词条 | 邓晋福 |
释义 | 生平简介1935年2月生。江苏无锡人。1953年加入中国共产党。 教育教学现任北京中国地质大学教授、博士生导师。兼任中国矿物岩石地球化学学会常务理事,中国地质学会岩石学专业委员会副主任等职。1956年6月毕业于北京地质学院普查找矿系。毕业后留校任教。1959年~1962年被派往前苏联列宁格勒大学就读岩石学副博士研究生,后因病肄业。1970~1973年派往阿尔巴尼亚任翻译兼技术工作。从事找矿勘探与岩石学研究。1986~1988年在美国加州理工学院作访问学者。历任副教授、教授,曾任教研室副主任、主任、系主任、校学术委员会副主任等职。主要研究领域为火成岩岩石学、岩石物理化学、岩浆热力学、实验岩石学等。在国内首次为研究生开设新课程,并多次应邀讲学,传播岩石学新理论。 学术专著出版专著《岩石相平衡与成因》等三部,撰写论文一百余篇。曾荣获1988年、1992年地矿部优秀教材一等奖各一次,1989年、1994年地矿部科技成果一等奖和二等奖。1989年和1993年获中南地区大学出版社版协优秀教材和优秀专著二等奖各一次,1997年获国优秀科技图书二等奖。1985年被表彰为地矿部优秀教师,1990国家教委与国家科委授予先进科技工作者,1991年获国务院颁发政府特殊津贴。 主要科研论文??1.J.F. Deng,X.X. Mo,H.L. Zhao et al. New model for the dynamic evolution of Chinese lithosphere: “continental roots–plume tectonics”. Earth-Science Reviews,2004,65,223-275 2.Deng Jinfu,Martin F.J. Flower,Su Shangguo,Yu Xue-hui,Luo Zhaohua. Coexisting of contrast lithospheric deformation and magmatism in the Mediterranean region: Mantle flow as the response and expression to the continent – continent collision. Geoscience,2004,18(4): 1-8(in chinese) 3.Deng Jinfu,Su Shangguo,Mo Xuanxue et al. The Sequence of Magmatic-Tectonic Events and Orogenic Processes of the Yanshan Belt,North China. Scientia Geologica Sinica,2004,78(1): 8-14 4.Deng Jinfu Su Shangguo Zhao Hailing. Deep Processes of Mesozoic Yanshanian Lithosphere Thinning in North China. Earth Science Frontiers,2003,10(3): 41-50 5.Deng Jinfu. Sequence of geological enents and PTt paths of orogenic process. ACTA Petorlogica et Mineralogica,2002,21(4): 336-342 6.Deng Jinfu,Xiao Qinghui. About the classification of igneous rocks and related nomenclature. In: Xiao Qinghui,Deng Jinfu eds. The ways of investigation on granitoids. Beijing: Geological Publishing House 7.Deng Jinfu et al. Inhomogeneity of the lithosphere of the Tibetan plateau and implications for geodynamics,Science in China,2001,44 (Supp.): 56-63 8.Deng,J.,Dai S,Wu Z et al. Petrological structure and thermal structure of the Dabie orogenic belt and its geological implications,Acta Geol. Sinica,2000,74(3): 206-215 (in chinese) 9.Deng,J.,Zhao G,Zhao,H.,et al. Yanshanian igneous petrotectonic assemblage and orogenic-deep processes in East China,Geol. Rev.,2000,46(1): 41-48 (in chinese) 10.Deng Jinfu et al.,Nature of lower crust and crust-mantle exchange Proc. 30th IGC,4,1-10,VSP 11.Deng Jinfu et al. Yanshanian magma-tectonic-metallogenic belt in East China of circum-pacific domain (I)-igneous rocks and orogenic processes,Journal of China University of Geosciences,1999,10(1): 21-24 12.Deng Jinfu et al. Yanshanian magma-tectonic-metallogenic belt in East China of circum-pacific domain(II)-lithosphere-asthenosphere system and metallogenic environment,Journal of China University of Geosciences,1999,10(1): 25-29 13.Deng Jinfu,Muo Xuanxue,Zhao Hailing et al. Crust-mantle substantial and deep-seated processes. Earth Science Frontiers,1998,5(3): 67-75 14.Deng,J.,Luo,Z.,Zhao,H. Trachyte and syenite: petrogenesis constrained by the petrological phase equilibrium,Coll. Works Int’l Symp. Geol. Sci.,Peking Univ. Seism. Press,Beijing,745-757,1998 15.Deng,J.,Zhao,H.,Luo,Z. Mantle plumes and lithosphere motion in east Asia,In: Flower,M.F.J.,(Eds),Mantle dynamics and plate interactions in East Asia. Geodyn. Series 27,1998,59-65 16.Deng Jinfu,Zhao Hailing,Luo Zhaohua et al. Formation and Evolution of lithosphere-asthenosphere system. In: <Review the past and look forward to the future on mineralogy,petrology and geochemistry at the end of the century> edited by Ouyang Ziyuan,97-104,Beijing : Atomic Publishing House,1998 17.Deng,J.,Mo,X.,Zhao,H.,et al. Geotectonic units of China on the lithospheric scale since Cenozoic,J. China Univ. Geosci.,1997,22(3): 227-232 (in chinese) 18.Deng,J,Wu,Z.,Zhao,H.,et al. Nature of lower crust and crust-mantle exchange,Hong,D. de.,Proc. 30th Int’l. Geol. Congr.,1997,4(1-10),VSP 19.Deng Jinfu,Zhao Hailing,Mo Xuanxue. Continental roots-plume tectonics?an key to continental dynamics. Beijing: Geology publishing house,1996 20.Deng Jinfu. Yanshanian Igneous Rocks and Orogeny Model in Yanshan-Liaoning Area,Geoscience,1996,10(2): 137-148 21.Deng Jinfu et al.,1996. Mantle plume beneath northern China,Cont. Dyn. 1(1):46-69 22.Deng,J.,Yang J,Zhao,H.,et al. Igneous petrotectonic assemblage and tectonic evolution along GGT from Geermu to Ejinaqi,Geosci.,1996,10(3): 330-343(in chinese) 23.Deng,J.,Liu h,Zhao,H.,et al.,1996. Yanshanian igneous rocks and orogeny model in Yanshan-Liaoning area,Geosci. 10(2): 137-148 (in chinese) 24.Deng,J.,Wu Z,Yang J et al. Crust-Upper mantle petrologic structure and deep processes along GGT from Geermu to Ejinaqi,Acta Geophys. Sinica,38(supp. 1): 130-143,1995 (in chinese) 25.Deng,J.,Zhao,H.,Mo,X.,et al. Intracontinental subduction of the Yangtze continent and continent reducing-inferred from muscovite (two-mica) granites,Geol. J. Univ.,1995,1(1): 50-57 (in chinese) 26.Deng,J.,Zhao,H.,Lai,S. Generation of muscovite/two-mica granite and intracontinental subduction. J. China Univ.,1994. 5(1): 1-7 27.Deng,J.,Zhao,H.,Lai S. Muscovite/ two-mica granite and intracontinental subduction. Earth Science,1994,19: 139-147 (in chinese) 28.Deng,J.,Lai,S.,Zhao,H. Petrological record of multiple intracontinental subduction orogeny,Himalaya-Gandise. INDEPTH Workshop,1994. 16-19 29.Deng,J.,Lai S,Zhao,H.,et al. Paired igneous rock belt in Tibet plateau and orogenic process. In: Advance in minerology,petrology and geochemistry of China. Vol. 1. Lanzhou: Lanzhou University Press,134-135,1994 (in chinese) 30.Deng,J.,Mo,X.,Zhao,H.,et al. Lithospheric root and derooting and continental activity in Eastern China. Geosciences 8,349-356,1994 (in chinese) 31.Deng,J.,Mo,X.,Zhao,H.,et al. Two type lithospheric roots and their tectonic effects of China. Annual of Chinese Geophysical Society. Beijing: Seismol. Press,1994 (in chinese) 32.Deng,J.,Ye D,Zhao,H. Volcanism,deep process and basin formation in lower Yangtze region. Wuhan: China University of Geosciences Press,1992 (in chinese) 33.Deng,J.,Zhao,H.,Luo,Z. Cenozoic lithosphere extension and thinning of Eastern China. In: The Chinese Committee of Structural Geology,Paper collection for tectonics of China. Wuhan: China University of Geosciences Press,165-172,1992 (in chinese) 34.Deng,J.,Zhao,H.,Wu Z. Mantle plume and plate motion beneath northern continent of China. Geosciences,1992,6: 267-274 (in chinese) 35.Deng,J.,Zhao,H.,Ye D,et al. Cenozoic volcano shift and expanding of rift and continental drift in Eastern China. Experimental petroleum geology,1992,15: 1-9 (in chinese) 36.Deng Jinfu,Ye Delong,Zhao Hailing. Volcanism,deep-seated processes and basin formation of Lower Yangtze region. Beijing: Geological Publishing House,1992 37.Deng,J.,Zhao,H. The thermal structure of the upper mantle in Eastern China-inferrred from the petrological model. Acta Geol. Sinica,1991. 4(2): 195-201 38.Deng Jinfu,Zhao Hailing. Thermal structure of upper mantle of East China.Journal of Geology,1990,4: 344-349 39.Deng Jinfu,1988,Magmatism and deep-seated processes at continental rifts,In <Cenozoic basalt and upper mantle of East China (enclosing Kimberlite)> edited by Chi Jishang,China University of Geosciences 40.Deng Jinfu,Zhao Hailing,Luo Zhaohua et al. Mantle prime and lithosphere motion in East Asia. In: <M.F.J. Flower et al. Eds,Mantle Dynamics and plate interactions in East Asia>,Geodynamics Series,1988,(27): 59-65,Washington D.C. U.S.A. 41.Deng Jinfu. Petrological facies equilibrium and petrogenesis. Wuhan: Wuhan College of Geosciences,1-340,1987 |
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