词条 | Sol |
释义 | SOL人物姓名:索尔巴格 (SOL BADGUY) 身高:1米82 血型:不明 体重:74公斤 出身地:美国 生日:不明 业余爱好:听女皇的声音 酷爱:女皇的唱片 讨厌:努力 性格:粗鲁,怕麻烦。话不多,用尽可能最少的语句讲话。这种性格在所有的行动中都有所反映,面对反复不断的袭击中,经常一击必中。对人较为冷淡,但不是天生的恶魔。 个人经历:带着曾是生化武器实验样本的过去,尽管尽量掩盖成长经历,但还是卷进了150年间为了夺取赏金的人类纷争。他的战斗能力远远凌驾于人类之上,并且长生不老。为了不再出现象自己一样的牺牲者,背负着将兵器的发明者和全部兵器全部消灭的使命,他开始了流浪的生活。 伽斯底斯死后,原本分散在各地的Gear都该停止了全部的活动。但如今仍能偶然听到他们的消息,因而朝着那个地方前去。 SOL就是GEAR的第一号实验体”佛莱迪克“(这应该是他的原名),他在JUSTICE之前被改造,是第一个”完全的GEAR“,所以JUSTICE控制不了他,而且这家伙头脑不错,自己开发了神器外,也同时开发了让自己保持人类外型的“GEAR细胞抑制装置”按照“那个男人”的说法,他也是在那个时代唯一一个“掌控古代科技与现代魔法的人” 原本他杀戮GEAR得目的只是“不要在让有和我一样的受害者出现”但是在遇见DIZZY之后,他似乎改变了自己的看法,在击败DIZZY之后,已经把剑架到她脖子上的时候丢下一句“也只不过是,还有这种人而已”就走了。 而DIZZY……似乎是对他有好感(?)而因此走出了森林,当然他们的关系还不确定,最可怜当然是我们的小T。 SOL原来绝对是认识JUSTICE的,而且应该是相当熟悉,从这段对话中可以看出来: “原来……是你么?佛莱迪克?GEAR……计划……好怀念……很久……以前了吧?再说一次吧,SOL,我们当时……3个人在一起的时候…………再一次………………” JUSTICE死之前好象恢复了记忆,但她话没有说完便死了,他们原来的详细关系也在这里卡住。I-NO似乎很了解他们原来的关系,这些只有等到以后才能知道了。 另外,游戏中登场的神器只有三件而已,其他的仍然在**手中! 关于知道SOL的真正身份的人: AD2175年,封印之地: JUSTICE:“真是不错,很就没有体验过受伤的感觉了…………恩?你头上的刻印…………你…………是GEAR吧?真是意外啊,居然还有我不知道的人行GEAR,很好,加入我,然后尽情的破坏吧!” AD 2180年击败JUSTICE以后 JUSTICE:“你…………为什么?我是唯一一个完全的GEAR…………也因此,其他GEAR才会手我的控制,但是你…………为什么…………” SOL:“你的确是完全的…………也如你所说的,在你以后制造的GEAR都需要听你的指挥,从这点上说……你的确完全!” JUSTICE:“那你……为什么??” SOL:“你难道没有考虑过原型的存在么?” 从以上可以看出来,JUSTICE原来根本就不知道SOL是GEAR(不排除被改造时候记忆丧失的原因)她一直以为自己是第一个完全的GEAR,但是由于SOL在她之前被改造,因此她不可能知道SOL的改造资料,也就无法去控制SOL(不排除SOL力量比JUSTICE强大的原因)SOL为了保持自己人类的外型,所以随时抑制着自己的力量。 也因为他击败了JUSTICE,“终战管理局”把SOL的危险等级平定为S级(极度危险) 而且按照目前的资料来看……知道SOL的GEAR身份的人,只有I-NO,那个男人,SLAYER这几个人而已…………另外AXL-LOW在很多年代见过SOL,但是他似乎并不清楚SOL的真正身份!至于TESTAMENT是否知道SOL的真实身份…………就不清楚了…………… Postwar Admin. Bureau Report #9641 终战管理局报告第9641号 Name: Sol Badguy Height: 6'0" Weight: 163lbs Birthday: Unknown Blood Type: Unknown Race: Unknown/American 姓名:Sol Badguy 身高:6尺 体重:163磅 生日:不明 血型:不明 种族:不明/美国 Solid information on this subject's history is, regrettably, still hard to come by. 关于该名个体的可靠资讯,很遗憾地,依然非常难取得。 Here is what we know: After joining the Sacred Order of Holy Knoghts in 2172, he deserted and became a bounty hunter. One account places the subject in the year 2099 -- exactly as he looks today -- participating in the Gear Project. 以下是我们所知的:在2172年加入圣骑士团之后,脱离并成为赏金猎人。另有一个纪录将个体载述于 2099年-与现在的外貌完全相同-参与“Gear计画”。 Though his motives are unknown, he has been spotted hunting down and destroying Gears. 虽然动机不明,但是就我们观察,他一直在猎杀Gear。 His victory over Justice should serve as ample evidence of his superhuman battle ability. His occult powers easily surpass all known limits. 他击败Justice,充分地证明了他超人的战斗能力。他神秘的力量轻易地超越了现今任何生物的界限。 Because of his muddy past and immense power, he is considered to be incredibly dangerous. 由于他不明的过去以及犟大的力量,该个体可说是极端地危险。 Risk Rating: S 危险等级:S "You won't escape me..." “给我等着...” Path 1 [Sol vs Axl] Axl, "Oh! Hey, man. It's been a while." Axl:“唷!老兄,好久不见啦。” Sol, "I don't need anything from you." Sol:“没事别烦我。” Axl, "You sure that's all you've got to say to me?" Axl:“你要对我说的就只有这些吗?” Sol, "Huh?" Sol:“嗄?” Axl, "I happened to run into an acquaintance of yours just now. She seemed to be looking for you. A woman in red... Not half bad, either." Axl:“我刚才碰到你的朋友,她好像在找你呢。穿着红色衣服的女人...长得还不赖喔。” Sol, "...Keep talking." Sol:“...继续说下去。” Axl, "Hold on there! How 'bout a quick match first?" Axl:“喔,等等,先来一场如何?” Sol, "Geh. Whatever." Sol:“啧,随你。” [Sol vs Jam] (Sol, "I-no... She's already in action?") (Sol:“I-no...已经开始行动了?”) Jam, "Stop right there!" Jam:“慢着,给我站住!” Sol, "...?" Sol:“嗯?” Jam, "Are you the man who set fire to my restaurant?" Jam:“是你放火烧了我的店吗?” Sol, "...Move." Sol:“...闪开。” Jam, "You're not getting away from me!" Jam:“才不让你逃走呢!” [Sol vs Millia] Millia, "Well, look who it is... Hey, I'm chasing after a musician in red. You happen to know anything about her?" Millia:“嗯,真是巧。我正在找一个穿红衣的乐师。你可和她有任何关连?” Sol, "...Give up and go away." Sol:“...别插手。” Millia, "I thought so. I didn't want to interfere with you, but this time, I can't back off." Millia:“果然...。本来是不想干扰你的,不过这次我可不能放手不管。” Sol, "Don't blame me for what happens to you..." Sol:“发生什么事我可不管...” 以时间到以外的方式获胜,继续Path 1 以时间到的方式获胜,前往Path 2 [Sol vs Anji] Anji, "Yo! Long time no see." 闇慈:“喔!好久不见哪。” Sol, "...Great. More trouble." Sol:“...又有碍事的了。” Anji, "If you're around, then I guess I've come to the right place after all." 闇慈:“假如你在这里,那我果然还是来对了地方。” Sol, "What is it you want to know so badly?" Sol:“为什么这么想知道?” Anji, "Oh, origin of the Gears, the truth behind the war, the mysteries of the gods, the secrets of nature... You know, this and that. The more I know, the happier I get. That's just the way I am." 闇慈:“这个嘛,Gear的起源,圣战的真相,天地之理,万物之名...诸如此类。知道的愈多,我愈快乐。我就是这样的一个人。” Sol, "You'll ruin yourself eventually." Sol:“你会自取灭亡的。” Anji, "Well, If I do. then it's no big deal. That'll just mean I wasn't up to the task. I won't hold it against you." 闇慈:“就算如此也没什么大不了的,只能算我不行,我不会恨你的。” Sol, "Then let's see if you're up to fighting me!" Sol:“那就让我见识你的决心吧!” [Sol vs Johnny] (Sol, "That was a little too easy...") (Sol:“刚才赢得太轻松...”) Johnny, "Yo! You're here too, huh?" Johnny:“哦,你也来了?” Sol, "Why the hell do you have to be here?" Sol:“你在这里干么?” Johnny, "Well, one of my new crewmembers vanished somewhere around here, so..." Johnny:“我的新船员在这里附近失踪了,所以...” Sol, "And?" Sol:“所以?” Johnny, "Sorry if I'm intruding, but how about you leave this one to the Jellyfish Pirates, eh? ...I'll take that as a 'no'." Johnny:“真抱歉哪,不过把这件事交给Jellyfish快贼团如何?...果然不行。” 此战过后所花总时间超过123秒,继续Path 1 Dizzy的Path 2先过,此战过后所花总时间在123秒以下,前往Path 3 [Sol vs Eddie] (Sol, "Why'd I waste my time with that fool? ...Huh? ...She's close. Am I almost there?") (Sol:“我干么浪费时间在那家伙身上?...嗯?...她就在附近,差不多了吗?”) Eddie, "HEH HEH HEH... SO THE KNIGHT FINALLY BURSTS ONTO THE SCENE." Eddie:“喀喀喀...总算轮到骑士登场了。” Sol, "..." Sol:“...” Eddie, "THE DEMON KNIGHT SAVING THE DEMON PRINCESS. I DON'T KNOW WHO TO CONSUME FIRST." Eddie:“怪物骑士搭救怪物公主,先吃哪一个好呢?” Sol, "...Die." Sol:“...死吧。” [Sol vs I-no] I-no, "Well, if it isn't the Immoral Flame... I had no idea you were still crawling around the earth." I-no:“哎呀,这不是背德之炎吗?没想到你还苟活着。” Sol, "...Get him out here." Sol:“...叫他出来。” I-no, "I won't let you lay a finger on that person." I-no:“我不会让你动他一根汗毛的。” Sol, "...I don't need anything from you." Sol:“...你已经没有用处了。” I-no, "Don't get cocky around me, you putrid freak. You' life is a complete waste of expendable resources. Why don't you just go die somewhere?" I-no:“别得意忘形了,你这行尸走肉的怪物。你活着根本是浪费资源,干么不找个地方死死算了?” Sol, "Cut me a break, sheesh..." Sol:“真是败给你了...” [Ending 1] I-no, "...You've really got some flash, don't you? Too bad it's not over yet." I-no:“...挺行的嘛,不过还没结束。” That Man, "Stand down, I-no. Well, Frederick... How long has it been?" 那个男人:“退下,I-no。好久不见了,Frederick。” Sol, "Deiyaahhh!!" Sol:“喝啊!” That Man, "Don't be so quick-tempered, now." 那个男人:“别这么性急。” Sol, "Gugh!" Sol:“呜喔!” That Man, "One day the real battle will come... A menace will come to this planet that'll make the Crusades seem like a dim memory." 那个男人:“有一天真正的战斗会展开...一个将使圣战显得微不足道的危机会降临这个星球。” Sol, "So? So what?!" Sol:“所以?那又怎样?” That Man, "We need a warrior... A warrior with a hundred years of experience and a vast knowledge of the ancient arts." 那个男人:“我们需要一个战士...一个有百年经验、掌控古代知识的战士。” Sol, "It's a little too late to butter me up now!" Sol:“现在拍我马屁太迟了!” That Man, "Go ahead. Hate me. Your hatred builds up your power. Farewell for now, Frederick." 那个男人:“恨吧,你的恨会使你更为犟大。现在暂时先说再见了,Frederick。” Sol, "Son of a...! I swear upon my life... I'll get my revenge!" Sol:“畜生...!我以此命发誓...一定要讨回来!” Path 2,对上Millia时以时间到的方式获胜之后 [Sol vs Venom] (Sol, "I've wasted too much time...") (Sol:“浪费太多时间了...”) Venom, "Is that you, Immoral Flame?" Venom:“是你吗?背德之炎。” Sol, "What do you want?" Sol:“干么?” Venom, "Sorry, pal, but I need you to be my guinea pig." Venom:“抱歉了,得让你当我的实验品。” Sol, "What?" Sol:“什么?” Venom, "Oh defiler of the way of man... Oh great monster, below humankind. You'll be the perfect subject to consummate my training!" Venom:“人道的亵渎者啊...下等的犟壮怪物啊...藉由你来完成我的修行真是再完美不过了!” Sol, "Keep dreaming!" Sol:“作梦!” [Sol vs Slayer] Slayer, "Stop right there. I see your skills are as honed as ever." Slayer:“请止步,看来你的技巧依然是这么洗炼。” Sol, "Was that guy your idea, or what?" Sol:“那家伙是你派来的吗?” Slayer, "I must have caused you some inconvenience. I'm quite ashamed of myself." Slayer:“想必造成你不少困扰,我真是丢脸哪。” Sol, "So, what do you want?" Sol:“那,有什么事?” Slayer, "Oh, I just want to meddle in your affairs a little." Slayer:“噢,只是想妨碍你一下而已。” Sol, "Sorry, I don't have time." Sol:“我可没那闲功夫。” Slayer, "So you'll take me by force then? Go ahead. I don't mind." Slayer:“那么要用武力解决啰?动手吧,我不介意的。” [Ending 2] Slayer, "Had enough yet? I'd like to discuss something with you when you're done." Slayer:“打够了吗?打完了,我有正事跟你说。” Sol, "You're really stubborn, you know that? What is it?" Sol:“你实在很顽固,你知道吗?什么事?” Slayer, "It's about them... They've started to move." Slayer:“是有关他们...他们已经开始行动了?” Sol, "Who started to move?" Sol:“谁开始行动了?” Slayer, "The Postwar Administration Bureau. The people behind what you call the Crusades. You... have heard about them, haven't you?" Slayer:“终战管理局,你们所谓‘圣战’的黑幕。你...听说过他们的事了吧。” Sol, "Keep talking." Sol:“继续说下去。” Slayer, "They're apparently going after Japanese people... Along with the Gears. Including the Gear that was just recently discovered." Slayer:“很明显地,他们的目标是日本人以及Gear,包括那个最近才发现的。” Sol, "...!" Sol:“...!” Slayer, "Are you interested now? If you are, why don't you look around and see what you find?" Slayer:“感兴趣了吗?如果是的话,何不仔细调查,看看会发现什么?” Sol, "You son of a..." Sol:“畜生...” Slayer, "I told you...Just random meddling. Farewell." Slayer:“我说过了...只是妨碍你一下,再会了。” Sol, "...Sigh. That old bastard's too much for me to deal with." Sol:“...哼,要处理那老家伙太麻烦了。” 回到上个分歧点 Path 3,Dizzy的Path 2先过的情况下,前五场(包括Johnny在内)所花时间在123秒以下 [Sol vs Testament] (Sol, "Not this waste of life...") (Sol:“不该这么浪费时间...”) Testament, "I thought you'd come here, Gear hunter." Testament:“果然还是来了,Gear猎人。” Sol, "Huh? You sure you wanna stick your neck out while I'm around?" Sol:“干么?你非得碍手碍脚不可吗?” Testament, "I swore to protect here with my life. You may go no farther!" Testament:“我发誓以此命保护她。绝不让你通过!” Sol, "Move!" Sol:“闪开!” [Sol vs Dizzy] Necro, "Kissshhhaaaaaah!" Necro:“吼~” Sol, "You're as energetic as ever. I like that. It's okay to be scared... Just don't ever give up." Sol:“还是这么有活力,这样也好。害怕也无妨,但可千万别绝望。” Necro, "Gah!" Necro:“喝!” [Ending 3] Sol, "Simmered down yet? ...Hopefully this'll be enough to take care of things. ..." Sol:“静下来了吗? ...这样应该没问题了。 ...” Dizzy, "...Hmmm? What happened to me? I feel so...What is this? I used all my powers, and yet... I feel so... warm..." Dizzy:“...咦?我到底...怎么了? 这种感觉...到底是?明明已经用尽力量了,可是...好温暖。” May, "Ah-hah! There she is!" May:“啊!找到了找到了!” May ,Johnny & April, "Heyyyyy!" May ,Johnny & April:“喂~” Dizzy, "May! Johnny! April!" Dizzy:“大家!” (Sol, "Farewell...") (Sol:“再会了...”) 回到上个分歧点 SOL名词解释技能职业(SOL:Skilled Occupation List) SOL加分想必大家并不陌生,即通常所说的60分,50分,40分的职业,更多的时候被大家说为60分,50分,40分的专业。其实职业(Occupation)和专业(Major)还不能简单地一一对应,只不过澳大利亚移民局认为ONSHORE的技术移民申请人(即通过在澳洲念书获得学历进而申请技术移民的申请人)学习风范的某些专业就具备某些职业的技能,因而更大程度上倾向从事与这些职业相关的工作而已。 文件格式名.sol文件,也就是flash的Cookie存储文件,与Cookie的功能类似。 如网页flash游戏,它的存档文件就是.sol文件,保存游戏进度以及装备等信息。 还有在线视频的网站,影片都以flash形式播放。保存的sol文件主要用来配置你在播放视频时的相关属性。不同网站,有的只有1个sol文件,有的则可以有5、6个。 通常情况下,SharedObject 生成的数据文件存放于 <系统盘>:\\Documents and Settings\\<用户名>\\Application Data\\Macromedia\\Flash Player\\#SharedObjects\\<8字符随机目录> 然后下面就是<网站域名>\\<网站上的路径>\\<对象名>.sol 值得一提的就是#localhost表是本地WebServer,localhost表示本地文件系统。 如游戏ROBOKILL的存档位置C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Application Data\\Macromedia\\Flash Player\\#SharedObjects\\SAZYMDER\\localhost\\robokill.sol Windows自带游戏“纸牌”的运行文件在Win95/Win98/WinME/Win2000/WinXP等Windows操作系统中,点击“开始”→“运行”,输入“sol”,即可运行“纸牌”游戏。 |
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