

词条 张书敏

张书敏, 女,1965年 10月生,理学博士,教授,物理系主任,副院长,河北师范大学中青年骨干教师。凝聚态物理专业博士生导师。




自2001年以来,先后主持和参加过河北省自然科学基金、教育部国家重点实验室基金、河北省教委自然科学科研基金、国家自然科学基金、天津市科技攻关项目共10余项。在 Opt.Lett.,Applied Physics B, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Opt. Commun., Optical fiber technology, Optical and quantum electronics, Journal of optical A, Chinese Physics, 中国物理 等国内外重要期刊杂志上发表论文 50 余篇, 其中SCI收录30余篇。




1. Shumin Zhang, et. al., Third-order dispersion role on parabolic pulse propagation in dispersion-decreasing fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion,Applied Physics B2009, 94: 227–232 (SCI索引)

2. Shumin Zhang, et. al., Generation of picosecond soliton pulses with tunable repetition rate by modulational instability, Optik ,2009, 12 (SCI索引)

3. Shumin Zhang,Xiufeng Yang. et. al., Supercontinuum generation in photonics crystal fibers with a normal dispersion pump pulse near the zero-dispersion wavelength, OPTICS ENGINEERING, 2008, 09 (SCI索引)

4. Shumin Zhang,Li Dan, et. al., Tunable all-fiber Er3+-doped laser based on a double-clad Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped fiber amplifier, MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2008.10 (SCI索引)

5. Shumin Zhang,Guangzhen Zhao, Zhijun Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Yandong Gong, and Xiufeng YangSupercontinuum generation in photonics crystal fibers with a femtosecond pulse ,Proc. SPIE6825, 68250Y (2008). (EI索引)

6. Shumin Zhang,Dan Li, Xiaoqing Li, and Zhenjun YangA tunable erbium-doped fiber laser with power-equalized output using nonlinear polarization rotation , Proc. SPIE6825, 68250Z (2008) (EI索引)

7. Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, Yang Xiufen, Gong Yandong. Different operation states of soliton pulses in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser.CHINESE PHYSICS, 04,(2007). (SCI索引: 188CR)

8. 李晓青 张书敏(责任作者),光子晶体光纤中超连续谱产生的理论与实验研究, 光子学报, 2008.10 (EI索引)

9. Zhang Shu-Min, Lu Fu-Yun, Zou xiaoxue, Soliton pulses in an erbium-doped fiber ring laser and its use in supercontinuum generation, Acta Physica Sinica, 56, 2191-2195 (2007).(SCI索引: 159CZ)

10. Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, all fiber actively Q-switched Er/Yb co-doped ring laser; MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 49 (9): 2183-2186, (2007). (SCI索引:188RF)

11. Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu,Jian Wang. Self-Q-switching and mode-locking in an all-fiber Er/Yb co-dope fiber ring laser. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS(2006), 263:47-51. (SCI索引 :059IG)

12. Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Chunxia Xie. Passively mode-locked Er/Yb-codoped fiber ring laser with a fiber Bragg grating loop mirror. OPTICS ENGINEERING,45(3):034204(2006).(SCI索引:043SL)

13. Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun , Wang Jian. High-power narrow line width tunable cladding pumped Er : Yb co-doped fiber laser MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 48 (9): 1736-1739, (2006). ( SCI索引: 067QK)

14. Fan Yu, Lu Fuyun,Zhang Shumin, Luo Shaojun, Wei Dai, Dong Xiaoyi, L-band efficient and wavelength tunable Er/Ybco-doped cladding-pumped fiber ring laser based on fiber loop mirror, Microwave And Optical Technology Letters, 48, 892-895 (2006). (SCI索引: 032XM; EI索引: 06199866434)

15. Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Xinyong Dong, Ping Shum, Xiufeng Yang, Xiaoqun Zhou, Yandong Gong, Chao Lu. Passive mode locking at harmonics of the free spectral range of the intracavity filter in a fiber ring laser, OPTICS LETTERS,Vol. 30, Issue 21, pp. 2852-2854 (2005).(SCI索引: 977FA; EI索引: 05489507185)

16. Shumin Zhang,Fuyun Lu, Wencheng Xu, Jian Wang. Modulation instability induced by cross-phase modulation in decreasing dispersion fiber. OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY11 (2): 193-201 APR (2005). (SCI索引:916HX; EI索引: 05149017789 )

17. Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Chunxia Xie, Jian Wang and Xiaoyi Dong. Temporal characteristics of a high-energy Er/Yb-codoped fibre ring laser. JOURNAL OF OPTICS A : PURE APPLIED OPTICS 7:175-178 (2005).( SCI索引:919QI ; EI索引: 05179057281)

18. Zhang Shumin, Lu F uyun, Yang XiuFeng, Dong Fa jie, Wang Hong jie, Dong Xiao yi. Wavelength tunable linear cavity cladding pump Era()/Yb co-doped fiber laser operating in L-band OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 37 (4):417-424 MAR (2005).(SCI索引: 950XS; EI索引: 05279196752)

19. Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, Gong Yandong, Zhou Xiaoqun, Yang Xiufen, and Lu Chao. Bound soliton pulses in a passively mode-locked fiber ring laser. CHINESE PHYSICS14(9):1839-1843, (2005). (SCI索引: 961BR; EI索引: 05379357497)

20. Shumin Zhang, Fuyun Lu, Jian Wang, Chunxia Xie. High-power narrow-linewidth tunable Er3+/Yb3+co-doped cladding-pumped fiber ring laser. Source: Proceedings of SPIE- The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 5644, 2005, p 242-249. (EI索引)

21. Shumin Zhang , Fuyun Lu, Jian Wang, Chunxia Xie. An efficient and tunable Er 3+ /Yb 3+ co-doped cladding-pumped fiber ring laser operating in L-band. Source: Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5644, n PART 1, Optoelectronic Devices and Integration, 2005, p 234-241. (EI索引)

22. Yang, Xiufeng, Dong Xinyong, Zhang, Shumin,Lu, Fuyun, Zhou, Xiaoqun, Lu Chao, Multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber laser with 0.8-nm spacing using sampled Bragg grating and photonic crystal fiber. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters17(12): 2538-2540 (2005) (SCI索引:988SM)

23. Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, Xu Wencheng, Yang Shiping, Wang Jian, Dong Xiaoyi. Enhanced compression of high-order solitons in dispersion decreasing fibers due to the combined effects of negative third-order dispersion and Raman self-scattering. OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 237 (1-3): 1-8 (2004) (SCI索引: 829IW; EI索引: 04258226334 )

24. Zhang Shu-Min, Lu Fu-Yun, Wang Jian, Dong Fa-Jie, Wang Hong-Jie, Dong Xiao-Yi. High-efficiency generation of cladding pumped erbium-ytterbium co-doped double clad fiber ring laser operating in L-band. MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS43 (3): 213-215, 5 (2004). ( SCI索引: 859AS; EI索引: 04458450662).

25. Zhang Shumin, Lu Fuyun, ect, All fiber Q-switched and self-mode-locking Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped ring laser with M-Z Interferometer,APOC2004. (EI索引)


1. 河北省自然科学基金,高能量光纤飞秒光源的理论和实验研究(No.F200600183)

2. 河北省自然科学基金,全正色散光纤锁模激光器及其应用,(No. F2009000321)

3. 河北省教育厅基金,光纤中超短光脉冲压缩的新技术,(No.001241).

4. 稳定高重复频率的飞秒孤子光纤激光器,河北师范大学博士基金(No.L2005B05),

5. 高功率窄线宽包层泵浦的L波段可调谐铒镱共掺光纤激光器,光电信息技术科学教育部基金(No.03-19).

6. 全正色散光纤锁模激光器及其在分子测量中的应用,河北师范大学重点基金.



2. 《光学》河北师范大学精品课程;

3. 《普通物理实验》河北师范大学重点建设课程


张书敏,1955 年生,山东省曲阜市人,毕业于曲阜师范大学音乐系,历任学校教导处副主任、政教处副主任、招办主任、工会副主席等职 , 被评为“济宁市优秀教师”。研究成果“五线谱、键盘与各调关系对照尺”获国家专利。《幼儿音乐教育漫谈》一文在省级优秀论文评比中获三等奖。编著的《中外手风琴名曲 100 首》一书由中国广播电视出版社出版发行。





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