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释义 | 汉语词语告诫 : 读音:gào jiè 反义词:听任 近义词:警告 解释:警告劝诫(多用于上级对下级或长辈对晚辈)。 造句:妈妈常告诫我:平时要多读书,不能总想着寻欢作乐。一有些好成绩,也不能忘乎所以。要与能够在学习的见解上一拍即合的人多多切磋。这样才能成为博学多识的人。 【名言警句】 爱默生: 人类的全部历史都告诫有智慧的人,不要笃信时运,而应坚信思想。 雪莱诗歌作品《告诫》英文原版An Exhortation (一) Chameleons feed on light and air: Poets' food is love and fame: If in this wide world of care Poets could but find the same With as little toil as they, Would they ever change their hue As the light chameleons do, Suiting it to every ray Twenty times a day? (二) Poets are on this cold earth, As chameleons might be, Hidden from their early birth In a cave beneath the sea; Where light is, chameleons change: Where love is not, poets do: Fame is love disguised: if few Find either, never think it strange That poets range. (三) Yet dare not stain with wealth or power A poet's free and heavenly mind: If bright chameleons should devour Any food but beams and wind, They would grow as earthly soon As their brother lizards are. Children of a sunnier star, Spirits from beyond the moon, O, refuse the boon! 汉译版本告诫 (一) 变色龙仰仗空气和阳光: 诗人的养料是博爱和名望: 虽然宇宙浩瀚沧桑— 而诗人能得到的褒奖— 少于其付出的辛劳, 他们总在变换色调— 犹如变色龙般轻佻, 为适宜于每束光的闪耀— 一天变幻二十次可好? (二) 诗人在冷漠的世间, 一如变色龙般善变, 早先的身份藏而不宣— 源于洞穴,在海底深渊; 有光的地方,变色龙会变态: 没爱的地方,诗人不屑于兴怀: 名声是伪装的博爱: 即便两者都不见,不必见怪— 诗人在徘徊。 (三) 岂敢用钱权玷污诗人— 潇洒自由和超凡的心灵: 如果耀眼的变色龙会鲸吞— 一切食物,除了光芒、和惠风, 他们宁可变得世俗— 如其兄弟—蜥蜴一属。 孩子们似灿烂的星宿, 生灵来自遥远的玉兔, 唉,弃绝这恩宠之物! 作者简介珀西·比希·雪莱,是英国文学史上最有才华的抒情诗人之一。William Wordsworth曾称其为 "One of the best artists of us all“,同时期的拜伦称其为 "Without exception the best and least selfish man I ever knew", 更被誉为诗人中的诗人。其一生见识广泛,不仅是柏拉图主义者,更是个伟大的理想主义者。 创作的诗歌节奏明快,积极向上。 |
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