词条 | 刘登才 |
释义 | 刘登才 博士,研究员,博士导师。 1992年7月、1995年7月、1998年7月在四川农业大学分获农学学士、硕士和博士学位。2002年10月-2003年9月,美国South Dakota State University大学作访问学者。从1995年7月至今,在四川农业大学小麦研究所工作。作为主研人员,获国家自然科学奖二等奖1项、四川省科技进步一等奖2项。2009年成为“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选。发表SCI收录论文20多篇。主研选育了6个小麦新品种。享受政府特殊津贴,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,四川省学术与技术带头人,四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家。 四川农业大学小麦研究所研究员,博士导师主要研究内容: 远缘杂交和异源多倍化过程研究及其在麦类遗传育种中的应用 (1)研究小麦-外源物种远缘杂种产生,部分同源染色体配对,未减数配子形成等过程的遗传基础;(2)研究小麦-外源物种远缘杂种后代基因组变异及其分子机制;(3)利用未减数配子基因、隐性ph基因、基因组变异等途径创制新材料。 小麦育种 (1)高产、抗病、优质小麦新品种选育;(2)外源或新型遗传变异导入小麦推广品种。 主要论文: Liu DC, Zhang LQ, Yan ZH, Lan XJ, Zheng YL (2010). Stripe rust resistance in Aegilops tauschii and its genetic analysis. Genetic Resource and Crop Evolution, 57: 325-328. Lian-Quan Zhang, Deng-Cai Liu*, You-Liang Zheng, Ze-Hong Yan, Shou-Fen Dai, Yun-Fang Li, Qi Jiang, Ya-Qing Ye and Yang Yen (2010). Frequent occurrence of unreduced gametes in Triticum turgidum–Aegilops tauschii hybrids. Euphytica, 172(2):285-294. Zhong-Wei Yuan, Qi-Jiao Chen, Lian-Quan Zhang, Ze-Hong Yan, You-Liang Zheng and Deng-Cai Liu (2009) Molecular characterization of two silenced y-type genes for Glu-B1 in Triticum aestivum ssp. yunnanese and ssp. tibetanum. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 51(1): 93-99. Zhiguo Xiang, Lianquan Zhang, Shunzong Ning, Youliang Zheng, Dengcai Liu (2009) Evaluation of Aegilops tauschii for heading date and its gene location in a re-synthesized hexaploid wheat. Agricultural Science of China 8(1):1-7. Lianquan Zhang, Zehong Yan, Shoufen Dai, Qijiao Chen, Zhongwei Yuan, Youliang Zheng, Dengcai Liu (2008). The crossability of Triticum turgidum with Aegilops tauschii. Cereal Research Communication 37(3):417-427. Lianquan Zhang, Dengcai Liu, Xiujin Lan, Youliang Zheng, Zehong Yan (2008). A synthetic wheat with 56 chromosomes derived from Triticum turgidum and Aegilops tauschii. Journal of Applied Genetics 49(1): 41-44. Lianquan Zhang, Qijiao Chen, Zhongwei Yuan, Zhiguo Xiang, Youliang Zheng, Dengcai Liu (2008). The production of aneuhaploid and euhaploid sporocytes by meiotic restitution in fertile hybrids of durum wheat Langdon lines with Aegilops tauschii. Journal of genetics and Genomics 35: 617-623. Qijiao Chen, Lianquan Zhang*, Zhongwei Yuan, Zehong Yan, Youliang Zheng, Genlou Sun,Dengcai Liu (2008) Empirical verification of heterogeneous DNA fragments generated from wheat genome-specific SSR primers. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 88: 1065-1071. Qi-Jiao Chen, Zhong-Wei Yuan, Lian-Quan Zhang, Ze-Hong Yan, Zhi-Guo Xiang, Yong-Fang Wan, You-Liang Zheng, Deng-Cai Liu (2008). Molecular characterisation and comparative analysis of four new genes from Sec2 locus encoding 75K r-gamma secalins of rye species. Journal of Cereal Science 48: 111-116. Lian-Quan Zhang, Yang Yen, You-Liang Zheng, Deng-Cai Liu (2007). Meiotic restriction in emmer wheat is controlled by one or more nuclear genes that continue to function in derived lines. Sexual Plant Reproduction 20: 159-166. Lianquan Zhang, Genlou Sun, Zehong Yan, Qijiao Chen, Zhongwei Yuan, Xiujin Lan, Youliang Zheng, Dengcai Liu (2007). Comparison of newly synthetic hexaploid wheat with its donors on SSR products with emphasis on the utilization of SSR markers. Journal of genetics and Genomics 34 (10): 939-946. |
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