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博士、副教授。天津大学学士、硕士学位,上海交通大学博士学位,法国国家科学研究中心博士后。主持完成一项国家自然科学基金(基于耐高温mutS蛋白、pfu DNA聚合酶、dU修饰寡核苷酸探针的SNP检测技术),作为第二完成人参与一项国家973二级子项目(蛋白质复合物动态变化的分子机制与功能)和一项国家863探索项目(基于RNase H 酶促反应检测SNP 的技术)。研究兴趣主要集中在极端微生物DNA复制损伤修复及应用研究。已总结20篇SCI论文,其中第一作者10篇。另外获得授权了5项关于SNP测定和基因克隆的国家发明专利。


1) DNA损伤修复、DNA复制。重点研究极端嗜热、嗜酸、嗜盐微生物的DNA复制及调控机制,碱基切除修复、核苷酸切除修复、同源重组修复等DNA损伤修复反应机制等。

2) 极端微生物合成的有重要工业应用价值的酶制剂的开发应用。从各种极端微生物中筛选淀粉酶、脂肪酶、蛋白酶等工业酶制剂。

3) 高通量基因克隆和重组蛋白制备技术研究。开发各种高通量基因克隆、蛋白制备技术,应用于生命科学研究和蛋白药物筛选。

4) 核酸检测与基因多态性分型。开发各种核酸检测和基因多态性分型技术和检测试剂盒,用于人类遗传病分子诊断和家禽养殖等农牧业生产中的流行病检测。


[1] Lu Zheng, Liang Rubing, Liu Xipeng, Hou Jingli, Liu Jianhua RNase HIII from Chlamydophila pneumoniae can efficiently cleave double-stranded DNA carrying a chimeric ribonucleotide in the presence of manganese. Mol Microbiol. 2012 Mar;83(5):1080-1093.

[2] Liu Xipeng, Liu Jianhua Characterization of family IV UDG from Aeropyrum pernix and its application in hot-start PCR by family B DNA polymerase, 2011 Nov 8, PLoS One. 6(11): e27248.

[3] Daugeron MC, Lenstra TL, Frizzarin M, El Yacoubi B, Liu Xipeng, Baudin-Baillieu A, Lijnzaad P, Decourty L, Saveanu C, Jacquier A, Holstege FC, de Crécy-Lagard V, van Tilbeurgh H, Libri D Gcn4 misregulation reveals a direct role for the evolutionary conserved EKC/KEOPS in the t6A modification of tRNAs. Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Aug;39(14):6148-6160.

[4] Liu Xipeng, Liu Jianhua. The terminal 5' phosphate and proximate phosphorothioate promote ligation-independent cloning. Protein Sci. 2010 May;19(5): 967-973.

[5] Liu Xipeng, Hou Jingli, Liu Jianhua. A novel single nucleotide polymorphism detection of a double-stranded DNA target by a ribonucleotide-carrying molecular beacon and thermostable RNase HII. Anal Biochem. 2010 Mar 1;398(1):83-92.

[6] Liu Xipeng, Li Chunpeng, Hou Jingli, Liu Yufen, Liang Rubing, Liu Jianhua. Expression and characterization of thymine-DNA glycosylase from Aeropyrum pernix. Protein Expr Purif. 2010 Mar;70(1):1-6.

[7] Liu Xipeng, Zhang Yang, Liang Rubing, Hou Jingli, Liu Jianhua. Characterization of the 3' exonuclease of Chlamydophila pneumoniae endonuclease IV on double-stranded DNA and the RNA strand of RNA/DNA hybrid. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Oct 5; 361(4):987-993.

[8] Liu Xipeng, Hou Jingli, Liu Jianhua. Chlamydial DNA polymerase I can bypass lesions in vitro. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Jul 7; 345(3):1083-1091.

[9] Liu Xipeng, Liu Jianhua. The mechanism of base excision repair in Chlamydiophila pneumoniae. DNA Repair 2005 Nov 21; 4(11):1295-1305.

[10] Liu Xipeng, Liu Jianhua. Chlamydia pneumoniae AP endonuclease IV could cleave AP sites of double- and single-stranded DNA. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2005 Dec 1; 1753(2):217-225.

[11] Liu Xipeng, Liu Jianhua. Signal peptide does not inhibit binding of biotin to streptavidin. Biotechnol Lett. 2005 Aug; 27(15):1067-1073.

[12] Liang Rubing, Liu Xipeng, Liu Jianhua, Ren Qiushi, Liang Peiji, Lin Zhixin, Xie Xiangming. A T7-expression system under temperature control could create temperature-sensitive phenotype of target gene in Escherichia coli. J Microbiol Methods. 2007 Mar; 68(3):497-506.

[13] Liang Rubing, Liu Xipeng, Pei Dongli, Liu Jianhua. Biochemical characterization and functional complementation of ribonuclease HII and ribonuclease HIII from Chlamydophila pneumoniae AR39. Microbiology(UK). 2007 Mar; 153(Pt 3):787-793.

[14] Hou Jingli, Liu Xipeng, Pei Dongli, Liu Jianhua. RNase HII from Chlamydia pneumoniae discriminates mismatches incorporation into DNA-rN1-DNA/DNA duplexes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 May 18; 356(4):988-992.

[15] Hou Jingli, Liu Xipeng, Zheng Yan, Liu Jianhua, DuanTao. Molecular beacons for isothermal fluorescence enhancement by the cleavage of RNase HII from Chlamydia pneumoniae. Anal Biochem. 2007 Dec 15; 371(2):162-166.

[16] Hou Jingli, Liu Xipeng, Zheng Yan, Liu Jianhua. A Method for HLA Genotyping Using the Specific Cleavage of DNA-rN1-DNA/DNA with RNase HII from Chlamydia pneumoniae. Oligonucleotides, 2007 Winter, 17(4):433-444.





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