

词条 大场信义









Research achievement


Nakane T. and Ohba N. 1981. The observation and breeding of fireflies. 121 pages, New Science, Tokyo.

Ohba N. 1986 Communication of fireflies. 241 pages, Tokai University , Japan.

Ohba N. 1986. Genji-firefly. Bunichi Sougou Shuppan, Tokyo.

Ohba N. 1996. Hotaru no Sato(fireflies habitats). 55 pages ,Fureberukan,Tokyo.

Ohba N. 1997. Breeding and observation of the fireflies. Hartshuppan, Tokyo.

Ohba N. 1999. The inhabitant environment of fireflies. Structure of biotope. Ed. Sugiyama K,40-61.Asakurashoten, Tokyo.

Ohba N. 1996. The tree of the firefly. Newton: 90-95.

Original papers

Ohba, N. 1980. Mating behavior of a Japanese Hotaria firefly (Coleoptera :Lampyridae). Sci. Rept. Yokosuka City Mus.,(27): 13-18.

OHBA N. 1983. Studies onthe communication system of Japanese fireflies. Sci.Rept. Yokosuka City Mus.,(30):1-62, pls.1-6.

OHBA N. 1983. Flash communication in Luciola kuroiwae (Coleoptera:Lampyridae). Sci. Rept. Yokosuka City Mus.,(31):1-8.

OHBA N. 1984. Synchronous flashing in the Japanese firefly, Luciola cruciata(Coleoptera:Lampyridae). Sci. Rept. Yokosuka City Mus.,(32):23-33, pl.8.

Ohba, N. 1985. Flash communicatyion in Hotaria tsushimana (Coleoptera:(BLampyridae). Sci. Rept. Yokosuka City Mus.,(33):13-17.

OHBA N. and HIDAKA T. 1991. Reflex bleeding of fireflies and prey-predator relationship. 22th int. ethol. Cofer. Abstract: 31.

OHBA N. and S. SIM 2000. Biological notes and rearing of Lamprigera sp.from West Sumatra(Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Sci. Rept. Yokosuka City Mus., (47):23-30.

OHBA N. and SIM S.H. 1994. The morphology and life cycle of Pteroptyx valida

(Coleoptera:Lampyridae) in Singapore. Sci. Rept. Yokosuka City Mus.,(42):1-11.

OHBA N. and S. SIM 2000. Biological notes and rearing of Lamprigera sp. from West

Sumatra(Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Sci. Rept. Yokosuka City Mus., (47):23-30.

OHMIYA Y., SUMIYA M., V. VIVIANI and OHBA N. 2000. Comparative aspects of a luciferase molecule from the Japanese luminous beetle Rhagophthalmus ohbai. Sci. Rept Yokosuka City Mus., (47):31-38.

KOBAYASHI Y., SUZUKI H. and OHBA N. 2001. Formation of a spherical germ rudiment in the glow-worm, Rhagophthalmus ohbai WITTMER(Coleoptera: Rhagophthalmidae), and its phylogenetic implications. Proc. Arthropod. Embryol.Soc. Jpn. 36, 1-5.

SUZUKI H., SATO Y., FUJIYAMA S. and OHBA N.1996.Biochemical systematics of Japanese fireflies of the Subfamily luciolinae and their flash communication systems. Biochemical


SUZUKI H., SATO Y., FUJIYAMA S. and OHBA N.1996. Allozymic differentiation btween two ecological types of flashing behavior in the Japanese firefly, Luciola cruciata. Japanese Journal Entomology,64 (3):682-691.

WITTMER W. and OHBA N.1994. Neue Rhagophthalmidae(Coleoptera) aus China und benachbarten Landern. Japanese Jour. Ent.,62(2):341-355.





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