词条 | 大陆汽车俱乐部 |
释义 | 大陆汽车俱乐部,简称CAA,1995年成立于北京,是中国成立最早、规模最大的汽车救援专业机构,同时也是中国唯一家外商独资的汽车俱乐部。依托澳洲母公司IAG强大的经济支持及百年先进的国际管理、IAG旗下NRMA汽车俱乐部90年道路救援经验及技术支持,15年来,为客户提供了百万次完善的服务,发展至今已成为国内救援服务行业的领航者。 China Automobile Association (CAA) founded in 1995 in Beijing is the oldest and largest professional service provider in China’s road rescue industry, and is the only wholly foreign-owned auto club in China. Relied on strong financial support and hundred-year experiences of advanced international management from our Parent Company - Insurance Australia Group (IAG), actual operating experiences of road rescue and useful technologies from our Fraternal Company - The National Roads and Motorists' Association (NRMA) based in Australia owned by IAG, and ourselves own efforts over these 15 years, CAA has become the leader in China’s auto road rescue industry and supplied million-time quality services to our customers. 如今,大陆汽车俱乐部以北京为起点,将专业可靠的汽车救援服务扩展到全国各地。网络覆盖1—5级城市的95%以上,驾车人在网络覆盖地区的城市,无论何时只需要拨打全国道路服务热线:400 818 1010,就可享受到专业可靠的汽车救援服务。2007年,在乘用车全国救援业务的基础上,我们又启动了商用车全国网络救援,成为中国第一家提供商用车道路救援服务的机构,也代表着国内商用车救援的最高水平,发展至今,是国内唯一一家同时拥有乘用车与商用车救援的服务机构。 CAA has expanded our professional and reliable rescue services from Beijing to 561 cities in 31 provinces and autonomous regions of China. That means within our service coverage area, the driver could access to our uniform standard services after simply dialed the hotline of 400 818 1010. In 2006, CAA developed the service networks for commercial vehicle which was the successful replication of networks for passenger car vehicle, so became the first powerful service provider for commercial vehicle in China, our services symbolized the highest level at that time, Until now, CAA is still the only one with dual rescue abilities of passenger and commercial vehicles. 现在,大陆汽车俱乐部以全国救援为中心,向汽车服务产业链上下游行业纵向延伸发展。今年,公司进一步加大投入对多元化汽车产品服务管理平台进行开发和完善。根据市场的发展导向和客户的实际需求,公司不断引入各种汽车相关类产品,为客户提供更全面,更优质的服务;并利用科学高效的平台功能轻松实现供应商和终端客户的数据挖掘,再配合系统平台中集成的在线查询、订购、支付等功能,全国服务网络兼备的渠道销售能力,大陆汽车俱乐部正在建设中国最大的汽车服务营销管理平台。 CAA begins to expand main businesses from the basic national roadside assistance to the up/downstream industries along auto aftermarket service chain. This year we have increased the investment budget to develop and upgrade our product & service management systematic platform. We have been adding more related products in the platform according to the market prospect and actual demand to provide better service to our customers; and using the scientific and efficient functions to realize the data mining of suppliers and end-user in a simple way. On this basis, we also have the integrated functions of search-order-pay packaged service, and our dual-duties national network as sales channel, so CAA is striving to build the largest auto aftermarket service sales & management platform in China. 核心理念: ·Safety —— 安全 CAA对您的出行安全时时关注 ·Help —— 帮助 CAA提供的服务保障无处不在 ·Enjoyment —— 无忧 CAA与您分享无忧驾乘、快乐生活 国际化管理 CAA是澳大利亚保险集团IAG的全资子公司。 IAG是一个全球化的跨国实体,在澳大利亚、新西兰、英国、马来西亚、中国和泰国拥有11,000名雇员。 IAG的核心业务包括:车辆保险、财产保险、客户信用保险等一系列保险业务。 IAG源起于NRMA( National Road and Motorist Association ),NRMA成立于1920年,是澳洲最悠久的汽车协会和救援服务提供商。在技术研发、管理模式、服务标准等方面为CAA提供国际领先的专业保障。 |
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