

词条 黄亿华


1990 考入北京大学生物系; 1990-1991 中国人民解放军信阳陆军学院,军政训练, 预备役中尉; 1991-1995 北京大学生命科学学院,理学学士; 1995-1998 北京大学生命科学学院,理学硕士 (导师: 原生命科学院院长周曾铨教授 和长江学者王世强教授); 1998-2004 美国康乃尔大学医学院, 生物化学及结构生物学博士(导师: 著名结构生物学家 Prof. Hao Wu); 2004-2010 美国休斯医学研究所/德州西南医学研究中心,博士后/助理研究员/讲师(导师: 诺贝尔奖获得者 Prof. Johann Deisenhofer); 2011- 中国科学院生物物理研究所/生物大分子国家重点实验室/蛋白质科学国家实验室(筹)研究员.


本研究组主要从事膜蛋白的结构生物学研究。具体研究内容又分为: 宏观分子 (如蛋白质, 核酸, 脂肪酸和多糖) 如何跨膜转运, 细菌蛋白质分泌机制 和膜蛋白生物生成机理等三个方向。研究手段主要包括X-射线结晶学和低温冷冻电镜, 并结合其他生物物理和生物化学手段。


1. Huang Y*, Smith B., Chen L, Baxter R & Deisenhofer J* (2009) Insights into pilus assembly and secretion from the structure and functional characterization of usher PapC. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106(18): 7403-7, (* corresponding author).

2. Huang Y, Baxter R, Smith BS, Partch CL, Colbert CL and Deisenhofer J (2006) Crystal structure of cryptochrome 3 from Arabidopsis thaliana and its implication for photolyase activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 103(47): 17701-6

3. Huang Y, Rich R., Myszkat D. and Wu H. (2003) Smac dimer relieves effector caspase inhibition by binding to the BIR2 and BIR3 domains within each XIAP molecule. J. Biol. Chem. 278(49): 49517-22

4. Huang Y, Lu M. and Wu H. (2004) Antagonizing XIAP-mediated caspase-3 inhibition: Achilles' heel of cancers? Cancer Cell. 5(1): 1-2

5. Huang Y, Park YC, Rich RL, Segal D, Myszka D. G. and Wu H (2001). Structural basis of caspase inhibition by XIAP: differential roles of the linker versus the BIR domain. Cell, 104: 781-790.

6. Xu G, Cirilli M, Huang Y, Rich RL, Myszka DG, and Wu H (2001). Covalent inhibition revealed by the crystal structure of the p35/caspase-8 complex. Nature, 410: 494-497.

7. Lin SC, Huang Y, Lo YC, Lu M, and Wu H (2007) Crystal structure of the BIR1 domain of XIAP In two crystal forms. Journal of Molecular Biology

8. Lu M, Lin S, Huang Y, Kang YJ, Rich R, Lo YC, Myszka D, Han J and Wu H (2007) XIAP induces NF-κB activation via the BIR1/TAB1 interaction and BIR1 dimerization. Molecular Cell 26: 1-14

9. Xu G, Rich RL, Steegborn C, Min T, Huang Y, Myszka DG and Wu H (2003). Mutational analysis of the p35-caspase interaction: A bowstring kinetic model of caspase inhibition by p35. J. Biol. Chem. 278 (7): 5455-61.

10. Huang Y, Weng X and Zhou Z (1998). Extracellular ATP: effects, action and fates. Progress in Physiological Sciences 12(4): 23-27.

11. Wang S, Huang Y, and Zhou Z (1997). Calcium dependence of myocardial hypothermial tolerance on sources of activator. Cryobiology 35 (3): 193-200.





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