

词条 金沙音乐剧



公元2001年3月,中国四川省成都市苏坡乡金沙村施工工地上,一个突然的考古发现,轰动了世界。随着各种各样的玉器、石人、金箔、青铜器和象牙等的出土。一个几千年前恢宏神秘的祭祀场景渐渐清晰了起来,这个在历史上没有任何文字记载的古代文明遗址从此浮出水面。“金沙遗址”被誉为中国二十一世纪第一个最为重大的考古发现,据考古学家考证,从文物时代看,绝大部分为商代晚期和西周早期,年代距今大约在3200难到2800年之间,少部分为春秋时期。“金沙遗址”这一区域很可能是商末至西周时期成都地区的政治、文化中心。“成都金沙遗址”的发现,至少将成都历史向前推进了1000 年。2005年8月16日,中国国家文物总局宣布:在四川省成都市金沙遗址出土的稀世珍贵文物“太阳神鸟金箔”为“中国文化遗产”标志。遗址出土的珍贵文物多达千余件,包括:金器30余件、玉器和铜器各400余件、石器170件、象牙器40余件,出土象牙总重量近一吨,此外还有大量的陶器出土。从遗址出土的玉戈、玉瑗等文物表明“金沙文化不是孤立的,它与黄河流域文化和长江下游的“良渚文化”有深刻的内在联系,证明了中华文化的多元一体,引起了国内外的广泛关注。






在3100年前,庄严威仪的祭祀中,“丑”带着“沙”与美丽的太阳神鸟化 身的“金”再次相见。失忆的“沙”对美丽的“金”一见如故,并产生了朦胧 的情愫。由此,美丽的“金”为了唤醒昔日爱人“沙”重获往日的爱情,她决 定用生命换取往事重现,引领着“沙”飞向未来的场景……

在2000年前的古蜀战场上,“金”与“沙”共同经历着一场血火奔流的洗 礼……混乱中,“小鱼”为救“金”身受重伤,在生命的最后一刻,“小鱼”把 “太阳神鸟金箔”合二为一,“沙”顿时记忆复苏……当“小鱼”用生命换来了“沙”的苏醒之时,战火又无情地冲散了这对三千年的爱人……

在1000年前的芙蓉古城里,在“花蕊夫人”姹紫嫣红的花间盛宴中,历尽 千辛万苦的“沙”与“金”再次相逢。雍容华贵的“花蕊夫人”被“金”、 “沙”对爱的忠贞而感动,衷心祝福他们的爱情地久天长……“太阳神鸟金箔”终于再度重圆,“金”与“沙”的爱情也得到了凝固与 永恒……

然而,他们从月亮降临中出发,闯过硝烟弥漫的战场,又走过灯火通明的 欢宴,在穿越时空和往事重现的过程中“金”美丽的翅膀相继坠落,她的生命 也在唤醒爱人的旅途上一点点消耗殆尽。在离现代文明还有两公分的地方,“金”与“沙”的旷古绝恋戛然而止,美丽的“金”随风逝去……“沙”泪流满面地呼喊着:总有一天,我会找到什么,拨开尘雾和泥土,我会让她复活…




Chengdu, Sichuan。Ancient JinSha Kingdom, three thousand years ago. the incarnation of the Sunbird “Jin”, the incarnation of the fish “Fish”, the wood jester “Jester” ,and the “Jester”’s master “Sha” lived happily together on the land of the ancient JinSha Kingdom. In a battle between SanXing Tribe and the JinSha Kingdom, SanXing Tribe crushed the Kingdom, and the “Sunbird Gold Foil”, Holy Substance of the JinSha Kingdom and symbol of promise between Jin and Sha was broken into two pieces. Thereafter, Jin, Sha, Fish and Jester live far apart from each other. They are only able to meet again in the distant future, when the broken pieces of the Sunbird Gold Foil are brought back together again. On a day in year 2001, incarnated young archeologist “Sha” came to the mysterious land where the ancient JinSha Kingdom used to be. Yet he does not remember anything about the past. “Sha”discovered an incomplete “Gold Sunbird Foil.” While holding it, an indescribable feeling came into his mind; familiar yet strange, he tried hard to remember what had happened…Deep in the land under his feet buried many spirits; the day which they were finally able to see the daylight has finally arrived. The head of all spirits, “Jester”, wanted to help his master “Sha” to recollect his memories and to find himself again. The story was told, only if the Gold Sunbird Foil becomes one again, love would reappear and memories would come back. Jester decided to let the histories reappear.

“Jester” let “Sha” to the beautiful Incarnation of the Sunbird “Jin” during the Holy sacrificial ceremony 3100 years ago. Sha, who has lost his memory, felt as if “Jin”was a long-time friend once he saw her, and started having feelings toward her. “Jin” wanted to help “Sha” to recollect his memory, and she decided to use her life in exchange for the past events to reoccur. She let Sha fly back into the past…

2000 years ago, “Jin” and “Sha” experienced the bloody and fiery Shu battle…During the battle royal, “Fish” was badly injured because she went to save “Jin”. At the last moment in her life, Fish completed the “Sunbird Gold Foil”, and at that moment, “Sha” recollected his memory…Just then, the battle mercilessly separated

the couple again…

1000 years ago, among the beautiful hibiscus flowers, “Jin” and “Sha” met again. The elegant “Lady Hibiscus” was touched by the loyalty of their love; she wholeheartedly blessed their commitment to be everlasting…“The Sunbird Gold Foil” was once again completed, and the love between “Jin” and “Sha” was solidified and became everlasting…

However, as they started in the rising of the moon, rushed through the smokyand dusty battlefield, walked through the well-illuminated banquet, through time and space, “Jin”’s feather began coming off piece by piece, and her life was diminishing during the journey of bringing

back memory of her loved one…

Only two centimeters from another civilization, “Jin” and “Sha” are forever separated, the beautiful “Jin” gone with the wind…

“Sha” is crying desperately with tears,“there will be one day, I will find something, apart the misty dust, I will have her come back to life…”

Through 3000 years of time, the lovely couple left us with touching memories. They proved an old Chinese saying “discoveries come from legendary tales”. China JinSha relic witnessed the history of ancient Shu history and civilization .





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