词条 | Black Messiah |
释义 | Black Messiah是一支来自德国的交响黑金属乐队。交响乐是欧洲人的强项,而他们的金属乐队也更喜欢把交响乐融入金属乐里面。专辑里面甚至来会有小提琴的独奏(忘了是这张还是98那张了)。 English Review: What is happening here? I remembered BLACK MESSIAH as pretty ok melodic Black Metal band, I have their 98 debut 'Sceptre Of Black Knowledge' somewhere, but what the guys unleash here on 'Oath Of A Warrior', seven years later, still bears some resemblance, but this is Viking Metal and after EQUILIBRIUM the best that I have ever heard coming out of Germany! The guys also have done this change visually, with a strong new logo, Viking-ish clothing, partly German lyrics and new label, what we have here is a pretty complete style change, which does not target any really hip style, but is cohesive and with 'Oath Of A Warrior' the Westphalians lead a blade that should send their enemies screaming. BLACK MESSIAH lead a really sharp blade and after the calm intro 'Götterdämmerung' the opener 'A New Messiah' bears a title as it could hardly be more fitting, because here the band more or less re-defines itself, with fat double-bass that would make a dragon ship give an elephant water ski potential, Zagan's harsh voice, epic keyboards, great melodies that excellently go hand in hand with the heaviness, cohesive, powerful, melodic, Viking Metal at its best, a very good start for this CD, which is even furthered with 'Blutsbruder', with martial German text and great atmosphere, which then is crowned by a mandolin passage, which sounds great and gives the song something really special, original, a song full of power, but with intricacies that capture the listener. 'Bury The Lambs Of Christ' is a super atmospheric song that realizes the majesty of the Nordic nature, the keyboards are not used to fill holes, but put down the foundation on which they build a powerful song structure that are complemented with cool violins, one highlight after the other so far, with melodies that, as on the distant debut, hold this certain Eastern European touch, which sets the band apart from the masses and shows that they do not only try to find their own sound, but actually have found it. Just take the duo 'Setting Sails' and 'Riding The Drakkar' (with the first being some sort of introduction) that combines majesty, heaviness and dynamics in a great way, with different rhythms, great pressing double-bass and all, great, simply great! 'Feld der Ehre' then is only sung cleanly, extremely placative in the lyrics, but the atmosphere is more than convinving and on 'My Way To Asgard' we also get some female vocals, before 'Der Eid' takes up the folky melodies again. The at times extremely clichéd lyrics against Christendom are the only points of criticism I could throw at 'Oath Of A Warrior', because the music is full of variety, ideas, power and majesty, which makes BLACK MESSIAH's comeback a very enjoyable and recommendable Viking Metal expedition that I want more of! First War of the World音乐风格: 摇滚 资源格式: MP3 发行时间: 2009年03月12日 地区: 德国 语言: 德语 音乐类型:Symphonic Black / Folk / Viking Metal 压缩码率:320 kbps 专辑介绍: 欧洲金属迷看到这个封面想到第一个关键词也许是哥德堡旋律死,很遗憾,这是一张赤果果的维京金属。Black Messiah 的封面一直被人诟病,毕竟他们的音乐几乎无可挑剔,整张专辑,如魔兽世界兽族大逃亡一般彪悍凶猛:战士冲锋陷阵、法师呼风唤雨、恶魔怒死斩杀.... 开场的Prologue - The Discovery,伴随着马塌怒潮之势,伴随着深沉凝练的主唱独白,战争的大幕缓缓开启,千万表被开场相对的死寂所迷惑。很快,阵阵solo之后,黑嗓喷涌而出,华丽的编曲正如诸神之王奥汀带领阿斯神族与他们的宿敌巨人族进行激烈的抗战,似乎是首战大捷,第三首歌Gullveig欢快而舒畅,阿斯神族围着火堆抱着女人尽情热舞,你吹笛子我敲鼓,你吼嗓子我拨弦...欢快的阿斯神族人突然被阵阵锣鼓惊醒,巨人族趁阿斯神族人熟睡之际,冲进阿斯神族人的村落滥杀无辜,涂炭生灵,为了保护奥汀的安全,阿斯神族主要的将领跟随着奥汀向西方远行,奥汀骑着骏马遥望火光四射的村落,内心愤怒,冲天地长啸,这便是第四首歌Von Rachsucht und Lüge,激烈的鼓声、哀怨的死嗓、悲伤的氛围。 整张专辑似乎是一则由耄耋老人娓娓道来的史诗传说,在经过了第5首歌独白的过渡之后,随后的两首歌一开始便是酣畅而决绝的黑嗓,正如奥汀养精蓄锐之后带领着残存的阿斯神族人走上复仇之路,斯莱布尼尔载着奥汀从远古的挪威杀过瑞典,直奔巨人之族的巢穴,沿路死伤无数,战火弥漫于北欧的冰雪大地上...在震天的战鼓与欢呼声之中,第八首歌The Chase开启了奥汀与巨人族的决战,第九、第十同样以激烈的鼓声与怒潮的死嗓搭配为主,重在表现战争场面的宏大与惨烈。 第十一首歌Peace At High Price,以独白开启了战争的尾章部分,不管是奥汀大胜巨人族,还是阿斯神人遭遇灭族悲剧。一样的结局是战争之后的满目疮痍,所以第十二首歌Andacht缺少了激烈的旋律,而以民谣的吟唱与编曲开场,缓缓道出一曲英雄的悲壮挽歌,尤其是高潮部分,无尽的忧伤伴随着震天的战鼓而弥漫于全身,这首歌长达9分41秒,虽不能代表整张专辑的整体风格,但从歌者的情感诉注上看,却是最为浓墨重彩的一首。最后一首歌,似乎在歌唱人们在战争之后重新扬起生活的风范,欢快的节奏,淳朴的氛围,在血火腥光之后重新定义了生活的美好与积极向上。而结尾出以吐痰声终了,别有特色,让人意犹未尽。 Black Messiah,一支来自德国的老牌维京金属乐队,以奥汀的名义昭告天下:维京不死,维京永生! |
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