

词条 猴岛故事


游戏名称:Tales of Monkey Island中文名称:猴岛故事

游戏发行:Telltale Games

游戏制作:Telltale Games



以开发冒险游戏著称的Telltale Games,被LucasArts授权开发一系列的《猴岛故事》(Tales of Monkey Island)新作。《猴岛故事》灵感来自LucasArts在1990年推出的著名经典冒险游戏《猴岛秘密》(The Secret of Monkey Island),《猴岛故事》准备在PC和Wii平台推出一个长长的系列,一共五部。

在彻底粉碎了里察克船长的邪恶咒语后,小盖(Guybrush Threepwood)无意间却开启了封禁整个加勒比海地区大恶魔的巫毒咒,这意味着所有的海盗都会变成亡灵海盗。倒霉的小盖同时还被臭名昭著的割喉海盗亨特以及一名相信小盖那只被神秘感染的手掌握着永生秘密的恐怖法国医生追捕着。小盖必须遨游七海去寻找一块叫艾斯旁夏·格兰特(La Esponja Grande)的传奇海绵,这块海绵有无与伦比的化解巫毒咒的能力,不过小盖不知道的是,他的历险只是一个更大更深的阴谋的一小部分,善恶并不总是表面上看到的那样……



《猴岛故事第一章:啸鲸起航》(Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 1: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal )

The saga begins with a heated battle involving the brave but often bumbling Mighty Pirate Guybrush, his beloved wife Elaine, and their nemesis, the demon pirate LeChuck. When the showdown goes up in flames, Guybrush finds himself marooned on a strange island with winds that always blow inward. How will our hero manage to escape this meteorological anomaly? What has become of LeChuck and Elaine? And what's the story with the infectious voodoo pox that's spreading across the Caribbean, causing Guybrush and other pirates to act like unruly hooligans? These are just some of the many questions posed in this first chapter of one of the most rollicking and rip-roaring entertainment experiences this summer.


《猴岛故事第二章:螺旋礁围攻》(Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 2: The Siege of Spinner Cay)

Guybrush's adventures continue on the high seas as pox-plagued pirates lay siege to the innocent Mer-People. In between defending the Mer-People and dodging the persistent pirate hunter hot on his trail, Guybrush manages to catch up to his beloved wife and despised arch-nemesis -- but their reunion is short-lived. Now Guybrush must focus on eradicating the Pox of LeChuck before more harm can be done. And as the Mighty Pirate draws closer to a cure, the waters will only grow murkier in this thrilling chapter of the epic saga.


《猴岛故事第三章:海怪之巢》(Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan)

In the third Tales of Monkey Island chapter, Guybrush gets in deep (literally!) as his quest for the voodoo exfoliating La Esponja Grande takes a scenic twist -- through the guts of a giant manatee!

Trapped in the belly of the beast, our hero encounters a surprising band of castaways, including the long-lost (and obsessive-compulsive) explorer Coronado De Cava. Can the Mighty Pirate win the suspicious De Cava's trust? Will sexy pirate hunter Morgan LeFlay prove to be a ruthless enemy, or an unlikely ally? Will the group find La Esponja Grande in time to save Elaine from the rampant Pox of LeChuck? And will the world be crushed by the gnashing teeth of a certain demonic skull? Tales of Monkey Island's moist and absorbing third episode, Lair of the Leviathan, will answer some of these urgent questions -- and raise still more -- as the five month adventure builds to its epic climax!


《猴岛故事第四章:Guybrush Threepwood的审判与裁决》(Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood)

Guybrush returns to Flotsam Island, but forget about a hero's welcome. Handed over to De Singe by the backstabbing Morgan LeFlay, Guybrush is seized by an angry mob and put on trial! With a silk-tongued prosecutor in his face and a hangman's noose dangling over his neck, Guybrush must figure out how to defend himself against grave accusations. Meanwhile, the determined Marquis sets his sights on a new and far more attractive test subject. How on earth will the Mighty Pirate get out of this mess? The monthly Tales of Monkey Island tension continues to mount in "The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood." Brace yourself for a shocking revelation that will rock the world of Monkey Island to its core.


《猴岛故事第五章:海盗王的崛起》(Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 5: Rise of the Pirate God)

Our piratey heroes meet their ultimate match with the Rise of the Pirate God. Can the world of Monkey Island be saved? Find out as the Tales of Monkey Island saga comes to its thrilling conclusion.





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