词条 | 豆香石榴皇 |
释义 | 中文介绍主料:御唐叶200克、杏苞菇150克、精瘦肉泥150克、肥膘肉泥150克配料:香葱10克、生姜5克、西兰花150克、大葱10克、红椒1个 调料:蒸鱼豉油30克、植物油50克、胡椒粉5克、精精3克、精盐10克、生粉5克、鸡蛋2个、香料10克 豆香石榴皇的制作方法: 1、将精瘦肉泥、肥膘肉泥与切好的香葱、生姜末、杏苞菇丁拌入胡椒粉、精盐、生粉、鸡蛋清、盐、香料,加入少许食用调和油,拌匀做成馅料待用,大葱、红椒、生姜切成丝; 2、将御唐叶摊开改刀成边长6cm的正方形,包入馅料,用烫好的香葱扎好封口,做成石榴状,用剪刀剪掉多余的御唐叶,做好12—14个原胚,入锅蒸6—7分钟,取出待用; 3、将西兰花改刀成块状,氽水炒好,码放于码斗中待用; 4、取大平碟把码斗中的西兰花加入盘子正中,将蒸好的御唐叶原胚整齐的排入在西兰花四周; 5、锅内倒入少许油加热,加入高汤、蒸鱼豉油,调好味,打入芡汁浇在西兰花和御唐叶原胚上,撒上三丝即成。 特点:造型美观大方,形如石榴,营养丰富,口味清爽,咸鲜适中。 英文解说Ingredients: Yu Tang 200 grams of leaves, apricot shell 150 grams of mushrooms, lean meats sauce 150 grams, 150 grams fat fat Rouni Ingredients: shallot 10 grams, ginger 5 grams, 150 grams of broccoli, 10 grams of green onions, red peppers 1 Sauce: 30 grams of steamed fish soy sauce, vegetable oil 50 grams, 5 grams of pepper, fine fine 3 grams, 10 grams of salt, raw powder 5 grams, 2 eggs, 10 grams of perfume Pomegranate Queen Bean production methods: 1, the lean mess, with fat fat sauce to cut scallions, ginger, apricot shell mushroom mix in the small pepper, salt, starch, egg, salt, spices, add some edible oil, mixed fillings made uniform stand, green onions, red peppers, shredded ginger; 2, Yu Tang leaves spread out to change the knife into the side of 6cm square, wrap fillings, tied with hot shallot good seal, made of pomegranate-like, cut off the excess with scissors Yu Tang leaves, do 12 -14 months of the original embryo, wok steam 6-7 minutes, remove the stand; 3, will change the knife into a block broccoli, fried water boil for a short, stand-laying in the yard bucket; 4, take Ohira disc to fight code by adding broccoli in the middle of the plate, the steamed leaves of the original Yu Tang neatly into the embryo around the broccoli; 5, heating pot pour a little oil, add broth, steamed fish soy sauce and adjust seasoning, pour into sauce Yu Tang in the leaves of broccoli and the original embryo, and sprinkle with three-wire top. Feature: elegant design, shaped like a pomegranate, rich in nutrition, taste fresh, salty moderate. |
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