词条 | 拍案叫绝 |
释义 | 汉语拼音拍案叫绝 pāi àn jiào jué 中文解释字意:拍桌子(表示强烈的愤怒,惊异,赞赏等感情) 词义:拍着桌子叫好。形容非常赞赏。可用于对某人的言语或佳作等 成语出处1.唐·田颖《博浪沙行序》:“不禁拍案呼奇。” 2.《红楼梦》第七八回:“﹝ 宝玉 ﹞忙问:‘这一句可还使得?’众人拍案叫绝。” 3.《儿女英雄传》第二三回:“当下 邓九公 听了,先就拍案叫绝,立刻便想拿说媒的那把蒲扇。” 4.阎纲 《论陈奂生》:“幽默深刻的笔法,喜剧气氛的烘托,让人拍案叫绝。” 成语示例使人见之,一个个欢欣鼓舞,快意舒怀,不禁~。 ◎清·陈忱《水浒后传》第一回 近义词赞不绝口、交口称誉、叹为观止 反义词众口交谪、破口大骂 成语语法连动式;作谓语、宾语、补语;含褒义 英文翻译1.to show extreme surprise or admiration by pounding the table 中英例句1.“原著的本身描写得拍案叫绝,很少能读到如此优秀的作品。 "The scripts were absolutely brilliant, and it isn't often that you get to read really good scripts. 2.这就要求翻译时用心、花时间去体会和斟酌揣摩,有这样才能产生出令人拍案叫绝的译文。 Part of that job is to ensure that people who attempt to buy policies because they expect to “die” soon do not succeed in fooling him and his company. 3.作者在结尾总结全文,点出自己的观点,惜墨如金却不落俗套,可谓妙笔生花,令人拍案叫绝。 For those who happen to win a large fortune, I think they can't kiss their lottery enough. 4.在这个展览模型中,每个建筑都细致如微,而这个永久性展览令人拍案叫绝的地方就在于,很多模型中的规划都变成了现实。 Every building is shown in painstaking detail, and the most breathtaking thing about this permanent exhibition is how quickly so much of it became reality. 图片赏析 |
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