

词条 FR
1 计量单位型号Fr

抗体FR即骨架区,在免疫球蛋白的H和L链的近N端约有110个氨基酸序列的变化很大,其他部分的氨基酸序列相对恒定,据此可将轻链和重链区分为可变区(V)和恒定区(C)。VH和VL。各有3个区域的氨基酸组成和排列顺序高度变化,称为高变区(HVR)或互补决定区(CDR),分别为 CDRl、CDR2和CDR3。CDR以外区域的氨基酸组成和排列顺序相对不易变化,称为骨架区(FR)。VH和VL,各有113和107个氨基酸残基,组成4个FR(分别为FRl、FR2、FR3和FR4)和3个CDR(CDR1、CDR2、CDR3)。



FR型号是上海发瑞仪器的简称,上海发瑞仪器FR型号的产品有 1,拉力机,拉力试验机,万能材料试验机,拉压力材料试验系列:可做拉伸强度、撕裂强度、剥离强离、弯曲模具、三点抗折等物性试验。

2、 环境试验系列:如恒温恒湿试验箱、高低温箱、盐水喷雾、低温耐寒、老化、耐黄变、耐候等。

3、 纸张、纸箱检测系列:如包装压缩、包装跌落、落球冲击、环压强度、破裂强度等。

4、 橡塑料、皮革制鞋业:硫化仪,无转子硫化仪,成品鞋弯曲、耐曲折、皮革耐挠、耐磨耗、摩擦脱色、防水性等。

5、 电线电缆、电子器材业:耐燃烧、摇摆、突拉、伸长率、电线弯曲、耐电压、综合试验机。

6、 常用工具系列:投影仪、影像测量仪、硬度计、检针机、推拉力计、卡尺、电子秤、天平、色差仪、测厚仪、水分测定仪、熔点仪等。


2 化学元素:钫Fr


元素符号: Fr

英文名: Francium

中文名: 钫


相对原子质量: [223]

常见化合价: +1

电负性: 0.8

外围电子排布: 7s1

核外电子排布: 2,8,18,32,18,8,1

同位素及放射线: Fr-212[20m] Fr-221[4.8m] Fr-222[14.3mi] *Fr-223(放 β[21.8m])

原子化焓:kJ /mol @25℃


热容:J /(mol· K)


导电性:10^6/(cm ·Ω )



Main Fr+1


电离能 (kJ /mol)

M - M+ 400

M+ - M2+ 2100

M2+ - M3+ 3100

M3+ - M4+ 4100

M4+ - M5+ 5700

M5+ - M6+ 6900

M6+ - M7+ 8100

M7+ - M8+ 12300

M8+ - M9+ 12800

M9+ - M10+ 29300

发现人: 佩雷 时间: 1939 地点: 法国









3 描述汽车机械结构布局的术语

FR是'Front Engine,Rear Drive'的简写,是用来描述一辆汽车的机械结构布局的最基本资料之一。

意思是“前置引擎, 后轮驱动”,即所谓“前置后驱”。顾名思义,车的引擎放在车头,透过一条传动轴将动力传到尾部车轮,再经尾部车轮将动力转到地面。车的前轮是没有动力的,只作转向之用。在现存汽车布局中,它可算是较旧的一种,多用于大车或跑车。


1、操控性好 因为一些组件从前部移到后部,前后的重量分布也容易接近50:50,大大的改善了汽车的平衡性和操控性。这就是为什么大多数跑车都采用后驱的原因。

2、维修容易 前置后驱的安排也使发动机、离合器和变速器等总成临近驾驶室,简化了操纵机构的布置和转向机构的结构,更加便于车辆的保养和维修。



1、成本高 后驱部件多,组装复杂,同时造成车内空间减小。但随着后轮独立悬挂系统的采用,使得后驱车的空间有大的提高余地。

2、牵引力不足 尽管一些部件被移到的后部,但是相对于前驱来说,作用于驱动轮(后轮)的重量还是相对较轻,而牵引力的特点是作用于发力点(驱动轮)的重量越大,牵引力作用起来越稳定,所以牵引力不足一直是后驱车存在的问题。

3、动力损失 发动机产生的动力经过传动轴传递到后桥,输出功率会有损耗。

4、转向过度 后驱车虽然操控灵活,扭力大,但有着转向过度的特性,需要精确的油门和方向控制。


4 热继电器







5 传输模式FrameRelay

Frame Relay的缩写,是一种以帧为数据单位的传输模式。

帧中继(FR)是基于光纤数字传输和用户设备智能化、简化X.25 网络节点协议功能的一种快速分组交换技术。与 X.25 相比FR 更适合对速率和实时性要求更高的数据应用业务。 帧中继使用了统计复用技术,是点对多点的通信服务。帧中继是一种高性能的WAN协议,它运行在OSI参考模型的物理层和数据链路层。





6 游戏被遗忘的国度(ForgottenRealms)缩写

被遗忘的国度(Forgotten Realms)的缩写。

被遗忘的国度(FR)是龙与地下城中资料最丰富,设定最完整的战役背景,同时也是RPG史上最负盛名的架空世界。从某种意义上说,他存在的历史比龙与地下城本身更悠久。Ed Greenwood在接触D&D以前就在头脑中创建了这个世界,在1975年的时候他把被遗忘的国度用于自己在家中主持的D&D游戏。在此后的10多年内被遗忘的国度一直被Ed不断改进着。1987年,TSR正式把被遗忘的国度纳入了 D&D的官方战役背景,出版了《被遗忘的国度战役背景》,同时也出版了被遗忘的国度的第一本小说《月沙岛三部曲: 黑暗行者在月沙岛》。 此后 TSR为这个系列推出了大量的背景资料、战役扩展和冒险模组,以及数十本小说。直到现在,被遗忘的国度的开发工作依然在不断进行,每年都会有新的游戏资料和小说出版。

7 脑科医生刘瀚文的英文名简写



广东深圳人 被人称为脑部残疾的克星.

现任深圳市脑科医院 脑部残疾科科长





8 电脑语言中代表法语

FR 在电脑语言中代表法语。


FR (Free ride),顾名思义,就是随心所欲啦。地形比较恶劣,以下坡为主,有大落差地形,危险系数比较高。对车的坚固程度要求高,整车重量比较重,组车以强度为第一原则,兼顾轻量。软尾。(硬尾FR只是个说法而已,没有什么硬尾能够真正FR的。)前叉行程在6-7英寸,(150-180MM),后避震也为6-7英寸左右。


FR娃娃全名Fashion Royalty

9 船体肋骨


10 频率响应frequencyresponse

FR:frequency response 频率响应

定义1:反映仪器对频率动态反应的重要参数。时间序列经过滤波处理后,原来序列中各种频率振动的振幅会受到削弱。各种频率振动过滤前后振幅之比值称为频率响应。 所属学科: 大气科学(一级学科) ;大气探测(二级学科)

定义2:在线性系统中,输出信号的傅里叶变换对应输入信号的傅里叶变换之比。 所属学科: 机械工程(一级学科) ;工业自动化仪表与系统(二级学科) ;工业自动化仪表与系统一般名词(三级学科)

定义3:描述某一器件或电路在规定的信号频率范围进行操作的性能特性。 所属学科: 通信科技(一级学科) ;通信原理与基本技术(二级学科)


在控制工程中 又称为频率特性 它是系统对不同频率的正弦信号的稳态响应特性

11 USMC武装侦察连(ForceRecon)英文缩写

FORCE RECON,一般翻译作强侦连,其实就是美国海军陆战队两栖侦察部队。因为该特种部队肩负著作先行侦查等相关特战任务,因此该部所执行的任务十分多样化(城镇/CQB/2/登舰/绿色地带)。该部队也是精英中的精英,只不过由于大多数人由于影视作品的关系而只注重RANGER、DELTA、以及LAPD而忽略了这一支隶属于美国海军陆战队的特战部队。印象中有FR出场的影片相当少,尼古拉斯凯奇主演的《勇闯夺命岛》算是其中比较有名的一部。

说起这个美国海军陆战队两栖侦察部队,还和NAVY SEAL还有着一定的渊源。这个NAVY SEAL就是我们常说海豹特种部队。美国海军陆战队两栖侦察部队源自二次大战的海军陆战队,在作两栖登陆战前,需要一支部队作任务侦察及收集情报。1942年海军陆战队为了在北非登陆而成立两栖任务侦察编组,但后来并未成行。直至1943年两栖任务侦察编组又改组为两栖任务侦察连,并派往太平洋战区,由潜艇进行对各岛礁的侦察及敌情收集活动。翌年增加队员人数至侦察,并参加硫磺岛、琉球岛等重要的登陆战。在韩战期间,海军陆战队两栖侦察部队与海军水下爆破队共同执行登陆前的侦察和爆破任务,并数次深入敌军阵地,执行桥梁与各种军事目标的破坏。韩战结束后,部队加强部队之任务要求及配合当时新直升机战术,队员开始接受空降先遣导航训练与内陆长距离侦察训练。60年代海军为了新作战需求,成立了著名的海豹突击队,在理论上接替海军两栖侦察部队,但是至今仍不认为海豹突击队能完全正式取替正统的两栖侦察部队。在越战期间两栖侦察部队,经常配合陆军部队绿扁帽特种部队、中央情报局与海豹突击队,进行渗透北越、寮国和高棉执行一些政府不承认的特别任务。1991年波斯湾战争时,美国海军陆战队两栖侦察部队在科威特海岸做了数次敌军兵力侦察和评估。让伊拉克军误以为美军会大举在海岸进行两栖登陆。现时FORCE RECON的主要任务为:执行两栖登陆及远程侦察、监视、机密器材回收、拯救人质、配合海军陆战队远征军(MEU)执行非正规作战任务,以及配合其他特种作战单位执行任务。

目前USMC FORCE RECON并不属于USSOCOM的编制下,非作战时期不会受到USSOCOM指挥。在作战时期或执行作战任务时,两栖侦察部队亦会接受USSOCOM指挥。





每个两栖侦察连,在队员编制上都有不同,部队因应驻守地域大小编成。整体上,连长由陆战队中校担任,每个连由六个排组成,排长由上尉担任。 每排下辖管理四至五个侦察班,每个班由5名队员组成,由一名士官领导。 另有本部连,工作范围包括,惰报处理、部队通信及后勤支援。


加入FORCERECON,是一个漫长的过程.任何陆战队员,不论任何军阶均可申请。申请人,首先需要有一个服役证明(一般为3-5年)。FORCERECON需要一流的陆战队员,必须通过体能测试、游泳、射击测试, 他需要获得105分。训练第一阶段将要求参训者全副武装靠一份地图,日夜巡逻。在每月最后一个星期四、可以申请参加考试。体能测试标准(心肺功能),满分300,士兵要求达到275分,军官要求达到285分。即使通过了考试,但是体能训练将伴随整个训练阶段,因为健身是一项永不休止的事。因为是海军陆战队两栖侦察队的性质,所以接下来是残酷的水中训练。队员将接受长达10英里的全装备野外游泳训练,身上的装备重量高达50磅。如果他成功地完成这项测试身体,他接受心理检查接受军官的问讯。完成以上考核后淘汰率接近50%。如果队员通过自身努力通过了考核,并成功融入一个排说明他已经作好加入FORCE RECON的身心准备,并做出了承诺。这时,队员原部队的指挥官必须同意释放他--这并不容易。很多原上级军官许相信FORCE RECON就抽掉了他们队里的一个精英。队员将在FORCE RECON里服役5年,可能延期2年,最后将回归原部队或其他单位,这时他们将 带了大量的专业知识和自信回归。



第一阶段:Individual Training Phase

第二阶段:Unit Training

第三阶段:MEU(SOC) Training Phase


第五阶段:Post Deployment Phase

第一阶段将持续大约6个月,每个排将回到连队基地。主要是的基本技能训练和侦察技能训练(MOS qualified Marine 8654)。

这些不过是完整个训练的准备开和始。以下是第一阶段训练 项目:

Basic Reconnaissance Course - All members 侦察基本技能训练 全体 十二周时间

Basic Airborne School - All members 基本机降技能训练 全体 三周时间

USMC Combatant Dive School - All members USMC 潜水技能训练 全体 八周时间

SERE School - All members 野外生存技能训练 全体

Military Free Fall School - All members 伞降技能训练 全体

Ranger School - All team leaders and above Ranger 技能训练 每队队长和队长以上军官

Static Line Jumpmaster Course - 2 per platoon 高跳高开伞兵课程 每排2个人

Military Free Fall Jumpmaster Course - 2 per platoon 高级自由落体伞降课程 每排2个人

HRST Master Course - 2 per platoonhrst 高级HRST训练 每排2个人

Dive Supervisor Course - 2 per platoon 高级潜水技能训练 每排2个人

LAR V Technician Course - 2 per platoon 两栖作战技能训练 每排2个人

Ammunition Drivers Course - 2 per platoon 武力侦搜车驾驶技能 每排2个人

USMC Scout/ Sniper Course - 1 per team 狙击技能训练 每队1个人

Mountain Leaders Course (Summer) - 1 per team 山地领导技能(夏) 每队1个人

Mountain Leaders Course (Winter) - 1 per team 山地领导技能(冬) 每队1个人

Laser Operators Course - 1 per team 激光制导技能训练 每队1个人







在 Camp Pendelton,CA训练营,训练时间是三周。涵盖了MEU (SOC)和0.45口径的手狗与以及SOPMOD M4A1卡宾。第1至2周,每个Marine的将射击5000- 8000发,用来熟悉各种武器。第三周都花在了有l直升机配合的fam训练,包括AH-1J 近距离空中支援、陆战队CH-27、国民卫队UH-60's和海军seahawks。每个排也接到排与排配合训练,和熟练使用短武器训练(SESAMS),包括CQBW and MEU(SOC)pistol。


在美国陆军国家训练中心为期一周。能够利用对手的武器,可能意味着生存和死亡的区别。训练主要涉及其他国家的轻武器的威胁。目前这一方案主要由The Foreign Material Acquisition and Exploitation Unit (FMAEU)负责,主要是识别和熟悉苏联及非苏联华沙条约(nswp)设备。


在圣克莱门特、棕榈岛等基地进行两周训练包。包括复习海军陆战队的基本知识呼叫支援火力,特别使诽定翼和直升机CAS (Close Air Support)。NGSF (Naval Gun Surface Fire近距离空中支援舰炮水面)激光制导设备使用(Laser designating equipment control CAS)。


为期3周,利用MC-5 Ram Air Parachute进行 Low Level Static Line parachute techniques to High Altitude High Opening(HAHO)训练,包括使用夜视器材利用降落伞从24999英尺跳伞。


为期2周,在 Seal Beach and San Diego训练,包括远程航海导航、水文测量、发射和回收,是从各种舰艇,包括水面舰艇和潜艇,出发和回归训练。


为期2周,重点利用 HMMWV's and IFAV's (Improved Fast Assault Vehicle)进行闭式呼吸潜水。


包括驾驶、使用IFAV(完善快速攻击车)在沙漠环境中进行必要的情报搜集工作。训练地点经常变换,一般在 Yuma or 29 Palms。


在模拟作战环境下寻找伤员并根据伤情进行二次救治和转移 。

通过第2阶段培训,每个排队员能完成各种侦察任务。更重要的是,他们经过6个月的密集训练相互团结在一起,取得了彼此的信任 。


每个排将在the Special Operations Training Group(SOTG)训练下进行MSPF训练。The Maritime Special Purpose Force(MSPF)是有海空配合小队进行作战的训练,主要训练force recon与其他部队的协同作战能力包括陆战队的战机、海军的军舰甚至SEAL也会加入协同训练。课程涵盖CQB、爆炸物使用与处理、城市狙击等。训练在真实城市环境下城市作战能力或socex(特种作战演习验证)。

(CQB的英文全称是CLOSE QUARTER BATTLE,翻译过来是室内近距离战斗,这个对于各个特种部队以及FORCE RECON都是必修的科目)



第五阶段是 休假整顿。

经过18个月的训练和部署,队员将获得30天的休假. 大约50%的队员会离开,这时部队是不满编的。


Part I : History, Mission and Organization

The United States Marine Corps is a relatively small and parochial organization. Numbering only 172,000, it is the smallest of the Nation's armed forces. It also epitomizes the warrior ethic, much to the consternation of the socialists present in our society today.

The Marine Corps is, and has been throughout its existence, an expeditionary force. Consequently it is task organized to land its forward deployed units worldwide. Because we are a naval force, the primary method of force projection is amphibious, and the forcible entry option into a non-permissive environment is powerful and decisive.

Within the Marine Corps exists a small group of highly trained and superbly competent Marines; those assigned to the Force Reconnaissance community. Relatively unknown outside of the Department of Defense (DOD), they neither seek nor suffer the publicity of others in this business.

I'll attempt to provide a small look into the world of Force Reconnaissance. The amount of information will require three separate articles. This first installment will be a brief overview of the history and organization of Force Reconnaissance and how it fits into the Marine Corps mission. The second will be concerned with selection and training, and finally the third will cover weapons and equipment used by these silent warriors. There is a fair amount of jargon and acronyms involved, which I have hopefully softened and explained without gentrifying the story.


Currently, the only stand alone Force Reconnaissance Company in the Marine Corps is 1st Force. The 2nd Recon Bn. (East Coast) and 3rd Recon Bn. (Okinawa) have a Force capability imbedded in their respective Reconnaissance Battalions. This may change (again) in the near future, but as of this time only 1st Force is capable of independent operations. Because of the different command relations that exist, this article is concerned primarily with 1st Force.

The Marine Forces Reserve have 3rd Force Recon in Mobile, AL, and 4th Force Recon in Honolulu, with a detachment in Reno, NV.

It's necessary to clarify the difference between Force and Division Reconnaissance.

The Reconnaissance Battalion supports the Division, and it provides tactical reconnaissance in the Distant Battle.

Force Reconnaissance supports the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), a Corps equivalent, and conducts Operational Level reconnaissance in the Deep Battle.

Force Reconnaissance had it genesis in Camp Pendelton in 1954 when a test unit was formed to evaluate methods of insertion for reconnaissance teams. These two platoons, (a Parachute Reconnaissance Platoon and a Pathfinder Platoon) were eventually combined with an existing Amphibious Reconnaissance Company to form 1st Force Reconnaissance Company in 1957.

In 1958, one half of the Company was transferred to the east coast to form the fledgling 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company. 1st Force was then a part of Force Troops, Fleet Marine Force Pacific (FMFPac) and supported both the 1st and 3rd Marine Divisions. 2nd Force was assigned to Force Troops, Fleet Marine Force Atlantic (FMFLant), and supported the 2nd Marine Division.

The early years were spent developing the doctrine and skills that bore fruit in the crucible of South East Asia.1 1st Force and 3rd Force2 went into the former Republic of Viet Nam in 1965, supporting 3rd Marine Amphibious Force in I Corps. During its five years in country, 1st Force ran over 2,200 reconnaissance patrols.

Forty-four Marines and Sailors of 1st Force were killed or remain Missing in Action during that conflict.

The Company was deactivated in 1974, as part of the post war draw down. The 1st Platoon was transferred to 1st Reconnaissance Bn. at that time, in order to retain a deep reconnaissance capability for 1st Marine Division.

The mixing of Force with Division Recon has never been entirely satisfactory, and the Company again stood up in 1986. 1st Force operated in Southwest Asia during desert Shield/ Storm, and has since deployed to multiple hot spots including East Timor last year.


The Company has two Mission Profiles- Deep Reconnaissance and Direct Action.

On the conventional, or "Green" side, the mission is to conduct Amphibious Reconnaissance, Deep Ground Reconnaissance, Battlespace Shaping, and surveillance to observe, identify and report enemy activity.

They conduct specialized terrain reconnaissance that includes hydrography, beaches, roads, bridges, routes, urban areas, helicopter landing zones (HLZ), airborne drop zones (DZ) and aircraft forward operating sites.

When task organized with other forces, equipment or personnel, they can assist in special engineer, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC), Radio, mobile or other reconnaissance operations.

Additionally, they can implant or recover sensors and beacons, conduct Initial Terminal Guidance for helicopters, landing craft and parachutists. As directed, they can designate and engage selected targets with Force fires, including terminal guidance of Precision Guided Munitions (PGM).

They can conduct post strike reconnaissance to determine and report damage to a specific target or area, or perform other operations as directed by higher command.

An example of this type of mission is the Personal Security Detail (PSD). Members of the Company are regularly tasked with providing protection to high-ranking military or civilian members in hostile areas. Generally a very high profile detail, the Marines of Force have the proper attitude and mindset to keep themselves and a principal alive in the bad neighborhoods of the third world.

On the Direct Action, or "Black" side, Force conducts Gas/ Oil Platforms (GOPLATS), Vessel /Board/Search /Seizure (VBSS), capture/ recovery of selected enemy personnel and equipment, and Tactical Recovery of Aircraft/ Personal (TRAP).

Note that the Company is capable of conducting Direct Action missions inside the Deep Battle area when task organized with other elements-specifically a Reconnaissance and Surveillance (R&S) element, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians, Radio or Electronic warfare specialists and such.

The Company is equally capable of conducting reconnaissance or direct action missions on very short notice.

One task recently removed from Force was In- Extremis Hostage Rescue. (IHR). While USSOCOM Tier 1 assets (Combat Applications Group {CAG} and DevGrp) have primary cognizance of hostage recovery, it was recognized early on that when the bad guys were executing hostages right now, a capable forward-deployed unit could be useful.

Recently it was felt by some that the IHR mission requires too much training time to be proficient, and that time spent in training for DA missions would degrade the Deep Reconnaissance capability. To that end the Marine Corps no longer advertises the IHR mission. However, Maritime Interdiction Operations, GOPLAT, prisoner recovery etc. all require a high degree of proficiency in surgical shooting and CQB skills. The Marine Corps has wisely not lowered the shooting standards and while IHR may not now exist as a mission, the capability is still resident in the Company.

To accomplish the mission profiles, Force utilizes special insert/ extraction techniques. These include:

Motorized - Improved Fast Attack Vehicle (IFAV)

Amphibious - Submarine, Surface Combatant, Sub- Surface (Closed Circuit Mk-25 Drager) or SCUBA (Open Circuit), Over the Horizon (OTH) via the CCRC (Zodiac), Soft Duck/ Hard Duck

Air - Helo; fast rope, rappel, Special Patrol Insertion/ Extraction Rig (SPIE Rig); Parachute, including Low Level Static Line (LLSL), High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) up to 25,000', and High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) up to 35,000'.


To understand how Force Reconnaissance functions, we need to understand how it fits into current Marine Corps doctrine.

The Marine Corps is broken down into three Marine Expeditionary Forces (MEF), each consisting of a Marine Division, a Marine Air Wing, and a Force Service Support Group.

Various non-operational units exist to support the MEF and subordinate units. As with the subordinate MEU, a single commander is responsible for ground, aviation and support elements.

Forward deployed are the Marine Expeditionary Units (Special Operations Capable) {MEU (SOC)}. The MEU (SOC) is the smallest of the Corps Air/ Ground Task Forces, consisting of approximately 2100 Marines and sailors.

The reason why it is "Special Operations Capable" and not "Special Operations" is that neither the Marine Corps nor any of its units belong to U.S. Special Operations Command. While Joint (or Purple) Operations are the rage in the halls of the Pentagon, the Marine Corps has always believed (and with great justification) that other services will deny the Marine Corps the use of its own specially trained assets during a crisis.

This has occurred on several occasions during the Viet Nam War, and more recently in the Gulf Conflict.

As a prime example, Marine Corps aviation exists solely to support the guys who actually do the fighting (the Grunts). Joint Air "managers" have long sought to remove these very valuable assets in order to make more "efficient" use of tactical air. The end result is that when a Marine infantryman needs that specially trained Marine pilot to deliver ordnance at danger close, he might be making toothpicks many miles away. The alternative is no air, or pilots who have not been properly trained in Close Air Support (CAS). The feeling is that if Force was assigned to USSOCOM, they might also remove the Force Reconnaissance assets from supporting a MEF or MEU.

The MEU (SOC) is comprised of a Ground Combat Element (GCE), an Aviation Combat Element (ACE), a MEU Combat Service Support Group, and a Command Element (CE).

The GCE is the Battalion Landing Team (BLT), an infantry battalion reinforced with artillery, Amphibious Assault Vehicles (AAV's), Light Armored Reconnaissance assets, Tanks, Engineers and a Division Reconnaissance platoon.

The Aviation Combat Element (ACE) is a Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) augmented into a composite squadron. It will usually consist of 12 CH-46's, 4 CH-53's, 3 UH-1N's, and 4 AH-1W Cobras. It may also have 6 AV-8B Harrier fixed wing aircraft attached.

The ACE also has an Air Control detachment, 6 Avenger Air Defense HMMV, and a Light Air Defense (LAD) Detachment assigned.

The MEU Service Support Group (MSSG) contains all of the specialists and equipment necessary to keep the GCE and the ACE functioning. This includes motor transport, mechanical, engineering, medical, dental, postal and other technical experts.

The Command Element provides the Command and Control for the three components of the MEU. In addition to the MEU Commander and his staff, a Radio Recon Bn. Detachment, an Intelligence Detachment, and a Force Recon platoon are included.

The MEU (SOC) is forward deployed on a three ship Amphibious Ready Group. (Usually an LHD or LHA, and an LPD and LSD). Generally speaking, and depending on sequencing, two or sometimes three MEU (SOC)'s are forward deployed around the world at any given time.

The MEU (SOC) is self sustaining and capable of executing an amphibious operation at night or under adverse weather conditions, by surface (in LCAC's and AAV's) or by air (in the embarked helicopter squadron) within six hours of receiving the execute order.

It can also launch amphibious raids, conduct NEO's, (Non Combat Evacuation Operation) reinforcement operations, security operations, or humanitarian operations. It can seize airfields or ports, and conduct Counter Intelligence and Signal Intelligence operations.

Though 1st Force is a Company, it is administered along the lines of a battalion.

There are approximately 200 Marines and Sailors in the Company. Leading the Company is the Company Headquarters consisting of the Commanding Officer (CO), a LtCol, the Executive Officer (XO), a Major, and a Sergeant Major.

Supporting the operational platoons is the S1 (Administrative) Shop; the S2 (Intelligence) Section; the S3 (Operations); and the S4 (Logistics and Supply); and the S6 (Communications) Shop.

Under the cognizance of the S3 is the indispensable Training Cell and the Paraloft. The S4 Shop has control of the Dive and Amphibious Lockers, the Motor Transport Section, and the Armory.

The Company has medical and dive personnel assigned from the Navy. While Corpsmen have always been held in high regard by Marines (and for obvious reasons), those Corpsmen assigned to Force Recon are definitely a breed apart. These Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman go through all of the training that the Marines in Force go through, plus their own advanced Combat Trauma Training. When assigned to the platoons, they are shooters first and foremost, and indistinguishable from their green brothers.

Though the Table of Organization is for six operational platoons, only five are actually funded.

The Operational platoons are staffed with a platoon headquarters consisting of a Platoon Commander (usually a Captain), a platoon sergeant (usually a Staff Sergeant or Gunnery Sergeant), Platoon Radio Operator (normally a Staff Sergeant or Gunnery Sergeant), a Navy Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman, and a platoon Equipment NCO (Rigger/ Armorer).

There are three, six man teams in the platoon. Each Team consists of a Team Leader (SSgt), an Assistant Team Leader (SSgt/ Sgt), a Radio Operator, and three Reconnaissance Scouts.

The six-man team concept reflects real world experience. The Company formerly fielded 4 man teams but there were a number of issues that impacted negatively on the Marines. Consider that they must jump, dive, or walk in with all the gear necessary to complete the mission. The new surveillance and communications gear is lighter, stronger and more efficient than what it replaces, but there is more of it. Less then six cannot carry the equipment necessary for Deep Reconnaissance missions. Equally important is what the team does with a friendly casualty. Unless a 4-man team was willing to cache all of its equipment, they would not be able to carry a casualty out.

In Deep Reconnaissance, survival is based on stealth, and stealth is a by-product of alertness. A 4-man team does not have the numbers to provide an adequate rest cycle while maintaining proper security.

Though a Deep Reconnaissance mission requires that the team not be compromised, the reality of life is that they may. When that happens, the rules change. Because they are in the deep battle area, they cannot count on artillery support, and CAS and the extract birds may be a long time coming. They must be able to shoot, move and communicate, but unlike a Grunt, they are operating in a friendly vacuum. The 4 man team simply does not have enough guns to work as two elements.

The 6 man team also provides the numbers necessary to perform a Direct Action mission. Remember that these missions will take place in a non-permissive (or at best, a semi-permissive) environment. The smaller teams are just an invitation for failed missions and higher casualties.

On the other side of the coin, increasing the team drastically increases the chance of detection. More than 6 and the patrol becomes too unwieldy for clandestine operations.

6 man teams are a compromise, and it is the best available solution.

For Direct Action missions, the platoon is configured into a single unit, and task organized with Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technicians, a Reconnaissance and Surveillance (R&S) section (drawn from the BLT Scout/ Sniper Platoon), and a Security Element (also drawn from the BLT) as well as other mission related personnel.

You may note that the rank structure is significantly more senior then in conventional forces. This accurately reflects the length of time one spends in training before he can get into a platoon, and is commensurate with the maturity and responsibility of these Marines. Considering the amount of sophisticated surveillance and communication gear available to the platoon, the training required to operate and maintain it, and what it is they actually do, any issues about rank become amazingly inconsequential.

The Force Reconnaissance Company is the personal eyes and ears of the MEF Commander - a three star Corps level equivalent. They provide him with real time information in the Deep Battle area not available by other means.

The Marines of Force Recon do not consider thewmselves to be "elite" or "special". Their attitude is that thaey have been fortunate to be selected to a unit that provides unique challenges and opportunities, and makes full use of their talents. They are tough, rugged men, whose job is to support the guy who does the real fighting - the Marine Infantryman.

12 FR域名


法国域名体系分为"公共域名"(public domain name)和"与部门相关的域名"。公共域名是由AFNIC直接管理和控制的域名,后者则是一种与所从事的专业活动领域有关的域名,并被赋予一种统一的格式。与我国比较相关和类似的主要是前者,它现在是三级域名与二级域名并存的情况。它的组成方式如下 :"点fr", "点asso点fr", "点com点fr", "点nom点fr", "点prd点fr", "点presse点fr" 和 "点tm点fr"。其中二级域名已经处于所有域名形式中最受欢迎的行列中。

13 FR自由骑(freeride)


此种车辆和Enduro(AM)有相似之处。但不强调轻量的需求,而是更加看重减震的效果。 算是 DH 和 XC 的 综合 版 。FR自行车趋向于更长更好的减震,8寸或者更长的后减震都是很正常的配置。它的零件设计以强度为标准,因此整车重量更高。FR自行车比其他自行车更加”万能“。然而在爬山或者低速时,由于头管角度问题,整车的灵活性下降。FR车架的角度甚至大于DH自行车。这样提高了越过小障碍物的能力。FR自行车提供了越过自然地形障碍物所需要的角度。FR自行车的重量通常是14公斤到20公斤。FR爬山通常是为了到达某一地区,所以FR车型在爬山时还是有一点效率的。一辆坚固的FR价格昂贵,同时在爬山时也不为车手提供舒适的骑行感受。下山时,它为FR骑士提供了更好的操控性,但FR骑士却只能推着它上山。另 外当您 要 花 许多的时间?骑登山车的 时候,一个舒适的坐垫 就变得相当的重要 。 FR共分两种 :多用途登山车 Multi-Track Bike,旅游登山车Touring Bikes。

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