词条 | 甲兵 |
释义 | 甲兵 jiǎbīng [armour and weaponry;military equipment]∶铠甲和兵器 王于兴师,修我甲兵,与子偕行。——《诗·秦风·无衣》 甲兵顿弊。——宋·苏轼《教战守策》 [soldier in armout]∶兵士或军队 抑王兴甲。——《孟子·梁惠王上》 胸藏数万甲兵,喜逢绿墅堂中人。 ——明 赵震元《为袁石■(袁可立子)复开封太府》 亦用作军事的代称。 胡簋之事,则尝学之矣;甲兵之事,未之闻也。——《左传·哀公十一年》 甲兵之事;析人之音,刳人之腹,堕人城郭,系人子女,其名尤甚不荣。《田赞谏荆王》 甲兵 hoplite 古代希腊披挂重型甲胄的步兵,以密集队形进行战斗。最早可能出现于西元前8世纪末。全身佩戴新而笨重的盔甲,包括金属头盔、胸铠和盾牌;各有一把剑和一支用来刺杀而不是投掷的二公尺长的矛。自从有了甲兵后,战场上已不再以个人武力决胜负,而是依靠大批甲兵方阵来冲破敌人的队形。虽然方阵不便调度,装备沈重,希腊的甲兵还是地中海世界最好的战士。 English: Heavily armed foot soldier of ancient Greece whose function was to fight in close formation. They probably first appeared in the late 8th century BC. They were equipped with new and heavier armor, including a metal helmet, breastplate, and shield; each had a sword and a 6-ft (2-m) spear for thrusting rather than throwing. From then on, battles were won not by individual champions but through the weight of massed hoplite phalanxes breaking through enemy ranks. Though the phalanx was unwieldy and the equipment cumbersome, Greek hoplites were the best fighters in the Mediterranean world. |
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