

词条 华田苗


华田苗,男,1965年生,安徽桐城人,中国科技大学博士,美国乔治亚洲州立大学博士后,安徽师范大学教授。1991-2001年从事我国珍稀动物-扬子鳄的繁殖生物学及发育生物学研究工作,发表专业学术论文30余篇,1995年获国家教委科技进步三等奖,2003年以第二著作者出版国家十五重点图书之一《扬子鳄研究》。自2001年以来主要从事神经科学研究工作,在Current Biology、Neurobiology of Aging、Neurobiology of Learning and Memory、Journal of Neurophysiology、Brain Research Bulletin、Neuroscience Letters、Journal of Biosciences、Neuroscience Bulletin等重要学术期刊发表论文40余篇。研究论文 “Functional degradation of visual cortical cells in old cats”于2007年获国家科技部中国科技信息研究所颁发的“中国百篇最具影响优秀国际学术论文”奖。









2005.8—2007.7,在美国Georgia State University生物学系从事博士后研究工作

2008.10—2009.8,在美国Baylor College of Medicine神经科学系从事访问学习和研究工作

3、 学术兼职







三、主要研究方向: 学习诱导的脑可塑性及其细胞机制研究




国家自然科学基金资助项目. 课题名称:方位辨别知觉学习的脑机制研究,2012-2015,主持

安徽省教育厅重点研究项目. 课题名称:初级视皮层毁损后视觉保留与恢复的脑机制,2009–2011,主持。





(一) 论文:

Hua T, Bao P., Huang CB, Wang Z, Xu J, Zhou Y, Lu Z-L. Perceptual learning improves contrast sensitivity of V1 neurons in cats. Current Biology 2010, 20: 887-894. (SCI 一区IF=10.77)

Hua T, Li X, He L, Zhou Y, Wang YC, Leventhal AG. Functional Degradation of Visual Cortical Cells in Old Cats. Neurobiology of Aging 2006, 27: 155-162. (SCI 二区IF=5.95)

Lu Z-L, Hua T, Huang CB, Zhou Y, Dosher BA. Visual perceptual learning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 2011, 95: 145-151. (SCI 二区IF = 3.75)

Mao Y, Hua T, Pallas SL. Induced coexistence of auditory, visual, and multimodal neurons in primary auditory cortical areas. Journal of Neurophysiology 2011 (in press) (SCI 二区IF=3.6).

Hua T (通讯作者), Li G, Tang C, Wang Z, Chang S. Enhanced adaptation of visual cortical cells to visual stimulation in aged cats. Neuroscience Letters 2009, 451: 25-28. (IF = 2.2)

Hua T (通讯作者), Kao C, Sun Q, Li X, Zhou Y (通讯作者). Decreased proportion of GABAergic neurons accompamies age-related degradation of neuronal function in cat striate cortex. Brain Research Bulletin 2008, 75(1): 119-125. (IF = 2.28)

Zhang C, Hua T (通讯作者), Zhu Z, Luo X. Age-related changes of structures in cerebellar cortex of cat. Journal of Biosciences 2006, 31(1): 101-106. (IF = 1.68)

Zhang C, Hua T (通讯作者), Li G, Tang C. Visual function declines during normal aging. Current Science 2008, 95(11): 1544-1550. (IF = 0.77)

He L, Li X, Hua T, Bao P, Ma R, Zhou Y. Chronic morphine exposure affects the visual response properities of V1 neurons in cat. Brain Research 2005, 1060: 81-88. (IF = 2.4)

He L, Li X, Hua T, Bao P, Zhou Y. Degradation of response modulation of visual cortical cells in cats with chronic exposure to morphine. Neuroscience Letters 2005, 384: 168-171. (IF = 2.2)

Zhang C (通讯作者), Zhu Q, Hua T (通讯作者). Aging of cerebellar Purkinje cells. Cell Tissue Research 2010, 341(3): 341-347. (IF = 2.3)

Mao Y, Hua T, Pallas SL. Cross-modal ferret auditory cortex contains both auditory and visual representations. (Abstract to 37th Society For Neuroscience meeting in San Diego of USA, November of 2007).

HUA Tian-miao (通讯作者), WAN An, WANG She-yan, MEI Bin, SUN Qing-yan. Perceptual Learning of Grate Orientation Discrimination in Cats. Zoological Research 2007, 28 (1): 95-100.

华田苗(通讯作者) , 梅斌, 王海涛, 刘再群, 孙庆艳. 特定方位的光栅识别学习不改变猫外膝体背核神经元的方位敏感性. 动物学报2005, 51(2): 274-279.

HUA G, SHI X, ZHOU J, PENG Q, HUA T (通讯作者). Decline of selectivity of V1 neurons to visual stimulus spatial frequencies in old cats. Neuroscience Bulletin 2011, 27(1): 9-14.

PENG Q, ZHOU J, SHI X, HUA G, HUA T (通讯作者). Effects of urethane on the response properties of visual cortical neurons in young adult and old cats. Zoological Research 2011 (in press).

DIAO J, XU J, LI G, TANG C, HUA T (通讯作者). Age-related Changes of Glu/GABA Experssion in the Primary Visual Cortex of Cat. Zoological Research 2009, 30 (1): 38-44.

罗勋, 华田苗(通讯作者), 孙庆艳, 梅斌, 朱再满, 张长征. 猫视神经年龄相关的形态学变化. 动物学报2006, 52(1): 182-189.

罗勋, 华田苗(通讯作者), 孙庆艳, 朱再满, 张长征. 猫初级听皮层γ-氨基丁酸能神经元和星形胶质细胞年龄相关变化. 解剖学报2006, 37(5): 514-519.

张正亮, 温波, 汤传宏, 华田苗(通讯作者). 猫小脑皮质Glu/GABA表达的老年性变化. 动物学研究2008, 29(2): 152-158.


陈壁辉,华田苗,吴孝兵,王朝林. 扬子鳄研究. 上海科技教育出版社. 2003.



2007年,论文“Functional degradation of visual cortical cells in old cats”获国家科技部中国科技信息研究所颁发的“中国百篇最具影响优秀国际学术论文”奖(排序第1)。





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