词条 | Ashampoo AntiSpyWare |
释义 | 简介全面保护你的计算机,防止你在Internet上受到恶意软件的威胁.使用动态防护机制并自动联网更新,可以清除上网痕迹,永久删除文件,带有系统进程监视功能和IP block等功能. 主要特性1.全面防护:使你远离 劫持软件、远程拨号、间谍软件、蠕虫、广告、特洛依木马、键盘记录,甚至于内核层的有害软件--rootkits; 2.一次设置,永久使用:使用简单,启用AnitSpyware Guard,并开启自动更新,你将受到持续的良好防护,自动清除、实时监控整个系统; 3.特征码每日升级:每天升级的威胁特征码确保最大的安全; 4.防止未知威胁:高级的启发式分析基于行为识别和阻止未知威胁; 5.隔离区:将可疑文件放入隔离区,起到保护作用的同时防止将无害的文件删除; 6.多语言界面:可以使用本地化语言运行; 7.Rootkit检测:能识别新的、高危的rootkit,即使他们被病毒扫描放过; 8.管理自动启动:识别和禁止不需要的自动启动程序; 9.系统进程监控:检测运行进程,必要时停止这些进程; 10.Internet清除:删除所有的上网冲浪的痕迹; 11.文件擦除:永久删除目录和文件,使其不可恢复; 13.基于IP的LJ邮件阻挡:阻止恼人的弹出式垃圾邮件。 突出技术1.启发式分析:基于行为识别威胁的高级算法; 2.内存扫描:检测和阻止活跃威胁; 3.内核层防护:确保全面、无缝的监控; 4.系统全面扫描:扫描和清楚系统注册表、文件和系统区域; ? 5.补丁校验:高安全的签名防止恶意的补丁; 6.压缩文档扫描:扫描压缩文档中的每个文件; 7.DLL 木马:安全的检测和删除DLL 木马; 8.加密和加壳:识别使用加密和加壳隐藏的恶意程序。 New features in Ashampoo AntiSpyWare 2: Protection against more than 760,000 threats from the internet. Full compatibility with Windows Vista™ (32 Bit) from now on. Windows Vista™ Gadget (Vista 32-Bit) works as information and control operation centre Users can store their personal settings into the respective folders thanks to the new multiple user support. Administrator rights are not required. Enhanced Realtime Monitor also takes care of new Windows areas (BHO, Winsock LSPs, Windows Hosts file, Autostart entries etc.). Newly developed as well as completely revised Vista compatible tools are now available basing on Ashampoo WinOptimizer 4, the awarded winner by the German computer magazine ComputerBILD. Hostsfile Checker reports suspicious entries in Hosts file and allows for cleaning up. LSP-Viewer gives support to the user to identify installed winsock attributes, by which means parasite programs can be smuggled into. Folders, files or even „infections“ can be excluded from the search to prevent false alarms thanks to the whitelist definitions. Due to internal encryption algorithms possible malicious threats are prevented from secretly adding themselves to the whitelist. There is a direct online connection to a malware database which gives information on detected infections. The integrated task scheduler has been fully integrated by now and it is possible to create, manage and perform automatically individual scanning tasks. Users with a licence on the first version of Ashampoo AntiSpyWare which is still in force can transfer heir remaining time for signature update licence to the second version. Three integrated skins adapt to personal customization of the program. NZONE:据说此软件木马特征库来自著名的 AVG Anti-Spyware ! 官方多国语言版下载:http://www.ashampoo.com/dl/0149/ashampoo_antispyware2_se.exe |
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