词条 | Worm.P2P.Surnova.d |
释义 | Worm.P2P.Surnova.d,计算机蠕虫病毒。该蠕虫通过KaZaA网络及MSN即时聊天工具进行传播。 病毒简介病毒别名:“无” 处理时间:2002-07-10 威胁级别:★★ 中文名称:“无” 病毒类型:蠕虫 影响系统:Win9x / WinNT 病毒行为1.感染此蠕虫后,它首先会将自身以如下名字之一拷贝至Windows文件夹下: Alles-ist-vorbei.exe Desktop-shooting.exe Hello-Kitty.exe BigMac.exe Cheese-Burger.exe Blaargh.exe 2.在注册表的主键: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run 中添加如下键值: "Supernova"="%system%\\<随机字符>.exe" 使得自己随Windows的启动而启动。 3.若病毒第一次运行,它会弹出假的报错对话框: "Application attempted to read memory at 0xFFFFFFFFh Terminating application" 4.病毒通过设置如下注册表键使得病毒能借助KaZaA网络上的共享文件夹传播: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\KaZaA\\LocalContent 假如该键值未找到,病毒就会在 C:\\Windows\\Media 文件夹下创建如下名称的共七十个病毒副本: Windows XP key generator.exe Windows XP serial generator.exe Key generator for all windows XP versions.exe Warcraft 3 ONLINE key generator.exe Half-life ONLINE key generator.exe Quake 4 BETA.exe Grand theft auto 3 CD1 crack.exe GTA3 crack.exe Battle. net key generator (WORKS!!).exe Warcraft 3 battle. net serial generator.exe Half-life WON key generator.exe Star wars episode 2 downloader.exe Winzip 8.0 + serial.exe Winrar + crack.exe Britney spears nude.exe Macromedia MX key generator (all products).exe KaZaA media desktop v2.0 UNOFFICIAL.exe Microsoft key generator, works for ALL microsoft products!!.exe Microsoft Windows XP crack pack.exe Hack into any computer!!.exe DivX codec v6.0.exe DivX newest version.exe DivX.exe DivX pro key generator.exe Key generator for over 1,000 applications (really!).exe DivX patch - Increases quality.exe KaZaA spyware remover.exe Age of empires 2 crack.exe Norton antivirus 2002.exe Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Key Generator.exe Macromedia Flash MX Key Generator.exe Neverwinter nights crack.exe Microsoft Office XP (english) key generator.exe Microsoft Office XP.iso.exe CloneCD + crack.exe CloneCD all-versions key generator.exe XBOX emulator (WORKS!!).exeGamecube Emulator (WORKS!!).exeXbox. info.exeGrand Prix 4 crack.exe Nokia simlock remover (includes new models).exe Norton antivirus 2002.exe Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Key Generator.exe Macromedia Flash MX Key Generator.exe Neverwinter nights crack.exe Microsoft Office XP (english) key generator.exe Microsoft Office XP.iso.exe CloneCD + crack.exe CloneCD all-versions key generator.exe XBOX emulator (WORKS!!).exe Gamecube Emulator (WORKS!!).exe Xbox.info.exe Grand Prix 4 crack.exe Nokia simlock remover (includes new models).exe Britney spears hard porn (REAL!).exe Christina Aguilera fuck (REAL!).exe Kiddy child incest porn.exe Doom 3 preview!!.exe Crazy taxi crack.exe Copy protection remover.exe Sex.exe Jedi Knight 2 crack.exe Warcraft 3 trainer.exe Cable modem uncapper.exe Grand theft auto 3 trainer.exe KaZaA hack.exe KaZaA lite.exe Dragonball Z.exe Dragonball Z COMPLETE episode guide.exe Dragonball Z shootout.exe Dragonball Z episode 1.exe J-LO Nude (REAL!!).exe Doom 3 screenshots.exe Resident Evil [DivX].exe Shrek.exe Starcraft 2 preview!.exe Starcraft battle. net key generator.exe Starcraft ONLINE crack.exe 5.病毒同时还会尝试将自身发送给受感染用户的MSN好友,可能以如下形式出现: Hehe, check this out :-) Funny, check it out (h) LOL!! See this :D LOL!! Check this out :) Hehe, this is fun :-) 6.病毒还会在Windows文件夹中新建一个文本文件,文件名是由随机生成的数字组成,内容如下: W32.Supernova - Ban religion ------------------------------------------------------- Religion = War Religion = Based on fairytales Wars based on fairytales? Ban religion, welcome to the truth ------------------------------------------------------- |
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