regeneration by 1 hit point per second.

Level 2 - Greatly decreases an enemy unit's ability to attack by reducing its damage by 40% and life regeneration by 2 hit point per second.

Level 3 - Greatly decreases an enemy unit's ability to attack by reducing its damage by 60% and life regeneration by 3 hit point per second.

Level 4 - Greatly decreases an enemy unit's ability to attack by reducing its damage by 80% and life regeneration by 4 hit point per second.

§ 蚀脑 (Brain Sap) 【B】



Feasts on the vital energies of another unit, absorbing some of its hit points.

一级 - 瞬间汲取敌方单位最多75点的生命。消耗125点的魔法。

二级 - 瞬间汲取敌方单位最多150点的生命。消耗150点的魔法。

三级 - 瞬间汲取敌方单位最多225点的生命。消耗175点的魔法。

四级 - 瞬间汲取敌方单位最多300点的生命。消耗200点的魔法。

Level 1 - Instantly absorbs up to 75 hit points from another unit.

Level 2 - Instantly absorbs up to 150 hit points from another unit.

Level 3 - Instantly absorbs up to 225 hit points from another unit.

Level 4 - Instantly absorbs up to 300 hit points from another unit.

§ 噩梦 (Nightmare) 【T】



Puts another unit into a fitful slumber, filled with horrifying nightmares. It takes 20 damage per second. If that unit is attacked while it slumbers, the attacking unit comes under the effect of Nightmare.

一级 - 使目标(也可以是友方)进入突发性的睡眠,目标受到20点/秒的伤害。如果目标单位在噩梦期间被普通攻击唤醒,那么对其进行普通攻击的单位将因此受到噩梦的影响。


二级 - 使目标(也可以是友方)进入突发性的睡眠,目标受到20点/秒的伤害。如果目标单位在噩梦期间被普通攻击唤醒,那么对其进行普通攻击的单位将因此受到噩梦的影响。


三级 - 使目标(也可以是友方)进入突发性的睡眠,目标受到20点/秒的伤害。如果目标单位在噩梦期间被普通攻击唤醒,那么对其进行普通攻击的单位将因此受到噩梦的影响。


四级 - 使目标(也可以是友方)进入突发性的睡眠,目标受到20点/秒的伤害。如果目标单位在噩梦期间被普通攻击唤醒,那么对其进行普通攻击的单位将因此受到噩梦的影响。


Level 1 - Puts another unit into a fitful slumber. It takes 20 damage per second and may be awoken at any time. If it is attacked before Nightmare expires, the attacking unit suffers a Nightmare.

Lasts 4 seconds.

Level 2 - Puts another unit into a fitful slumber. It takes 20 damage per second and may be awoken at any time. If it is attacked before Nightmare expires, the attacking unit suffers a Nightmare.

Lasts 5 seconds.

Level 3 - Puts another unit into a fitful slumber. It takes 20 damage per second and may be awoken at any time. If it is attacked before Nightmare expires, the attacking unit suffers a Nightmare.

Lasts 6 seconds.

Level 4 - Puts another unit into a fitful slumber. It takes 20 damage per second and may be awoken at any time. If it is attacked before Nightmare expires, the attacking unit suffers a Nightmare.

Lasts 7 seconds.

§ 恶魔的掌握 (Fiend's Grip) 【F】





Uses dark magic to grip a target enemy unit and damage it heavily. It cannot move or attack.

Lasts 5 seconds.

一级 - 使用黑暗魔法抓住一个目标,目标不能移动、攻击、使用技能或物品,造成100点/秒的伤害。



二级 - 使用黑暗魔法抓住一个目标,目标不能移动、攻击、使用技能或物品,造成155点/秒的伤害。



三级 - 使用黑暗魔法抓住一个目标,目标不能移动、攻击、使用技能或物品,造成215点/秒的伤害。



Level 1 - Summons dark magic to immobilize and damage a target enemy unit for 100 damage per second. Costs 40 mana and life per second.

Lasts 5 seconds.

Level 2 - Summons dark magic to immobilize and damage a target enemy unit for 155 damage per second. Costs 60 mana and life per second.

Lasts 5 seconds.

Level 3 - Summons dark magic to immobilize and damage a target enemy unit for 215 damage per second. Costs 80 mana and life per second.

Lasts 5 seconds.





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