

词条 周逸峰

周逸峰,男,1963年12月生,扬州人。研究员,博士生导师。1982年7月获中国科大生物系生物物理专业学士学位; 1985年7月获硕士学位; 1989年1月至1990年8月为中科院上海生理所与美国犹他大学医学院解剖系联合培养博士生并于1991年4月获上海生理所博士学位。现任中国科学技术大学合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室和生命科学学院研究员,生命科学学院学位分委员会委员、学术委员会委员、生物物理博士点负责人。兼任中国科大儿童弱视、斜视研究治疗中心副主任。是北美神经科学协会会员和国际脑研究组织成员,《生物化学与生物物理进展杂志》编委。


周逸峰,1963年12月生于江苏扬州。教育部新世纪优秀人才入选者. 中国科学技术大学生命科学学院和合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室研究员,博士生导师。1982年获中国科大生物系生物物理专业学士学位; 1989年至1990年为中科院上海生理所与美国犹他大学医学院解剖系联合培养博士生并于1991年获上海生理所博士学位。1996年12月起任中国科学技术大学生命科学学院研究员,是生命科学学院生物物理学博士点(国家重点学科)负责人,中国认知科学学会常务理事。共发表SCI论文70余篇,其中第一作者、通讯作者论文40余篇。1991年被国家教委授予"做出突出贡献的中国学位获得者"荣誉称号; 1992年被遴选为国家教委优秀年轻教师重点跟踪资助对象; 1993年获中科院青年科学家二等奖;1996年获霍英东青年教师奖研究类二等奖;1997年获中国科学院自然科学二等奖(第二获奖人)。主持国家基金委重大国际合作项目、重点项目,重大科学研究计划课题,美国NIH项目子课题等20余项研究课题。培养硕士10名,博士20名。






1. Hu B, Li XR, Zhou YF*, Shou TD (2000) Effects of Bicuculline on Direction Sensitive Relay Cells in the Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGNd) of Cats. Brain Research,885(1): 87-93.

2. Dong YH, Shou TD, Zhou YF* et al. (2000) Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation and Oxygenation Affect free Radicals and Antioxidase after Rabbit Spinal Cord Injury. Chin Med J,113(11): 991-995.

3. Shou TD, Zhou YF, Yu HB (2000) Comparative study on direction selectivity and functional organization of the primary visual cortical cells in monkeys and cats. Science in China , 43(6): 570-577.

4. Yang YP, Zhou YF, Shou TD (2001) Activation of g-aminobutyric acidB receptors by baclofen improves visual temporal property of relay cells in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus. Neuroscience Letters, 301(2): 79-82.

5. Yang YP, Jin JZ, Zhou YF*, Shou TD (2001) Temporal properties of pattern adaptation of relay cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus of cats. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(17): 1463-1465.

6. Zhou YF*, Jia F, Tao HY, Shou TD (2001) The responses to illusory contours of neurons in cortex areas 17 and 18 of the cats. Science in China, 44(2): 136-145.

7. Yang YP, Jin JZ, Zhou YF*, Shou TD (2003) GABAA and GABAB Receptors Mediated Inhibition Affect the Pattern Adaptation of Relay Cells in the Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGNd) of Cats. Brain Research, 959(2): 295-303.

8. Leventhal AG, Wang YC, Pu ML, Zhou YF , Ma YY (2003) GABA and its Agonists Improved Visual Cortical Function in Senescent Monkeys. SCIENCE, 300 (5620): 812-815.

9. Shou TD, Liu J, Wang W, Zhou YF, Zhao KX (2003) Differential Dendritic Shrinkage of αand β Retinal Ganglion Cells in Cats with Chronic Glaucoma. Invest. Ophthalmol,Visual Sci., 44(7): 3005-3010.

10. Jin JZ, Xu PJ, Li XR, Zhou YF* (2003) Effects of pattern shape on adaptation of dLGN cell. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48 (16): 1744-1747.

11. Zhou YF*, Yu HB, Yang YP, Shou TD (2003) Non-dominant Eye Responses in the Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of the Cat: an intracellular study. Brain Research, 987(1): 76-85.

12. Li XR, Lu Z-L, Xu PJ, Jin JZ, Zhou YF (2003) Generating High Gray-Level Resolution Monochrome Displays with Conventional Computer Graphics Cards and Color Monitors. J Neurosci. Methods, 130(1): 9-18.

13. Jia F, Xie XQ, Zhou YF* (2004) Short-term Depression of Synaptic Transmission from Rat Lateral Geniculate Nucleus to Primary Visual Cortex in vivo. Brain Research, 1002(1-2): 156-159.

14. Yu S, Liu N, Zeng T, Tian SH, Chen NH, Zhou YF*, Ma YY* (2004) Age-related effects of bilateral frontal eye fields lesions on rapid eye movements during REM sleep in rhesus monkeys. Neuroscience Letters, 366 (1): 58-62.

15. Tao LM, Zhang N, Ye X, Zhou YF* (2004) Effects of short-term IOP elevation on receptive field properties of cat LGN cells. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 (12): 1250-1253.

16. Wang YC, Zhou YF, Ma YY, Leventhal AG (2005) Degradation of signal timing in cortical areas V1 and V2 of senescent monkeys. Cerebral Cortex, 15(4): 403-408.

17. Liu N, Yu S, Zhou YF, Cai JX, Ma YY (2005) Age-related effects of bromocriptine on sensory gating in rhesus monkeys. Neuroreport, 16(6): 603-606.

18. He LH, Li XR, Hua TM, Bao PL, Zhou YF* (2005) Degradation of response modulation of visual cortical cells in cats with chronic exposure to morphine. Neuroscience Letters, 384 (1-2): 68-71.

19. He LH, Li GX, Li XR, Zhou YF* (2005) Chronic morphine exposure induces degradation of receptive field properties of LGN cells in cat. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 26(9): 1034-1038.

20. Yu S, Wang XS, Fu Y, Zhang J, Ma YY, Wang YC, Zhou YF* (2005) Effects of age on latency and variability of visual response in monkeys. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(11): 1163-1165.

21. He LH, Li XR, Hua TM, Bao PL, Ma R, Zhou YF* (2005) Chronic morphine exposure affects the visual response properties of V1 neurons in cat. Brain Research, 1060(1-2): 81-88.

22. Hua TM, Li XR, He LH, Zhou YF*, Wang YC, Leventhal AG* (2006) Functional degradation of visual cortical cells in old cats. Neurobiology of Aging, 27(1): 155-162.

23. Zhou YF*, Huang CB, Xu PJ, Tao LM, Qiu ZP , Li XR and Lu ZL* (2006) Perceptual Learning Improves Contrast Sensitivity and Visual Acuity in Adults with Anisometropic Amblyopia. Vision Research, 46(5): 739-750.

24. Jia F, Wei HY, Li XR, Xie XQ, Zhou YF* (2006) Short-term synaptic plasticity in the rat geniculo-cortical pathway during development in vivo. Neuroscience Letters (accepted).

25. Hou F, Lu HJ, Zhou YF*, Liu ZL* (2006) Amodal Completion Impairs Stereo Acuity Discrimination. Vision Research (accepted).





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