词条 | 金牌沙城1979 |
释义 | “金牌沙城1979”诞生于沙城这片神奇的土壤,并于1979获国家金奖。沙城产区因之而被国务院命名为“中国葡萄酒之乡”、“中国著名产区”。“金牌沙城1979”以本世纪最高贵世界红葡萄酿酒名种——梅鹿辄为原料,充分发挥土壤与优质品种的最佳组合。 金牌宣言Golden Announcement金牌,是一种荣耀 金牌,是一种象征 金牌,是一种见证 金牌,是一种力量 金牌,是一种宣言 …… GOLDEN, a kind of glory GOLDEN, a kind of symbol GOLDEN, a kind of witness GOLDEN, a kind of power GOLDEN, a kind of announcement …… 金牌成就Gold glory1984年,许海峰代表中国第一次获得了奥运会金牌。 1959年,容国团代表中国第一次获得了世乒赛金牌。 1981年,中国女排第一次获得了世界杯赛金牌。 1979年,沙城获得了第一个葡萄酒国家金奖,勇夺金牌。 Golden ShaCheng 1979 In 1984,Xu Haifeng won the first Olympic gold medal for China. In 1959,Rong Guotuan won the first gold medal in the World Table Tennis Championships for China. In 1981,women's volleyball team of China won its first gold medal in the World Cup. In 1979,Shacheng achieved the first national gold medal of wine. 金牌精神Golden Spirit如果你得了银牌,你不是赢了银牌,而是输了金牌。 1979年,沙城荣获国家金奖。 沙城被国务院命名为“中国葡萄酒之乡”,“中国著名产区”。 No Gold Prize, No Gain In 1979, Shacheng won the National Gold Prize It was designated as “notable producing source” in China It was reputed as “land of wine in China” 金牌品质Gold Quality金牌源于品质 每一个成功之人必有其过人之处,每一块金牌的背后也是如此。 金牌沙城1979之所以称得上金牌,源于其顶尖的品质和过人的特质。 Golden is originated from Quality Every man of success must possess something special; It is true of our Golden reward. Golden 1979 boasts of its name for top quality and characteristics. 沙城土壤的非凡特质 葡萄酒的品质如何,关键在于土壤。 沙城,北依燕山,南靠太行山脉,中有桑洋河, 天然形成独特的两山夹一川“V”型盆地,成就了沙城土壤的非凡特质; 蕴含丰富的矿物质,为葡萄生长提供充足养分; 年活动积温≥3500℃; 降水量≥400mm; 昼夜温差高达12.5℃; 无霜期长达160天; 太阳光辐射140千卡/cm²; 地处北纬42°。 沙城葡萄酒 真正纯正好品质 Divine soil of wine Soil of wine determines the quality Divine soil begets divine grapes for wine Shacheng takes the V-shape form with Yan Mountain in the north, Taihang ranges in the south and Shangcheng River in the middle. The divine landform produces divine soil of wine. Brown, sandy, penetrable and drainable Abundant in minerals which nourishes the grapes growth Annual active cumulative temperature surpasses 3500 centigrade Rainfalll exceeds 400mm Temperature difference between day and night reaches 12.5 centigrade Non frost season lasts for 160 days Solar radiation is more than 140 therm/cm² It is located latitude 42 degrees north Shacheng Golden 1979 truly good quality 金牌本色Golden true quality本真的葡萄酒味道 纯粹、极致、本真。 不允许有任何混沌与感官迟钝! 优雅、充盈、醇厚。 不刻意的内在自然显露! 很多知名酒厂的主人或酿酒师,每当被问到时如何服育出顶级酒款的时候,都会归功于老天爷赐给他们优质的葡萄。事实上,这不只是一种谦逊的态度,也相当程度说明了葡萄酒的“根本”。 传统葡萄酒产国的许多分级制度,其实不外乎是针对葡萄产区和种植的规范。特定产区只能种植最适合当地气候和土壤的品种,这也是法国AOC分级制度的基本精神。什么样的土壤,种什么,种多少,产量如何,这些看上去无关紧要细节,正是构成普通酒和顶级酒的差异之所在。 Golden 1979 was launched into the market from this divine soil of Shacheng, and achieved the first Wine gold honor in 1979, It was designated as notable producing source in China and reputed as land of wine in China by Office International de la Vigne et du Vin(OIV) When being asked how they make their top grade wine, many owners of famous wine mills or wine makers give the credit to qualitied grapes. As a matter of fact, this is not only a modest mode but also giving an evidence of the essence of wine. Many grade policies in the traditional grape growing countries are actually the specification concerned with grape growing place and planting. Specified areas can only plant the certain types most grade policy in France. The type of soil, what kind to be plant, how seems of no importance. But they are the points where the differences of normal wine and top wine lie. Golden 1979, with the best type for red wine making around the World-MERLOT as its raw material, gives the full play to the best combination of soil and qualified type of grape, brings you noble enjoyment at any time. 金牌境界Golden Essence如果你赢得了银牌,实际上你输掉了金牌,金牌的境界是至高和完美。 金牌沙城1979,是您尝尽了天下美酒以后,依然不能错过的至高和完美。 这,便是金牌沙城1979的境界。 No Gold Prize, No Gain. The essence of Golden is supreme and perfect golden 1979 the summit and perfection you can not help tasing This is the essence of Golden 1979. 金牌背景Golden Story长城酿造集团 沙城葡萄酒有限公司 1979年6月,长城酿造集团成立。 集团成立伊始既将葡萄酒产业作为企业发展战略的重心,并选定河北沙城作为集团的葡萄酒酿造基地。 在独特沙城土壤的支撑下,长城酿造集团于1976年推出了中国第一支干型葡萄酒,一举奠定了沙城产地在葡萄酒酿造中的地位,被国务院命名为“中国葡萄酒之乡”。同时,自干型葡萄酒问世以来,以长城和沙城为代表的葡萄酒系列屡得大奖,广获盛誉,成为中国品质酒的代表。 集团辖六家骨干公司,事业领域涉及葡萄酒、白酒、酒精、精饲料、饮料等,是全国知名的大型综合酿造企业。目前,集团再度重拳出击打造沙城葡萄酒品牌,并成立了深圳沙城葡萄酒有限公司全权负责沙城品牌的建设工作。 沙城公司本着打造中国品质酒典范的态度,汇集众多营销专家,以主动式营销理念,向经销伙伴输出强大的营销资源,共同创造灿烂明天。 Greatwall Brewery Group Co.Ltd Shacheng Wine Co.ltd In June,1949,Greatwall Brewery Group Co.Ltd was founded. The group put the brewery production as the strategic focus and chose Hebei Shacheng as the base at the beginning. Based on the divine soil of Shacheng, the first dry wine in China was produced by Greatwall Brewery Group, which strengthened the status of Shacheng in brewery production, and at the same time Shacheng was reputed as land of wine in China by International Vine and Wine Office(iov) Meanwhile, the dry wine won lots of honors representing Greatwall and Shacheng brewery series since since it was launched into the marker. It became the symbol of quality wine in China. The group shareholding six pillar companies and the business scope involves vine wine, white wine, ethyl alcohol, concentrated feed, beverage etc. It is the famous large scaled and comprehensive brewery around China, At present, the group spares no effort in molding the brand image and commits Shenzhen Shacheng wine Co.ltd to its management. For the purpose of setting example of quality wine in China, the group rallies numbers of marketing experts and offers quality products and service to distributors under the notion of active marketing. There will be a splendid future for us. |
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