词条 | 英语时文泛读 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名:英语时文泛读 作 者:范守义总 出版社: 北京大学出版社 出版时间: 2009-6-1 ISBN: 9787301144442 开本: 16开 定价: 20.00元 内容简介外交学院英语教学专家编写。 高等院校本科英语教育核心课程教材,北京市高等教育精品教材立项项目,北京市精品课程英语泛读教学用书。 选材语言地道,内容新颖,题材广泛,贴近生活,时代气息浓郁,可读性强。 根据不同主题设置不同单元,知识内容自成体系。 练习设计合理、实用,紧扣课文内容,针对|生强,形式灵活。 难易程度恰当,有助于扩大国际视野,以适应日益增长的外交与对外文化交流的需要。 图书目录UNIT ONE FOOTBALL Text A Women's Football Popularity on the Rise Text B Officially Wrong Text C Ancient Chinese Football UNIT WTO ENTERTAINMENT Text A The Return of the Broadway Boogie-Woogie Text B Behold the Golden Age of Television Text C Your Own World UNIT THREE Text A Taking Our Time Off Text B Tourists Who Stay Close to Home Text C Capturing the Niche UNIT FOUR BUSINESS AND FINANCE Text A Land of the Giants Text B China on Credit Text C The Irish Question UNIT FIVE CHINA REPORT Text A All Aboard Text B China 2 Text C China Juggles Tombs and Dragon Boats UNIT SIX CULTURAL DIFFERENCE Text A China, U.S. Taking Notes on Education Text B Ambassador Bridge Controversy Highlights Cultural Divide Text C Love in a Cold and Wet Climate UNIT SEVEN ETHNICITY GENDER AND GAY MARRLAGE TextA I Won't Die for Equality Text B Blacks, Whites and Love Text C Oregon Supreme Court Invalidates Same-Sex Marriages UNIT EIGHT STRIVING FOR GOALS Text A Let's Try Baloney Text B Thousands Rally for Immigrants' Rights Text C Tale of Two Presidents GLOSSARY |
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