

词条 isburnwatcher.exe

进程文件: isburnwatcher.exe or isburnwatcher

进程名称: HP Updater Utility


isburnwatcher.exe is a process which belongs to the HP Updater Utility which connects to the Internet to check for HP product updates. This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.

Recommendation for isburnwatcher.exe:

isburnwatcher.exe is not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it.

Author: HP

Part Of: HP Updater Utility

安全等级 (0-5): 0

间谍软件: No

病毒: No ( Remove isburnwatcher.exe )

木马: No ( Remove isburnwatcher.exe )

Memory Usage: N/A

System Process: No

Background Process: Yes

Uses Network: No

Hardware Related: Yes

Common isburnwatcher.exe Errors: N/A

进程位置: unknown

程序用途: unknown

作者: HP

属于: HP Updater Utility

安全等级 (0-5): 0 (N/A无危险 5最危险)

间碟软件: 否

广告软件: 否

病毒: 否

木马: 否

系统进程: 否

应用程序: 否

后台程序: 是

使用访问: 否

访问互联网: 否





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