

词条 萨姆·杰夫


生卒日期: 1891-03-10 至 1984-03-24出生地: 美国,纽约

职业: 演员

外文名: Shalom Jaffe (本名)


1950年威尼斯电影节(Best Actor) 最佳男演员


艾美奖 Outstanding Performance in a Supporting Role by an Actor(提名)


奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖) 最佳男配角(提名)


(数量:44)Watch the Skies!: Science Fiction, the 1950s and Us ------- (2005)

Cary Grant: A Class Apart ------- (2004)

Nothing Lasts Forever ------- (1984)

George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey ------- (1984)

On the Line ------- (1984)

世纪争霸战 Battle Beyond the Stars ------- (1980)

Gideon's Trumpet ------- (1980)

The Horror Show ------- (1979)

"The Hollywood Greats" ------- (1977)

Columbo: Forgotten Lady ------- (1975)

Saga of Sonora ------- (1973)

Ghost Story ------- (1972)

奇妙飞床/飞天万能床 Bedknobs and Broomsticks ------- (1971)

Mooch Goes to Hollywood ------- (1971)

Sam Hill: Who Killed Mr. Foster? ------- (1971)

The Tell-Tale Heart ------- (1971)

The Dunwich Horror ------- (1970)

The Old Man Who Cried Wolf ------- (1970)

The Great Bank Robbery ------- (1969)

Night Gallery ------- (1969)

双虎将大追踪 Bataille de San Sebastian, La ------- (1968)

A Guide for the Married Man ------- (1967)

Tarzan's Jungle Rebellion ------- (1967)

"Tarzan" ------- (1966)

Hollywood Without Make-Up ------- (1963)

"Ben Casey" ------- (1961)

宾虚/宾汉(台)/宾墟(港) Ben-Hur ------- (1959)

蛮夷与艺妓 The Barbarian and the Geisha ------- (1958)

Espions, Les ------- (1957)

"Playhouse 90" ------- (1956)

希区柯克剧场 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" ------- (1955)

百老汇大道 Main Street to Broadway ------- (1953)

地球停转之日/地球末日记(台)/地球停转日(港) The Day the Earth Stood Still ------- (1951)

Under the Gun ------- (1951)

夜阑人未静 The Asphalt Jungle ------- (1950)

暴劫 The Accused ------- (1949)Rope of Sand ------- (1949)

曼德林街13号/鲜血情报站 13 Rue Madeleine ------- (1947)

君子协定 Gentleman's Agreement ------- (1947)

台口餐厅 Stage Door Canteen ------- (1943)

古庙战茄声 Gunga Din ------- (1939)

消失在地平线/世外桃源 Lost Horizon ------- (1937)

放荡的女皇 The Scarlet Empress ------- (1934)

We Live Again ------- (1934)


The Law and Mr. Jones, 1960–1961, two episodes as Martin Berger

Naked City, Economy of Death, (1961) as Lazslo Lubasz

Ben Casey (series, 1961–1965), with Vince Edwards

QB VII (miniseries, 1974)

Alias Smith and Jones (1971–1972)

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979)

The Streets of San Francisco as Alex Zubatuk in "Mr. Nobody" (1974) with Laurie Heineman





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