

词条 贾多杰

贾多杰,藏族,西北师范大学物理与电子工程技术学院副教授,硕士生导师。1987-1991年就读于兰州大学数学系(获理学学士学位); 1991至1994年获得兰州大学数学系理学硕士学位;1994-1998年在西北民族学院数学系任教;1998年至2001年就读于兰州大学物理系理论物理专业,获理学博士学位(拓扑规范场论方向). 2001年至2003年在中国科学院近代物理研究所从事博士后研究(获博士后证书);2003年9月至今任西北师范大学物理与电子科学技术学院理论物理研究所(副教授,硕士生导师,方向为:量子场论及其应用),从事教学与科研工作。









姓 名 贾多杰

性 别 男

职 称 副教授/硕士生导师

研究方向 理论物理


兰州大学数学系(本科, 1991;硕士,1994);

兰州大学物理系 (博士,2001);















拓扑场论的数学基础: 研究了phi-映射拓扑场论的广函数数学基础,为矢量场delta-函数的拓扑展开定理给出了一个数学证明。

拓扑场论在量子力学和量子相干现象中的应用:从物理系统的内部对称性出发给出了量子力学中的整数和半整数量子化条件,并证明前者由第一类Chern数所描述,而后者由Hopf不变量和’t Hooft不变量所描述 [Chin. Phys. Lett . 18,473 (2001)]。提出了量子相干物质的一种有效规范动力学,由此给出转动的各向异性势阱中BEC的一个基态解和q重的涡旋解,以及产生涡旋的临界转动频率,该频率在各向同性情形下与C. J. Pethick 和H. Smith等人的结果相一致,并揭示了为什么凝聚体的总涡旋度是拓扑量子化的[Phys. Lett . A290,120 (2001)]。给出了二分量BEC的一个新的环流条件,它是Mermin-Ho关系的一种推广 [Phys.Lett.A16,29 (2001); High Energy Phys and Nucl. Phys. 27, 1 (2003)];又见[Mod. Phy. Lett. B, 20, 16 (2006) 995-1005]。

规范场非微扰性质,QCD真空及强子物理:以SU(2)规范势分解及内部结构为基础,研究了旋量场的拓扑性质,讨论了Yang-Mills 理论的Abel结构和瞬子的拓扑缺陷效应,提出了一个新的瞬子的作用量表述 [Mod.Phys.Lett.A290,120 (2001)1863];对于未加规范条件的Yang-Mills理论,提出了SU(2)规范场的一种新的离壳分解[High Energy Phys and Nucl. Phys. 27, 4 (2003)];发现自旋为1旋量BEC基态在偏离单模近似下是SO(3)对称破缺态并强烈地依赖于系统磁性[Int. J. Mod.Phys. B]。给出大耦合参数下GP方程的一个近似涡旋解。

最近的工作: 从SU(2) Yang-Mills理论出发导出了QCD真空的对偶`Abel黑格斯模型,得到凝聚真空的Ginzburg-Landau参数和胶子能谱的一种计算方案。

Duojie Jia (also Duoje Jiadig)Associated Professor at Institute of theoretical Physics, College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, NorthwestNormalUniversity.

Research Area:Nonperturbative gauge theory and applications, with focus in nonperturbative approach to QCD and hadron Physics.

Ph. D., LanzhouUniversity (2001, Theoretical Physics),.

MasterLanzhouUniversity (1994 Pure Mathematics);

Postdoctoral Fellow Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences (2001-2003,Theoretical Physics).

Lecturer: Department of Mathematics, NorthwestUniversity for Nationality (1994-1998);

Visiting scholar

Interdisciplinary Center for Theoretical Study, University of Science & Technology of China (Aug. –Oct. 2004).

Department of Physics, North Carolina State University, USA (Mar. 2007-Feb. 2008)

Teaching Experiences:

Advanced Quantum Mechanics; Quantum Electrodynamics; Quantum Theory of Many-particle Systems;University Physics;Frontier of Modern Physic;.

Research: Mathematical foundation of the topological field theory; gauge field decomposition in terms of new variables and its applications in quantum coherent and condensed systems, and in nonperturbative aspects of gauge theories. The works include the Abelian Projection of Yang-Mills theory without gauge-fixing, integer and half-integer quantization conditions of the spinless and spin-1/2 particles, the topological defect effect of the instanton for non-Abelian gauge theory, effective gauge dynamics for Bose-Einstein condensates, generalized Mermin-Ho relation; the analytical solution to vortex for strong interacting condensates; off-shell decomposition of SU(2) gauge field and the low-energy variables of the YM theory that may realize the dual-superconductor picture of the color confinement. Recently, I mainly focus on the nonperturbative QCD and hadron physics, including the glueball physics.

Foundation undertaken:

National Natural Science Foundation of P.R. China: Gauge field decomposition and new topological invariants (No.19775021,1998-2000,main participator);Superintendent Foundation of Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academic of Sciences:Theoretical Investigation of topological excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates (2000-2003,main undertaker). National Natural Science Foundation of P. R. China (North-East Project): Nonperturbative Approaches to Field andCosmology. (No.10547009, 2006-2008,main undertaker).

AwardsFirst-grade Award of Science and Technology Progress of Gansu Province (2003) for theproject---Topological field theory of condenses states and cosmological time-space defects.

Recent Publications:

Y. S Duan and Duoje Jia, Integer and half-integer quantization conditions in quantum mechanics, Chin. Phys. Lett . 18,473 (2001).

Duoje Jiaand Y. S. Duan, Topological effects of instantons due to the defects, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 16, 29(2001)1863-1869.

Y. S. Duan and Duoje Jia, Effective gauge dynamics of the Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Lett. A 290,3-4,(2001)120-126

Duoje Jia, Xiguo Lee and Y. S. Duan, Circulation condition of two-component Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys. Lett. A 289,4-5(2001)245-250.

Duoje Jia and Xiguo Lee, Monopole mechanism of Yang-Mills theory without gauge-fixing, High Energy Phys and Nucl. Phys. 27, No 4 (2003)293-298.

Xiguo Lee and Duoje Jia, SU(2) gauge field decomposition and Circulation condition for Bose-Einstein condensate, High Energy Phys and Nucl. Phys. 27, No 1 (2003).

Xiguo Lee, Yuan Gao and Duoje Jia, Kaon effective mass in nuclear matter, High Energy Phys and Nucl. Phys. 37, No 11 (2003)995-998.

Xuyan and Duoje Jia et al.,, The Mode-deviation effect of trapped spinor Bose gas beyond mean field theory, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. 18 (2004)1339-1349.

Xuyan and Duoje Jia et al., Singly quantized vortex solution in Bose-Einstein condensates in large-N limits, Act. Phys. Sin. 53 (2004) 2831-2833.

Duoje Jia, Infrared Abelization of Yang-Mills Theory via Abelian Higgs variables, High Energy Phys. and Nucl. Phys. 30,3(2006)196-200

Xuyan and Duoje Jia, Trial solution and critical frequency to the singly quantized vortex in big Bose-Einstein condensates, Mod. Phy. Lett. B, 20, 16 (2006) 995-1005.

Duojie Jia, and De-Zhen Ai, Dual superconductor vacuum of strongly-coupled SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory, High Energy Phys. and Nucl. Phys. 31 (5) (2007):64-67.

爱德臻,贾多杰等,杨-米尔斯理论的对偶超导机制,西北师范大学学报[自],No 43(2)(2007): 24-28.

DuojieJia and Yan Xu et al., Nondegenerated Spin States of a Trapped Spinor Bose gas Beyond Mean Field Theory, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. 22, 3 (2008) 189-204.

贾多杰,爱德臻,关于规范场顶角计算的置换群陪集简化方法,Journal of Northwest Normal University(Natural) (西北师范大学学报[自]),42 (2) (2006):45-49.

Duojie Jia, Abelian-Higgs phase of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory and glueball energy, Chinese Physsics,C [HEP&NP]. 32,No.7 (2008 ).





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