词条 | 北京市新英才学校中学部 |
释义 | 北京市新英才学校是一所集特色双语幼儿园、精品小学、优质初中、多元高中、剑桥国际中心、国外大学预科、汉语中心为一体的寄宿制国际化学校。学校位于首都机场西侧,温榆河畔中央别墅区,毗邻新国际展览中心。学校占地180多亩,投资5亿元,建筑面积10万平方米,全套全新的现代化教育教学生活设施,舒适幽雅的校园环境,以人为本,关注教师生存质量,关注教师专业发展的人文情怀,优厚的福利待遇,为天下教育精英营造了一个温馨的家园,发展的平台,工作的大舞台。现因学校规模扩大,诚邀天下教育精英加盟,共谋发展 特色化品牌化新英才初中-“特色化”、“品牌化”,中西结合,为学生开创升入理想高中之路。 The junior high school education of the new Beijing YingCai Academy—“specialness” and “brand”; the integration of both the Chinese and western style helps students to enter their ideal senior high schools. 严格规范的管理,扎实传统文化根基;学科质量精品,中考成绩处于领先地位;CS双制英语课程,显英语学科强势特色。 Strict and regulated management is implemented to lay a solid foundation for the traditional culture education. ;The quality of each discipline teaching is excellent, enabling a top performance in senior high school entrance examination.;CS double-system English courses highlight its strength in English teaching. 新英才高中-“多元化”、“国际化”,发挥特长,为学生升学提供多元发展平台。 The senior high school education of the new Beijing YingCai Academy—“multi-functioning” and “globalized”; the senior high school department makes the most of its strengths and provides multiple development platforms for students to enter universities. 根据不同学生成长发展的需要,搭建为学生发展的优秀平台。高中开设:高考复习班;高一精品班;高考艺术班;外籍高中班;出国大学预科班。 Excellent platforms are provided for students to meet their different development needs. There are the following classes available in the senior high school: the college entrance exam refreshment class; the high-quality class for the first-grade students in the senior high school; college entrance exam art class; senior high school class for foreign students; the preparatory class of overseas studies. 新英才中学部三大优势:hree strengths: 全员导师制,生生有导师。 全面推行导师制,每位教师都是导师,每个学生都有自己的导师,师生共同规划个人发展愿景,突出“研究生式”的辅导,走进学生心灵,平等沟通。让每位学生都能得到全面健康快乐的成长。 The tutoring of advisors: patient, detailed and effective. The tutorial system is fully implemented. Every student has a tutor. Teachers and students jointly plan the individual development vision. The “graduate student” tutoring is highlighted, and teachers can be close to students and communicate with them on an equal basis. Thus each student can grow healthily and happily. 学案进课堂,自主式学习。小班教学环境,教师做到一对一辅导,作业面批面改,突出为学生服务意识,引导学生主动学习。每班学生编制不超过35人,课堂教学形式多样,已形成生动活泼、小组合作的小班教学管理新模式,学案引导下的自主学习,引导学生主动的学、科学的习、快乐的悟,师生良好的互动营造出具有生命活力的课堂氛围。教学效果突出。 Learning plans are taken into the classrooms and independent study is advocated. In classes of small sizes, teacher tutor students one to one. The homework is checked on site. Services for students are highlighted to encourage students to study independently.;the maximum number for each class is 35. There are various teaching forms in the class. A lively and team-based small-class management mode has been formed. Independent study guided by learning plans enables students to learn with initiation, scientific method and happiness. The good interactivity between teachers and students can create a lively class atmosphere and the teaching effect is excellent. CS双制课程,强英语特色。英语教学环境,强化双制式教学,开阔国际视野,夯实国际英语课程基础。为出国求学作好前站准备。依托本校国际部和剑桥国际中心优势,每周加开国际英语特色教程,外教授课,统一组织参加雅思考试,突出学校英语强势为想出国的孩子打下坚实的语言基础。 CS double-system courses with English highlighted. English is the teaching language of the school. The courses are emphasized to enable a broader globalized vision and an enhanced English basis, which is a preparation for studying abroad; Special international English courses taught by foreign teachers are added each week and IELTS is organized, since there is an international department and the Cambridge International Center in the academy. Now the strength in English has been showcased. A solid language base is developed for children with the intention to study abroad. ●新英才中学部四大特色: The educational characteristics 1、规范管理,严格关爱结合 全封闭全寄宿制,严肃学生的常规要求,突出学生养成教育,培养“绅士淑女”人才;学生自主管理,突出培养学生综合能力;规范生活管理,注重生活自理能力的培养,养成良好的生活习惯。 The integration of regulated management and care. The fully enclosed boarding system is implemented. Discipline and care are both emphasized in the management. The students are supposed to develop good habits and manners. “Gentlemen and ladies” are supposed to be cultivated. Students’ self-management is adopted to develop their multiple abilities; life management is regulated; The self-servicing capacities are developed to enable students to cultivate good habits. 2、校园生活,享受幸福教育 在“人格智慧统一,人文与科学交融,厚德与博学并重”的办学理念下,把校园还给孩子,把课堂还给孩子,把快乐还给孩子让孩子享受幸福快乐的校园生活。 Campus life: enjoy happy education Under the education philosophy of “consistency of personality and wisdom; integration of humanity and science,return the campus, classes and happiness to children and make them enjoy happy campus life. 3、校本课程,发展学生特长 学校开设了生命教育系列、周末人文与科学系列、高雅艺术系列、社团活动系列等几大类校本课程,开发学生多元智能,发展个性特长,既培养高尚道德情操,拓展知识视野,又培养了学生创新能力。 The school-based courses: to develop the strengths of the students the school has developed several categories of school-based courses, such as the life education, weekend humanity and science, elegant art, and group activity series, which aims to develop the multiple intelligences of student and enhance their strengths. It can not only cultivate their morality and broaden their vision, but also cultivate their innovation ability. 4、艺术教育,提高艺术素养 艺术教育设施齐备,教师业务功底深厚。课堂理论知识与专业训练结合,名师授课与资深专家讲座结合,平时训练与艺术活动结合。特聘全国人大常务委员会委员、著名曲作家谷建芬老师为艺术指导顾问。提高学生艺术素养,让热爱艺术的学生直通各艺术类高等院校。 The entrance exam prep class for art schools: to enhance the artistic accomplishment There are complete art education facilities and the teachers are highly professional. In recent years, the entrance exam prep class for art schools is arranged, in which the theories are integrated with professional training, the teachings by famous teachers are complemented by lectures by senior experts, and the daily trainings with art activities. Mr. Gu Jianfen, a member of the standing committee of the NPC and a famous composer, is invited to the art consultant; cooperation is conducted with Institute of City Planning of China Central Academy of Fine Arts. There are experts supervising on the teaching of the entrance exam prep class for art schools. All these will help students to enter different art schools. 规范管理严格关爱结合全封闭寄宿制,严格加关爱管理,严肃学生的常规要求, 北京市新英才学校 突出学生良好行为习惯的养成教育,培养“绅士”人才;学生自主管理,突出学生全面综合能力;规范生活管理,三餐两点的营养配餐,培养学生生活自理能力,养成良好的生后习惯,让忙于事业的家长放心。 享受幸福教育在“成人、成才、成功”的办学思想和“人格智慧并重育社会栋梁之材,中西文化交融创新型的教育模式”的办学理念下,寓品格教育于丰富的活动中,让课堂教学充满生命的活力,让课外生活成为学生展示特长的平台,把权力还给孩子,把校园还给孩子,把课堂还给孩子,把快乐还给孩子,全面提高学生素质,让孩子们享受幸福的校园生活。 |
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