词条 | 史蒂夫·马丁 |
释义 | 史蒂夫·马丁,被称作好莱坞“白头翁”,1945年出生于美国德克萨斯州的瓦考,在他10岁时,他的家庭迁到了加利福尼亚的花园路。他在靠近迪斯尼乐园的一个地方工作,卖25美分的旅客小册子,兼表演一些魔术技巧。史蒂夫·马丁后来进了长滩州立学院学哲学,他出没于当地喜剧俱乐部,为斯马塞兄弟电视表演写大喜剧的插科打诨小段子。史蒂夫还出现在好几个电视秀中,包括“今晚秀”中的一个增加了50个人登台的节目,以及“周六晚间生活”中的一个超过25个客人位置的节目。 个人简介英文姓名:Steve Martin 中文译名:史蒂夫·马丁 性别:男 英文名:Steve Martin 出生年:1945年 生日:8月14日 国籍:美国 地域:欧美 职业:演员 身高:183cm 生平经历1979年,史蒂夫在他的明星路上开始崭露头角,这就是《愚笨的人》(The Jerk)。它是根据他自己的脚本拍摄的,它的收益给人深刻的印象,5百万投资获益4千万。对史蒂夫来说不幸的是,他选择了音乐剧《来自天堂的分币》作为他的下一个作品,这个片子是巨大的失败,它仅仅赚到2千万投资的五分之一。正是他签约的第二个角色,史蒂夫向观众展示了他的戏剧天赋。史蒂夫在下一个戏——《死人不穿格子呢》(Dead Men don't Were Plaid)中的角色,使他像拉娜·特纳、查尔斯·劳顿和哈姆夫瑞·宝嘉那样演出。1986年,史蒂夫与契夫·查斯、马丁·绍特一起参加了一个喜剧西部片,《三朋友》。他们对彼此的看法相当一致,都认为对方妙趣横生。同年,史蒂夫在《恐怖小店》中扮演了个小角色,一个精神错乱的唱歌牙医。1987年,史蒂夫与约翰·坎迪相伴出现在一个快乐旅途电影中:《飞机、火车和汽车》。1987年也是史蒂夫在《罗克辛纳》(Roxanne)中担任主角的一年,该片是依据席里诺·德伯杰里克的古典故事改编。该片在赞扬声中上演,获得拉美电影批评奖的最佳演员奖,高迪·奥诺尔获最佳编剧。不过,该片受到了奥斯卡的冷落。《罗克辛纳》是真正的好电影。该片是在纳尔逊河区拍摄的,如果你有幸去纳尔逊区,你真可以碰到一个罗克辛纳与你一起散步。在该电影中,能看见篱笆、火房等。史蒂夫的早期生涯,在卡尔·雷诺执导的四个影片中扮演角色,它们包括《愚笨的人》、《all of Me》、《死人不穿格子呢》、《双脑人》等。1986年,史蒂夫·马丁与女演员维多利亚·苔南特结婚。两人是在1984年拍摄《all of Me》时相识的。 1980年代后期,史蒂夫的演艺生涯比以前更忙了,1988年他重拍了马龙·白兰度、戴卫·尼文的喜剧《床上故事》。史蒂夫1988年在《肮脏的骗子》中扮演一位在里维拉法语区工作的美国骗子,他与米彻尔·凯恩主演。史蒂夫在1989年的《为人父母》中扮演一个核心家庭的成员,具有讽刺意味的是,史蒂夫演的是一个过于溺爱的爸爸,在现实中,他却没有自己的孩子。史蒂夫·马丁:它很适合我,我很喜欢与我一起演出的孩子们,我们度过了一段愉快的时光,被他们环绕非常快乐,我们之间在喜剧的层面能很好交流。世界上有成千上万的人,他们为人父母,这样,你就可以观察和看到细节。1990年,马丁再次与《为人父母》的投资者里奇·毛拉尼斯合作,出演《我的蓝色天堂》(my Blue Heaven)中的一个暴徒,他隐藏在一个小镇,准备背叛他的亲密伙伴。之后,史蒂夫撰写和出演了《拉美故事》(LA Story)。这个电影中,他把他的明信片改寄洛山基,他与妻子维克多利亚·苔南特联袂出演该片。在《大峡谷》中担任一个小角色之后,史蒂夫重返喜剧,在《新娘的父亲》(father of Bride)中扮演角色,此片因斯宾塞·特雷西的制作而出名。该片使史蒂夫与他在《三朋友》中的共演者,马丁·邵特重聚。当他1992年在《信仰的跳跃》中扮演一个偏激的传播福音者时,史蒂夫再次变得严肃。尽管他的表演严肃,但史蒂夫仍感对他的影迷他须是一个粗犷的、狂热的汉子。 史蒂夫·马丁在1995年写《毕卡索在拉平阿杰尔》,这是他在编剧方面的初试锋芒。1994年,史蒂夫主演了《命运的简单扭曲》,它是乔治·爱略特的《西拉斯·马理奈尔》的现代重述。马丁放弃了他的精力充沛的戏剧一年,在《命运的简单扭曲》中,他扮演一个孤独者,此角色收养了一个年轻姑娘。马丁的个人生活也一样不幸,1994年他与妻子维克多利亚·特南特离婚,不得不忍受小报上关于他们破裂的流言。史蒂夫·马丁:流言说,我的婚姻的破裂是因为我有一种整夜在镜子前搔首弄姿的习惯,当他们忍受不了的时候,我就会冲出去,大骂我的夫人。这比远离真相还要无聊。观众不得不忍受另一个节日喜剧的爆炸,这就是《双料混蛋》。马丁和雷塔·威尔森共同出演法律顾问,他们被强迫与一群疯子共度圣诞节,马丁说这像他的性格,他分担了他的节日灾难。马丁不费劲的出演了他的下一部电影,即1991年的《新娘的父亲》续集。这次是他的女儿和妻子都同时怀孕了,马丁·邵特重新当起了他的疯狂口音聚会的张罗者。两部《新娘的父亲》赚了1亿六千七百万的利润,给人深刻的印象。1998年,史蒂夫在《弯曲手指》中重出江湖,他还是该片的合作编剧。史蒂夫扮演一个谦卑的制片人企图使艾迪·莫费主演他的电影,当艾迪拒绝时,马丁雇佣了一个酷似者。就像该片一样,史蒂夫见到了他参与热切的制片人行列,试图去体现他们的理念。史蒂夫不仅证明他是一为杰出的演员,而且是一个非凡的作家。他的喜剧从他粗犷的、狂热的表演进到了他的更为睿智的喜剧,就像《弯曲的手指》那样。史蒂夫说,事情就像塔特王的惯例,仅仅是一种记忆。 电影电视作品2011 The Big Year ...... 2009 《爱很复杂/为爱迷失》 It's Complicated ...... Adam 2009 《粉红豹2》Pink Panther 2 ......Inspector Jacques Clouseau 2008 Baby Mama ...... Barry 2008 《我为喜剧狂》30 ROCK .......Gavin Volure 2006 《粉红豹》The Pink Panther …… Inspector Jacques Clouseau 2005 《儿女一箩筐2》Cheaper by the Dozen 2 …… Tom 'Dad' Baker 2005 《杂货店女孩》Shopgirl …… Ray Porter 2003 《儿女一箩筐》Cheaper by the Dozen …… Tom Baker 2003 《华纳巨星总动员》Looney Tunes: Back in Action …… Mr. Chairman 2001 《麻醉性谋杀》Novocaine …… Dr. Frank Sangster 2000 Joe Gould's Secret …… Charlie Duell 1999 《老公出差》The Out-of-Towners …… Henry Clark 1999 《包芬格计划》Bowfinger …… Bobby Bowfinger 1998 《埃及王子》The Prince of Egypt …… Hotep (voice) 1997 《西班牙囚犯》The Spanish Prisoner …… Julian 'Jimmy' Dell 1996 《妙趣沙展》Sgt. Bilko …… Master Sergeant Ernest G. Bilko 1995 《新娘的父亲2》Father of the Bride Part II …… George Banks 1994 《救命恩人》Mixed Nuts …… Philip 1994 《还是觉得你最亲》A Simple Twist of Fate …… Michael McCann 1993 《世纪的哭泣》And the Band Played On …… The Brother 1992 《天降神迹》Leap of Faith …… Jonas Nightengale 1992 《一屋半妻》HouseSitter …… Newton Davis 1991 《呷醋外父/新岳父大人》Father of the Bride …… George Stanley Banks 1991 《大峡谷》Grand Canyon …… Davis 1990 《L.A.故事》L.A. Story …… Harris K. Telemacher 1990 《扭计大少》My Blue Heaven …… Vincent 'Vinnie' Antonelli 1989 《温馨家庭》Parenthood …… Gil Buckman 1988 《偷心大少》Dirty Rotten Scoundrels …… Freddy Benson 1987 《飞机,火车和汽车》Planes, Trains & Automobiles …… Neal Page 1987 《爱上罗姗》Roxanne …… C.D. Bales 1986 《绿魔先生》Little Shop of Horrors …… Orin Scrivello, DDS 1986 《神勇三蛟龙》!Three Amigos! …… Lucky Day 1985 Movers &Shakers …… Fabio Longio 1984 《我的一切》All of Me …… Roger Cobb 1984 《孤家寡人》The Lonely Guy …… Larry Hubbard 1983 《绝智奇才》The Man with Two Brains …… Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr 1982 Twilight Theater" …… Various Characters 1982 《大侦探对大明星》Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid …… Rigby Reardon 1981 《天降财神》Pennies from Heaven …… Arthur Parker 1979 《愚笨的人》The Jerk …… Navin Johnson/ Cat Juggler/ Cat Juggler (as Pig Eye Jackson) 1979 《布偶电影》The Muppet Movie …… Insolent Waiter 1978 《光芒万丈》 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band…… Dr. Maxwell Edison 1977 The Absent-Minded Waiter…… Steven 1975 The Smothers Brothers Show…… Regular Performer 1972-1973 The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour …… Various Characters 1972 The Ken Berry 'Wow' Show …… Regular 1970 The Ray Stevens Show …… Regular Performer 编剧2010 Just for Laughs (TV series) – Best of Just for Laughs ...... writer 2009 《粉红豹2》The Pink Panther 2 ...... screenplay 2008 Traitor ...... story 2006 《粉红豹》The Pink Panther ...... screenplay 2005 《杂货店女孩》Shopgirl ...... novel "Shopgirl" / screenplay 1999 《包芬格计划》Bowfinger ...... written by 1998 Saturday Night Live: The Best of Steve Martin 1994 《还是觉得你最亲》A Simple Twist of Fate ...... written by 1991 《L.A.故事》L.A. Story ...... written by 1987 《爱上罗姗》Roxanne (1987) Screenplay 1986 《神勇三蛟龙》!Three Amigos! ...... written by 1986 Steve Martin Live 1983 《绝智奇才》The Man with Two Brains ...... written by 1982 《大侦探对大明星》Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid ...... written by 1981 Steve Martin's Best Show Ever 1980 Steve Martin: All Commercials 1980 Steve Martin: Comedy Is Not Pretty 1979 《愚笨的人》The Jerk AS …… story 1978 Steve Martin: A Wild and Crazy Guy 1977 The Absent-Minded Waiter 1976 The Sonny and Cher Show …… writer 1976 On Location: Steve Martin 1975 Van Dyke and Company 1974 The Funnier Side of Eastern Canada 1972 The Ken Berry 'Wow' Show…… writer 1970 Pat Paulsen's Half a Comedy Hour…… writer 1969-1972 The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour …… writer 1967-1969 The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour …… writer 制作2008 Traitor ...... Executive Producer(监制) 2005 《杂货店女孩》Shopgirl ...... Producer(制片) 2005 The Scholar ...... Executive Producer(6集) 2003 《75届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》The 75th Annual Academy Awards (TV special) ...... special material written by 1994 《还是觉得你最亲》A Simple Twist of Fate...... Executive Producer 1991 《L.A.故事》L.A. Story...... Executive Producer 1987 《爱上罗姗》Roxanne...... Executive Producer 1986 《神勇三蛟龙》!Three Amigos! ...... Executive Producer 1985 George Burns Comedy Week ...... Executive Producer(14集) 1984 Domestic Life...... Executive Producer(10集) 导演Steve Martin Live (1986) AS …… ("Hommage to Steve" - comedians' segment) 专辑和音乐Let's Get Small (1977) A Wild and Crazy Guy (1978) Comedy Is Not Pretty (1979) The Crow: New Songs for the 5-String Banjo (2009) Rare Bird Alert (2011) 还多次为电影配乐 主持及参加电视节目主持 Just for Laughs AS ...... Himself - Host(2010) 《第82届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》The 82nd Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Host (2010) 《第75届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》The 75th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Host (2003) 《第73届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》The 73rd Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Host (2001) 《幻想曲2000》Fantasia/2000 AS …… Host (Film Introduction) (1999) Parrot Sketch Not Included: Twenty Years of Monty Python AS …… Himself/Host (1989) 电视节目 The 78th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2006) Live from New York: The First 5 Years of Saturday Night Live AS …… Himself (2005) Earth to America AS …… Himself (2005) Disneyland: The First 50 Magical Years AS …… Himself (2005) Steve Martin: An American Cinematheque Tribute AS …… Himself (2005) 《吉米尼·格里克的啦啦坞》Jiminy Glick in La La Wood AS …… Himself (2004) Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tom Hanks AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2004) 100 Years of Hope and Humor AS …… Himself (2003) AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Tom Hanks AS …… Himself (2002) The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts AS …… Himself (2002) Comedy Central Presents:The N.Y. Friars Club Roast of Chevy Chase AS …… Himself (2002) The Rutles 2: Can't Buy Me Lunch AS …… Interviewee (2002) Smothered: The Censorship Struggles of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour AS …… Himself (interviewee, 2000 U.S. Comedy Arts Festival footage (uncredited) (2002) The British Comedy Awards 2001 AS …… Himself (2001) Thin Ice AS …… Himself (2000) AFI's 100 Years, 100 Laughs: America's Funniest Movies AS …… Himself (2000) The Venice Project AS …… Himself (1999) 《第71届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》The 71st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-presenter: Writing Awards (1999) Saturday Night Live: Game Show Parodies AS …… Himself/Various Characters (1999) Saturday Night Live: 25th Anniversary AS …… Himself (1999) From Spam to Sperm AS …… Himself (1999) Saturday Night Live: The Best of Chris Farley AS …… Himself (Various Characters) (1998) 《第69届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼》The 69th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself (1997) Nichols and May: Take Two AS …… Himself (1996) Classic Stand-Up Comedy of Television AS …… Himself (1996) 《第67届奥斯卡颁奖典礼》The 67th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Presenter: Best Editing (1995) The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts AS …… Himself (1995) Television's Greatest Performances AS …… Himself (archive footage) (1995) The World of Jim Henson AS …… Himself (archive footage) (1994) The Carol Burnett Show: A Reunion AS …… Himself (archive footage) (1993) Funny Business" AS …… (archive footage) (1992) Paul Simon: Born at the Right Time AS …… Himself (1991) 第62届奥斯卡颁奖典礼The 62nd Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Presenter: Best Original Score (1990) Life of Python AS …… Himself (1990) Saturday Night Live: 15th Anniversary AS …… Himself (1989) Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women AS …… Himself and The Great Flydini (1989) The American Film Institute Salute to Jack Lemmon AS …… Himself (1988) The Muppets: A Celebration of 30 Years AS …… Himself (archive footage) (1986) Looney Tunes 50th Anniversary AS …… Himself (1986) The 57th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Presenter: Best Art Direction (1985) The History of White People in America AS …… Himself (1985) The American Film Institute Salute to Gene Kelly AS …… Himself (1985) The American Film Institute Salute to Frank Capra AS …… Himself (1982) The 53rd Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Cinematography (1981) Steve Martin: All Commercials AS …… Himself/Various (1980) 《真是不赖的小伙子》The Kids Are Alright AS …… Himself (1979) The 51st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Visual Effects (1979) The 21st Annual Grammy Awards AS …… Himself (1979) Steve Martin: A Wild and Crazy Guy AS …… Himself/Various (1978) Bob Hope's Salute to the 75th Anniversary of the World Series AS …… Himself (1978) The 20th Annual Grammy Awards AS …… Himself (1978) On Location: Steve Martin AS …… Himself (1976) Rocky Mountain Christmas AS …… Himself (1975) Half the George Kirby Comedy Hour" AS......Himself (1972) 主要奖项和荣誉美国电视艾美奖Emmy Awards(1969) -Outstanding Writing Achievement in Comedy, Variety or Music:The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour 美国编剧工会Writers Guild of America(1981) -Variety, Musical or Comedy:All Commercials... A Steve Martin Special 纽约影评人协会奖New York Film Critics Circle Awards(1984)-最佳男主角Best Actor:《我的一切》All of Me 美国影评人协会奖National Society of Film Critics Awards(1985)-最佳男主角Best Actor:《我的一切》All of Me 美国影评人协会奖National Society of Film Critics Awards(1987)-最佳男主角Best Actor:《爱上罗姗》Roxanne 美国洛杉矶影评人协会Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards(1987)-最佳男主角Best Actor:《爱上罗姗》Roxanne 美国编剧工会Writers Guild of America(1988)-Best Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium:《爱上罗姗》Roxanne 美国人民选择奖People's Choice Awards(1992)-Favorite Comedy Motion Picture Actor 美国人民选择奖People's Choice Awards(1993)-Favorite Comedy Motion Picture Actor 美国喜剧奖American Comedy Awards(2000)- 喜剧终身成就奖Lifetime Achievement Award in Comedy 波士顿电影节Boston Film Festival(2001) |
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