词条 | 三亚纳绿娜沙滩俱乐部 |
释义 | 简介纳绿娜沙滩俱乐部座落于三亚市北部的海棠湾内、距三亚林旺镇后海村2.7公里,北与南湾猴岛遥遥相对,南邻号称天下第一湾的亚龙湾,距三亚市中心30公里,三亚凤凰国际机场38公里,紧邻海南东线高速公路,交通便利快捷。地址:三亚后海东村80号.NANUNA的灵感来自于法国语系里一个发音,翻译成中文意思为月亮女神的意思,这串字母在别的语系发音中都没有有特别的意思,也许只是为了叫起来顺口现在也无从考究。2009年,来自中国内陆几个爱好冲浪的年轻人偶然发现了这片还未开发,保留着原始面貌的海湾,每个有风的季节,从太平洋南海海域涌进来后海湾的大浪吸引着他们再也舍不得离开,远离尘嚣,半月型风光旖旎的海湾和疯狂的浪花让他们一待就是三年。初建nanuna,为的只是让浪人们有一个属于自己的家,夜晚月亮女神的幽光铺满着宁静的沙滩,自由,勇气,健康和平与爱,简单得近乎执着的生活和对海浪的共存让他们找到了与城市不一样的安宁与满足。 设施和服务设施:海景酒吧、投影机、书籍杂志、海景餐厅、游泳池、无线网络、空调、24小时热水、为了,环保,我们不提供一次性洗浴用品(牙膏牙刷及香皂) 服务:冲浪、潜水、风筝冲浪、SUP站立式桨板、沙滩运动、珊瑚清理活动、沙滩清理活动、海钓。 交通线路一.乘公交车至蜈支洲岛码头 28路公交车:三亚汽车总站(后门)-水利大厦-中医院-市政府-图书馆-山水国际-下洋田-鹿岭路-夏日百货-大东海广场-三亚东站-奥林匹克射击中心--吉阳镇政府--海棠湾高速路口--林旺市场--蜈支洲岛码头。全程票价12元。每30分钟一班,需时约50分钟。 23路公交车:汽车总站-胜利路-新风路-滨海路-迎宾路-新红村-南新农场连队-青田路口-青田专厂-蜈支洲岛路口-林旺-洪李村-风塘村-藤桥-南田农场。在蜈支洲岛路口下车后需转乘当地小三轮摩托,建议乘坐28路。 二.乘出租车至蜈支洲码头停车场 市区单程至蜈支洲岛码头停车场路费:约为80元左右 亚龙湾地区单程至蜈支洲岛码头停车场路费:约为50元左右;如若包车往返(三亚至蜈支洲岛),约150元-200元。(建议游客朋友搭乘出租车打表计费。) 三.自驾车客人行走路线 海口→蜈支洲岛停车场:东线高速公路→海棠湾高速路口→公路标志牌"蜈支洲岛" →10分钟左右蜈支洲码头停车场。 三亚→蜈支洲岛停车场:田独→亚龙湾分叉路口→东线公路(国道223)→(途经原青田村路口向前约10分钟)→路边标志牌"蜈支洲岛"右转→10分钟左右到达蜈支洲码头停车场。 英文介绍The inspiration of the name Nanuna comes from French language, which translated into Chinese language as moon goddess. It means nothing in other language, we just like it how the way it sounds。 In 2009, there were a few youngsters from inland China who traveled to many places in China looking for great places for surfing. They randomly discovered this undeveloped bay area, in Hainan that still retains its natural beauty, untouched by the rapid development of the island. What attract these youngsters most is the huge waves that roll in to the bay from pacific ocean during the windy season. Far away from the bustling cities, the beauty of the crescent shaped bay and the roaring splashes of waves, are the reasons that kept these youngster here for the last 3 years. Initially, Nanuna was built as a home for surfers. The soul of the moon goddess seems to shine upon the serene sandy shore. Freedom, courage, health, peace, and love. It is an unique bayside lifestyle so simple that they found tranquility and contentment. nanuna Till today Nanuna Beach Club family holds a common goal is to protect the ecological environment of this bay, and to obtain good health. With the support of many water sport lovers, our club has gotten more established. The concept of conservation and comfort are not as simple as it seem, the club newer not only wants fulfill the basic needs of the guest but also to provide them with a delightful atmosphere for their good mood. Therefore, Nanuna Beach Club is a great holiday spot for travelers who care about their living environment and have great passion for water sports. All these comes with an affordable price tag, just to create a style with freedom, to respect people who come from different cultural background and to introduce a sense of hu。 |
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