词条 | brown eyes |
释义 | 1 韩国歌手组合在韩国,Brown Eyes被称为“创作才子双人组”。 ◎ Brown Eyes韩国组合组合名称:브라운아이즈(Brown Eyes) 成员:尹健Naul 活动时间:2000年11月~2003年;2008年6月~现在 解散原因:歌手与公司意见分歧,劳动成果得不到尊重 组合介绍: 他们的外型不够帅气,也没有强势的宣传,可是他们所发行的专辑却张张创造惊人奇迹,靠的是什么呢?当然是演唱实力! Brown Eyes发行专辑《已然一年》时,创下了日日销售五位数的辉煌纪录,细腻的歌喉,炉火纯青的R&B,在一片嘻哈偶像风潮中站稳一席之地。 但正所谓好花不常开,好景不长在,如此难得一见的实力组合最后却同样曲终人散。2003年,组合成员尹健正式对外宣布离开经纪公司,Brown Eyes从此解散。原因是“从所属公司那里受到了不平等待遇”,尹健表示,《已是一年》、《渐渐》、《她在看我》等都是他的作品,但公司却没让他的劳动得到任何补偿,而且“在歌坛不景气的情况下我们两张专辑的销售量都超过70万张,却依然没有收到版税”。 韩国组合“褐眼男子”(Brown Eyes)在2001年发行专辑首支单曲《一年后》他们即引起轰动,唱片销量一时无人能敌。2002年韩日世界杯时,Brown Eyes代表韩国歌手参加了世界杯纪念专辑的录制,同日本当红歌手CHEMISTRY一起登上了世界杯开幕和闭幕舞台,证明了他们的实力。随后Brown Eyes 解散,单飞的成员之一——尹健为2005年初播放的韩剧《悲伤恋歌》创作了不少催泪的情歌,而另一成员Naul与另外三位音乐人,在唱片公司的支持下组成新的组合Brown Eyed Soul,并发行第一张专辑《Soul Free》,也受到了好评。 2008年6月,时隔5年再次重组,凭借《已经一年》、《渐渐》等两张专辑在韩国乐坛上名声鹊起的Brown Eyes终于在歌迷的期待中推出了第三张全新大碟《Two Things Needed For The Same Purpose And 5 Objets》。Brown Eyes投入了整整2年的时间来秘密打造这张专辑,可以说《Two Things Needed For The Same Purpose And 5 Objets》已经远远超出了人们的期待,相信每一个喜欢R&B的歌迷都不会错过这张经典之作。 Brown Eyes的两名音乐才子亲自担任了专辑的制作人,他们评价此张专辑道:“收录在专辑中的所有曲目都是适合Brown Eyes演唱的歌曲,它们很好地反映了当今的音乐潮流。为了将流行元素与歌曲所要表达的情感融合到一起,我们尽了最大的努力。”专辑中共收录了14首歌曲,每首歌的制作时间都长达一个月以上。为了力求完美Brown Eyes对选定的歌曲进行了反复修改,这样才有了今天这张近乎完美的《Two Things Needed For The Same Purpose And 5 Objets》。 3辑《Two Things Needed for the Same Purpose and 5 Objets》发行近两天时间,销量已经突破5万张,成为话题。发行公司MNET media方面公开了Brown Eyes 3辑发行当天预计的订购量超过3万张之后,就在第二天20日便多出3万张订购,可惜当时库存量只剩2万张总共制作了5万张而已,因此两天间共卖出5万张。11天内卖出了64911张,排在榜单的第五位。在6月销量排行榜上取得第一后,7月以2万3203张的销量排名第二。特别是不止实体店,3辑主打曲《不要走不要走》在线上排行榜Melon也取得了第二位,在Dosirak、Cyworld、Bugs、Juke On、Muzz等所有排行榜中都呈上升趋势。另外,MV《不要走不要走》由刘胜浩主演,同年第10届韩国MKMF音乐颁奖礼获得最佳Ballad/R&B音乐奖,第23届韩国金唱片大奖唱片部门本奖。 获奖:2001年Mnet Music Festival新人组合部门赏 2008年Mnet KM Music Festival Ballad/R&B音乐赏 2008年第23届金唱片赏 唱片部门本赏 ◎ 成员资料◎ 尹健姓名:윤건 尹健 生日:1977年1月1日 身高:180cm 体重:68kg 学历:延世大学 作曲专业 出道:2001年Brown Eyes1辑"Brown Eyes" 所属公司:Joyworks Entertainment 2011参演《high kick短腿的反击》饰:志拿高中音乐老师尹健 ◎ Naul艺名:나얼 Naul 本名:유나얼 生日:1978年9月23日 身高:175cm 体重:65kg 血型:A型 学历:檀国大学 设计大学院 造型艺术专业硕士 出道:1999年Anthem1辑"变心" 所属公司:Santa Music ◎ 音乐专辑◎ 1辑《Brown Eyes》发行日期:2001年6月7日 类型:R&B,Ballad 曲目: 01. Intro 02. 벌써 1년 03. Love Is Over 04. 너에게 들려주고 싶은 두번째 이야기 (feat. 허니패밀리) 05. 그녀가 나를 보네 06. With Coffee 07. Piano Nocturn (벌써1년) 08. 희망 09. Blues Guitar 10. 하얀 나비 11. 언제나 그랬죠 12. Brown City 13. No Day But Today (feat. Tommy Kim) 14. Song Of The Rain (feat. Bobby Kim) 15. 벌써 일년 (MR) 16. 그녀가 나를 보네 (MR) ◎ 2辑《Reason 4 Breathing?》发行日期:2002年11月26日 类型:R&B,Ballad 曲目: 01. Intro...You'Re Waiting For Love With Me... 02. 점점 03. 비오는 압구정 04. 떠나지마 05. Brown City2 06. 사랑 (I Wanna Fall In Love With You) 07. Piano Cavationa (점점) 08. True Luv 09. For You (돌아가줘) 10. 환상 11. 그래도 되겠니 12. Interlude 13. Miss You... 14. ...오후 15. 이별송 16. 점점 (Mr) 17. For You (Mr) ◎ Best专辑专辑名称:Take A Favorite - The Very Best Of Brown Eyes 发行日期:2007年6月18日 类型:R&B 曲目: 01. Intro 02. 이 노래 03. 옛 사랑 (duet with 장혜진) 04. Piano Nocturne (벌써 일년) 05. 벌써 일년 06. 사랑 2 (I Wanna Fall In Love) 07. For You 08. With Coffee 09. Song Of The Rain 10. 비오는 압구정 11. True Love 12. 떠나지마 13. 언제나 그랬죠 14. No Day But Today 15. 그녀가 나를 보네 16. Miss You 17. 오후 19. 이 노래 (inst.) ◎ 3辑专辑名称:Two Things Needed For The Same Purpose And 5 Objets 发行日期:2008年6月19日 类型:R&B 曲目: 01. Your Eyes 02. 가지마 가지마 03. Like A Flame 04. 이순간 이대로 05. 너 때문에 06. Let's Get Down 07. Summer Passion 08. Piano Nocturn 09. Don't You Worry 10. 사랑을 말해요 11. Let It Go 12. 한걸음 13. 루아흐 (Ruach) 14. 가지마 가지마 (inst.) 2 Lady GaGa演唱歌曲◎ 基本信息歌手:Lady GaGa 专辑:The Fame 语言:英语 ◎ 歌曲简介gaga解释道:《Brown Eye》专辑中感情最脆弱的一首歌曲,是受到Queen所启发而创作的。 GaGa的抒情歌曲也别有一番独特风味,《Brown Eye》就是其中一首。(详情见The Fame) ◎ 歌词In your brown eyes 在你的棕色眼眸里 I walked away 我已离去 In your brown eyes 在你的棕色眼眸里 I couldn't stay 无法停留 In your brown eyes 在你的棕色眼眸里 You'll watch her go 你注视她离去 Then turn the record on 打开录音机 And wonder what went wrong (what went wrong) 想想到底什么地方出了差错(什么地方出了差错) If everything was everything but everything is over 如果那一切的一切都是真的 但是一切都结束了 Everything could be everything if only we were older 一切的一切都可以成真 只要我们变得更加成熟 I guess it's just a silly song about you 我猜这只是一首傻傻的关于你的歌 And how I lost you 以及我如何失去你 And your brown eyes 和你的棕色眼眸 In your brown eyes 在你的棕色眼眸里 I was feelin low 我感到失落 Cause they're brown eyes 因为拥有棕色眼眸的你 And you never know 从来不理解 Got some brown eyes 那些有棕色眼眸的人 But I saw her face 却没有你温柔的一面 I knew that it was wrong 我知道那是错误的 So baby..turn the record on 所以亲爱的 打开录音机吧 Play that song 播放那首歌 If everything was everything but everything is over 如果那一切的一切都是真的 但是一切都结束了 Everything could be everything if only we were older 一切的一切都可以成真 只要我们变得更加成熟 I guess it's just a silly song about you 我猜这只是一首傻傻的关于你的歌 And how I lost you 以及我如何失去你 And your brown eyes 和你的棕色眼眸 Your brown eyes 你的棕色眼眸 Everything was everything,but baby it's the last show 如果那一切的一切都是真的 但亲爱的这已是最后的演出 Everything could be everything but it's time to say goodbye so 一切的一切都可能实现 但这已是谢幕收场的时候 所以 Get your last fix, and your last hit 收起你最后的窘境和你最后的讽刺 Grab your old girl with her new tricks 重拾你的旧情人和她的新把戏 Honey yeah it's no surprise 亲爱的我是说这没有什么好惊讶的 That I got lost 因为我已迷失 In your brown eyes.. 在你的棕眸之中 In your brown eyes.. 在你的棕眸之中 Brow-eh-ow-eh-own, Brow-eh-ow-eh-own eyes 棕色眼眸 Your brown eyes 你的棕色眼眸 Brow-eh-ow-eh-own, Brow-eh-ow-eh-own eyes 棕色眼眸 Got some broown eyes 一些棕色眼眸 Brow-eh-ow-eh-own, Brow-eh-ow-eh-own eyes 棕色眼眸 Your brown eyes 你的棕色眼眸 ◎ 歌手简介Lady GaGa是欧美流行音乐天后。4岁的时候,她就能靠双耳聆听便学会钢琴弹奏;13岁写下第一首抒情创作歌曲;14岁在公开场合拿起麦克风演唱;17岁被纽约大学音乐系提前录取(这种特殊名额全世界只有20个),但因觉得学校不适合而退学,并在酒吧以性感衣着跳舞唱歌。GaGa曾签约Def Jam唱片公司,以真名推出首张专辑,但三个月后解约。到了20岁,她受到了知名唱片公司Interscope Records的赏识,立马签入旗下帮歌手和乐队写歌谱曲。2008年正式出道的她迅即掀起热潮,两张专辑的全球销量合计已突破2300万张,全球各大音乐颁奖典礼成绩斐然。 。 。 3 Destiny's Child演唱歌曲歌曲:Brown Eyes 歌手:Destiny's Child 专辑:Surviver 歌词: Remember the first day when I saw your face remember the first day when you smiled at me you stepped to me and then you said to me I was the woman you dreamed about remember the first day when you called my house remember the first day when you took me out we had butterflies although we tried to hide and we both had a beautiful night The way we held each others hand the way we talked the way we laughed it felt so good to find true love I knew right then and there you were the one I know that he loves me cause he told me so I know that he loves me cause his feelings show when he stares at me you see he cares for me you see how he is so deep in love I know that he loves me cause its obvious I know that he loves me cause it’s me he trusts and he’s missing me if he’s not kissing me and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell his soul Remember the first day, the first day we kissed remember the first day we had an argument we apologized and then we compromised and we haven’t argued since remember the first day we stopped playing games remember the first day you fell in love with me it felt so good for you to say those words cause I felt the same way too The way we held each others hand the way we talked the way we laughed it felt so good to fall in love and I knew right then and there you were the one I know that he loves me cause he told me so I know that he loves me cause his feelings show when he stares at me you see he cares for me you see how he is so deep in love I know that he loves me cause its obvious I know that he loves me cause it’s me he trusts and he’s missing me if he’s not kissing me and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul i’m so happy so happy that you’re in my life and baby now that you’re a part of me you showed me showed me the true meaning of love and i know he loves me I know that he loves me cause he told me so I know that he loves me cause his feelings show when he stares at me you see he cares for me you see how he is so deep in love I know that he loves me cause its obvious I know that he loves me cause it’s me he trusts and he’s missing me if he’s not kissing me and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul He looks at me and his brown eyes tell his soul 4 SHE演唱歌曲《brown eyes》是由S.H.E.演唱的一首歌曲,收录在专辑《最爱s.h.e冬日音乐纪念册》中。这是一首流行风格的歌曲,歌曲展现了S.H.E.优美的和声及各自的唱腔特色。 ◎ 基本信息歌曲:brown eyes 歌手:S.H.E 专辑:最爱s.h.e冬日音乐纪念册 发行日期:2003-12-05 语言:中文 发行公司:华研国际 ◎ 歌曲介绍brown eyes- 青春无敌 甜美大合唱 一起作伴一起游玩 一起分享青春的甜蜜。 ELLA归队 S.H.E超能再现 活力完整无缺,能量永不停歇 S.H.E全新国语大碟“奇幻旅程”十首新歌 曲风多变 有中东 有琵琶 快歌相当世界风 S.H.E长大 慢歌更成熟 ◎ 歌词remember the first day when i saw your face remember the first day when you smiled at me you stepped to me and then you said to me i was the woman you dreamed about remember the first day when you called my house remember the first day when you took me out we had butterflies although we tried to hide and we both had a beautiful night the way we held each others hand the way we talked the way we laughed it felt so good to find true love i knew right then and there you were the one i know that he loves me cause he told me so i know that he loves me cause his feelings show when he stares at me you see he cares for me you see how he is so deep in love i know that he loves me cause its obvious i know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts and he's missing me if he's not kissing me and when he looks at me his browneyes tell his soul remember the first day, the first day we kissed remember the first day we had an argument we apologized and then we compromised and we haven't argued since remember the first day we stopped playing games remember the first day you fell in love with me it felt so good for you to say those words cause i felt the same way too the way we held each others hand the way we talked the way we laughed it felt so good to fall in love and i knew right then and there you were the one i know that he loves me cause he told me so i know that he loves me cause his feelings show when he stares at me you see he cares for me you see how he is so deep in love i know that he loves me cause its obvious i know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts and he's missing me if he's not kissing me and when he looks at me his browneyes tells his soul i'm so happy so happy that you're in my life and baby now that you're a part of me you showed me showed me the true meaning of love and i know he loves me i know that he loves me cause he told me so i know that he loves me cause his feelings show when he stares at me you see he cares for me you see how he is so deep in love i know that he loves me cause its obvious i know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts and he's missing me if he's not kissing me and when he looks at me his browneyes tells his soul he looks at me and his browneyes tell his ◎ 歌手介绍S.H.E(SHE 代表青春、活力) (SELINA.HEBE.ELLA=S.H.E) 出道时间:2001年9月11日 S是SELINA 任家萱,代表温柔。 H是HEBE 田馥甄,代表自信。 E是ELLA 陈嘉桦,代表勇气。 |
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