

词条 肖条军


肖条军(1973—),男,汉族, 管理学博士,南京大学工程管理学院教授, 博士生导师。2006年入选南京大学青年骨干教师培养计划,2007年入选江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”首批中青年科学技术带头人(第三层次)以及教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2010年入选南京大学优秀中青年学科带头人培养计划(B类).他是Elected member of International Statistical Institute, International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics, POMS-China Chapter成员、中国系统工程学会青年工作委员会委员, 中国管理现代化研究会运作管理专业委员会成员以及江苏省系统工程学会常务理事、副秘书长,他也是三个管理科学类国际期刊的编委、一个国际期刊的区域编辑,一个国际期刊的副编辑,一个控制类国际期刊的编委,以及一个国际期刊的编辑顾问。2009年一篇论文入选2008年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文; 获2010年EJOR Best Reviewer Award。




3.参与.2008.1-2011.12.供应链管理: 协调、优化及其计算实现.70731002.国家自然科学基金(重点)



6.主持.2007.1 -2009.12.需求不确定性环境下供应链管理的博弈模型研究.70671055.国家自然科学基金











1.肖条军.2004.博弈论及其应用 .上海三联书店



1. Xiao Tiaojun, Jin Jiao.2011.Coordination of a fashion apparel supply chain under lead-time-dependent demand uncertainty.Production Planning & Control. 2011, 22(3): 257-268.

2. Xiao Tiaojun, Yang Danqin, Shen Houcai.2011.Coordinating a supply chain with quality assurance policy via revenue-sharing contract.International Journal of Production Research.2011, 49(1): 99-120.

3. Xiao Tiaojun, Cai Xiulian, Jin Jiao.2010.Pricing and effort investment decisions of a supply chain considering customer satisfaction.International Journal of Applied Management Science.2010, 2(1):1--19.

4. Xiao Tiaojun, Yan Xinxin, Zhao Jiabao.2010. Coordination of a supply chain with advertising investment and allowing the second ordering.Technology and Investment.2010, 1(3): 191-200.

5. Xiao Tiaojun, Jin Jiao, Shi Jing,Cheng Shuping.2010.Coordinating the order quantity decisions under lead-time-dependent demand uncertainty.International Journal of Decision Science.2010, 1(1): 21-43.

6. Xiao Tiaojun, Qi Xiangtong.2010.Strategic wholesale pricing in a supply chain with a potential entrant.European Journal of Operational Research.2010, 202(2):444-455

7. Xiao Tiaojun, Choi Tsan-Ming.2010.Competitive capacity and price decisions for two build-to-order manufacturers facing time-dependent demands.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A-Systems and Humans.2010,40(3): 583-595.

8. Xiao Tiaojun, Shi Kuiran, Yang Danqin.2010.Coordination of a supply chain with consumer return under demand uncertainty.International Journal of Production Economics.2010, 124(1):171-180.

9. Xiao Tiaojun, Jin Jiao, Chen Guohua, Shi Jing, Xie Maoquan.2010.Ordering, wholesale pricing and lead-time decisions in a three-stage supply chain under demand uncertainty.Computers & Industrial Engineering.2010, 59: 840-852.

10. Yang Danqin, Choi Tsan-Ming, Xiao Tiaojun, Cheng T. C.E..2010.Coordinating a two-supplier and one-retailer supply chain with forecast updating.Automatica.forthcoming

11. Yang Danqin, Xiao Tiaojun, Shen Houcai.2009.Pricing, service level and lot size decisions of a supply chain with risk-averse retailers: Implications to practitioners.Production Planning & Control.2009,20(4):320-331.

12. Huang Jian, Xiao Tiaojun, Luo Shihua.2009.Optimal innovation strategy for manufacturer in dual-channel supply chain. Journal of Computational Information Systems.2009, 5(2): 527-534.

13. Xiao Tiaojun, Choi,T. M.2009.Purchasing choices and channel structure strategies for a two-echelon system with risk-averse players.International Journal of Production Economics.2009, 120(1):54-65.

14. Xiao Tiaojun, Luo Jia, Jin Jiao.2009.Coordination of a supply chain with demand stimulation and random demand disruption.International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management. 2009, 2(1): 1-15

15. Chen Kebing, Xiao Tiaojun.2009.Demand disruption and coordination of the supply chain with a dominant retailer.European Journal of Operational Research.2009, 197(1): 225-234

16. Xiao Tiaojun, Yang Danqin.2009.Risk sharing and information revelation mechanism of a one-manufacturer and one-retailer supply chain facing an integrated competitor. European Journal of Operational Research.2009, 196(3): 1076-1085

17. Xiao Tiaojun, Chen Guohua.2009.Wholesale pricing and evolutionarily stable strategies of retailers with imperfectly observable objective. European Journal of Operational Research.2009, 196(3): 1190-1201

18. Shi Kuiran, Xiao Tiaojun, Sheng Zhaohan.2009.Incentive mechanism design problem based on gradient dynamics.Kybernetes.2009, 38(3/4): 481-488.

19. Xiao Tiaojun, Yan Xinxin.2009.Coordinating a two-stage supply chain via a markdown money and advertising subsidy contract.International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences.forthcoming

20. Shi Kuiran, Xiao Tiaojun.2008.Coordination of a supply chain with a loss-averse retailer under two types of contracts .International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences.2008, 1(1): 5-25

21. Xiao Tiaojun, Yang Danqin.2008.Price and service competition of supply chains with risk-averse retailers under demand uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics.2008, 114(1): 187-200

22. Xiao Tiaojun, Qi Xiangtong.2008.Price competition, cost and demand disruptions and coordination of a supply chain with one manufacturer and two competing retailers.Omega.2008, 36(5): 741-753

23. Chen Kebing, Xiao Tiaojun.2008.Supply chain disruption management with multiple competing retailers.Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.2008,25(4):295—302

24. Huang Jian, Xiao Tiaojun, Sheng Zhaohan, Chen Guohua.2007.Modeling an evolving complex supply network.Journal of Systems Science and Information.2007,5(4):327-338

25. Xiao Tiaojun, Qi Xiangtong, Yu Gang.2007.Coordination of supply chain after demand disruptions when retailers compete.International Journal of Production Economics.2007, 109(1-2): 162-179

26. Xiao Tiaojun, Xia Yusen, Zhang G. Peter.2007.Strategic outsourcing decisions for manufacturers that produce partially substitutable products in a quantity-setting duopoly situation.Decision Sciences. 2007, 38(1): 81-106

27. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Sheng Zhaohan, Du Jianguo, Xiao Tiaojun, Li Kai, Pan Jiancheng.2006.Rural-urban inequality in China: Spatial or sectoral? An introduction to decomposition analysis, 1993-2003.China aktuell-Journal of Current Chinese Affairs.2006, 6: 6-47

28. Xiao Tiaojun, Yu Gang.2006.Marketing objectives of retailers with differentiated goods: An evolutionary perspective.Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering .2006, 15(3): 359-374.

29. Huang Jian, Chen Guohua, Xiao Tiaojun, Sheng Zhaohan.2006.OUT strategy and application to supply chain networks.International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics.2006, 1 (1/2): 131-145. (国际会议论文会后经推荐发表的扩展版本)

30. Wang Xiaoli, Xiao Tiaojun, Zhu Lin.2006.Asymmetry of the conditional volatility of Chinese stock market.Journal of Systems Science and Information.2006, 4(3): 435-442

31. Xiao Tiaojun, Yu Gang.2006.Supply chain disruption management and evolutionarily stable strategies of retailers in the quantity-setting duopoly situation with homogeneous goods.European Journal of Operational Research.2006, 173(2): 648-668

32. Shi Kuiran, Wang Cheng,Xiao Tiaojun, Li Kenli.2006.On a class of quadratic programming problem with equality constraints.Journal of Nanjing University Mathematical Biquarterly.2006, 23(1): 98-105

33. Xiao Tiaojun, Yu Gang, Sheng Zhaohan, Xia Yusen.2005.Coordination of a supply chain with one-manufacturer and two-retailers under demand promotion and disruption management decisions.Annals of Operations Research.2005, 135(1): 87-109

34. Shi Kuiran, Xiao Tiaojun, Zhang Weirong.2004.Goal programming algorithm for a type of least absolute value regression problem.Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 2004, 17(4): 523-531

35. Xiao Tiaojun, Yu Gang, Sheng Zhaohan.2004.Reputation, utility and technological innovation strategies.International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making.2004, 3(1): 81-100





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