

词条 薛迪

薛 迪 女,1960年出生,江苏宝应人。教授、硕士生导师。1983年毕业于上海第一医学院公共卫生系(现复旦大学公共卫生学院),获学士学位;1992年在美国美国北卡罗兰那大学公共卫生学院获硕士学位;2000年在复旦大学公共卫生学院获博士学位。现任复旦大学公共卫生学院医院管理学教研室主任、卫生部卫生技术评估中心副主任,曾任上海职工医学院公共卫生系主任。主要研究方向为医院经营管理(如医院战略管理、医院绩效评估、医疗质量管理、医院文化建设与评估)、卫生技术评估、医学教育和区域卫生发展战略。这些年来,主编或参与编写了9本卫生管理专业与全科医学专业的书籍,承担或参与了世界卫生组织、美国卫生基金会PSBH项目、卫生部、上海市卫生局及其他政府或机构委托的多项课题,在卫生事业管理与医学教育方面有几十篇论文发表。

Xue Di, Female, born in 1960, Professor Xue Di graduated from Department of Public Health, Shanghai First Medical School (now renamed as School of Public Health, Fudan University) in 1983 and got Medical Bachelor Degree. In 1992, she got Master of Public Health in Department of Health Policy and Administration, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, USA. In 2000, she obtained the PhD in the specialty of Social Medicine and Health Management in School of Public Health, Fudan University. Now she is working as the director of Department of Hospital Management, School of Public Health, Fudan University and as a vice director of Key Laboratory of Health Technology Assessment, Ministry of Health (Fudan University), China. Previously, she worked as the director of Department of Public Health in Shanghai Medical College for Health Staff. Recent years, her major research areas are hospital management (such as hospital strategic management, hospital performance assessment, management of medical quality, hospital culture building and assessment), health technology assessment, medical education and regional health development strategy. In these years, she has participated in writing 9 books in the fields of health management and general medicine as a chief editor, an associate editor or as an author. She also has taken charge of or has participated in the researches sponsored by WHO, Program of Problem Solving for Better Health in Dreyfus Health Foundation, Ministry of Health, Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau, other governmental and health institutes. In the areas of health management and medical education, she has dozens of papers published.





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