词条 | 馥绿德雅复合护发精油 |
释义 | 产品信息产品 RENE FURTERER馥绿德雅复合护发精油规格 50毫升 价格 ¥400.00 数量 1 产地:法国 产品功效 除敏感及炎症性头皮之外,适合于其他任何性质的头皮。 RENE FURTERER馥绿德雅复合护发精油,为基础护理产品,蕴含高浓度的柑橘精油和薰衣草精油,能清洁头皮,促进头皮微循环,同时调理头皮,并且极易吸收,能直接作用头皮及发根,恢复发丝韧性和亮泽。该产品可单独使用,或与其他馥绿德雅产品配合,可强化特效护理产品的效果,使活性成份的吸收率高达10倍,达到最佳的护理效果。 使用方法 每周使用一或两次,直接逐片涂抹于头皮上,轻揉按摩,此时头皮的微循环得到刺激会产生温热感,在头皮上保留5至10分钟,然后使用适当的洗护产品。避免接触眼睛。 英文解说Product RENE FURTERER Crawford Green Deja composite hair oil Size 50 ml Price ¥ 400.00 Number 1 Origin: France Product efficacy In addition to allergies and inflammatory than the scalp, suitable for the scalp of any other nature. RENE FURTERER Fu Green Deja composite hair oil, based on care products, contains high concentrations of citrus essential oils and lavender essential oils, to clean the scalp, promoting scalp microcirculation, while conditioning the scalp, and easily absorbed, can be directly scalp and hair root, restore resilience and shine hair. The product can be used alone or with other products with Fiona Crawford Green, can enhance the effect of special effects-care products, so that the absorption of active ingredients as much as 10 times, to the best of care results. Use Use one or two times per week, direct smear-by-piece in the scalp, gently massage massage, scalp microcirculation at this time will have been warmed to stimulate a sense, in the scalp to keep 5 to 10 minutes, then use the appropriate personal care products . Avoid contact with eyes. |
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